
Saturday, 2 May 2015

Thursdays .................. Why do they take so long to come around ?
Have a great weekend
See you on Sunday
What plans...........
Am so exhausted - am going to sleep late tomorrow.......
Its been a tough week
Why is there so much work
Fed up of Dubai
Waiting for the vacation
Have you booked your tickets ?
Have so much house work to do.

No school buses
Parking lots are quiet
Roads empty
Trash flying around in the by lanes
Children so happy
The BAI has a holiday
The mosques and churches are full
Dad gives his car for a wash
Mum visits the parlor
Parks are full ( in winter)
A number of people in super markets in their night wear early in the morning .
Malls are jam packed in the evenings
All eateries do brisk business all day- home kitchens are often rested .
One sees more GAS vans delivering punctually all days
Movie hall tickets are sold out
Guests visit and don't look fatigued
Clothes are given to the laundry
I wish there were two Fridays every week

Saturdays are depressing
Its work tomorrow

Thursdays .................. Why do they take so long to come around ?
Have a great weekend
See you on Sunday
What plans...........
Am so exhausted - am going to sleep late tomorrow.......
Its been a tough week
Why is there so much work
Fed up of Dubai
Waiting for the vacation
Have you booked your tickets ?
Have so much house work to do.

No school buses
Parking lots are quiet
Roads empty
Trash flying around in the by lanes
Children so happy
The BAI has a holiday
The mosques and churches are full
Dad gives his car for a wash
Mum visits the parlor
Parks are full ( in winter)
A number of people in super markets in their night wear early in the morning .
Malls are jam packed in the evenings
All eateries do brisk business all day- home kitchens are often rested .
One sees more GAS vans delivering punctually all days
Movie hall tickets are sold out
Guests visit and don't look fatigued
Clothes are given to the laundry
I wish there were two Fridays every week

Saturdays are depressing
Its work tomorrow


Sleepy ? Not me

    Quite amazed when people tell me that they ensure they sleep a LITTLE extra on Friday and Saturday mornings in Dubai to make up for the struggle of the week .
    A little probing reveals that a LITTLE extra means that instead of getting out of bed at 5 am , they sleep a little extra and get out of bed around NOON !
    For goodness sake how does one do that ? Today is Friday and as usual I got out of bed at 5 am . I just can't sleep later despite intending to do so .
    Every Friday and Saturday I get up at the same time - 5.00 am . I potter around , have tea , read the papers , check my mail , check my FB , send a few Birthday wishes and get ready to go the gym ............ am I getting old or what ? Or am I already old
    I have been told it is the sign of old age - one sleeps lesser and lesser as one ages . Is not everyone aging ?

Sleepy ? Not me

    Quite amazed when people tell me that they ensure they sleep a LITTLE extra on Friday and Saturday mornings in Dubai to make up for the struggle of the week .
    A little probing reveals that a LITTLE extra means that instead of getting out of bed at 5 am , they sleep a little extra and get out of bed around NOON !
    For goodness sake how does one do that ? Today is Friday and as usual I got out of bed at 5 am . I just can't sleep later despite intending to do so .
    Every Friday and Saturday I get up at the same time - 5.00 am . I potter around , have tea , read the papers , check my mail , check my FB , send a few Birthday wishes and get ready to go the gym ............ am I getting old or what ? Or am I already old
    I have been told it is the sign of old age - one sleeps lesser and lesser as one ages . Is not everyone aging ?

Friday, 1 May 2015

From the sublime to the ridiculous .

Was reading an article on music this morning and came across the name Snoop Dog. Well he was christened Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr , so probably he felt that was not too good a stage name  and hence the change .
In 2012, after a trip to Jamaica, Snoop announced a conversion to the Rastafari movement and a new alias, Snoop Lion came up.
 So far so good . Crazy - but well OK !
The article then went on to discuss Sean John Combs who was not too pleased with his name either and hence changed it to Puff Daddy .
Where Sean and Calvin got their monikers from I don't have a clue but they sure sound weird to me .
A little more reading and I was left flabbergasted .
Celebrities have gone crazy naming their babies . Its gone from the sublime to the ridiculous .
Have a read and you will get what I mean .

While some of the names are truly laughable others make me want to cry . Imagine the plight of those little brats when they grow old enough to understand . Probably it is a forgone conclusion that when they do realize that they were a joke , they too will change their names .
So here goes .

THE POOR KID'S NAME                                                                                               

MOXIE CRIMEFIGHTER -                                     
TU MORROW                                                           
HEAVENLY TIGER LADY                                      

I just wonder as to what lengths celebrities will go for popularity .
I personally feel it is contrary to the child’s interest to have a name that can only lead to mockery and disobliging remarks in the years ahead.
What to make of all this? From a British perspective, for the state to save parents from their own silliness seems rather silly. On the other hand, however, allowing parents to give their children silly names could be seen as a whole lot sillier.
It is tempting to see banning such names as a moral duty, an aspect of the Social Contract. And many countries do it. Recent examples of banned names include 4Real (New Zealand), Osama Bin Laden (Turkey), Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii (New Zealand), and Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 (Sweden), which was intended to be pronounced “Albin”.

Some names given to babies in the UK last year are just as bad.
This sure is the height of craziness.

Ima Kettle
Hazel Nutt
Daisy Chain
Pearl E. Whites
Penny Wise
Jay Bird
Sandy Shaw
Rusty Nails
Robin Plunder
Lorry Truck
  • Justin Case
  • Seymour Leg
  • Woody Bush
  • Owen Money
  • Justin Tune
  • Lowden Clear
  • Maurice Minor
  • Bernd Onions
  • Artie Choke
  • Rick O'Shea

I rest my case



From the sublime to the ridiculous .

Was reading an article on music this morning and came across the name Snoop Dog. Well he was christened Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr , so probably he felt that was not too good a stage name  and hence the change .
In 2012, after a trip to Jamaica, Snoop announced a conversion to the Rastafari movement and a new alias, Snoop Lion came up.
 So far so good . Crazy - but well OK !
The article then went on to discuss Sean John Combs who was not too pleased with his name either and hence changed it to Puff Daddy .
Where Sean and Calvin got their monikers from I don't have a clue but they sure sound weird to me .
A little more reading and I was left flabbergasted .
Celebrities have gone crazy naming their babies . Its gone from the sublime to the ridiculous .
Have a read and you will get what I mean .

While some of the names are truly laughable others make me want to cry . Imagine the plight of those little brats when they grow old enough to understand . Probably it is a forgone conclusion that when they do realize that they were a joke , they too will change their names .
So here goes .

THE POOR KID'S NAME                                                                                               

MOXIE CRIMEFIGHTER -                                     
TU MORROW                                                           
HEAVENLY TIGER LADY                                      

I just wonder as to what lengths celebrities will go for popularity .
I personally feel it is contrary to the child’s interest to have a name that can only lead to mockery and disobliging remarks in the years ahead.
What to make of all this? From a British perspective, for the state to save parents from their own silliness seems rather silly. On the other hand, however, allowing parents to give their children silly names could be seen as a whole lot sillier.
It is tempting to see banning such names as a moral duty, an aspect of the Social Contract. And many countries do it. Recent examples of banned names include 4Real (New Zealand), Osama Bin Laden (Turkey), Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii (New Zealand), and Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 (Sweden), which was intended to be pronounced “Albin”.

Some names given to babies in the UK last year are just as bad.
This sure is the height of craziness.

Ima Kettle
Hazel Nutt
Daisy Chain
Pearl E. Whites
Penny Wise
Jay Bird
Sandy Shaw
Rusty Nails
Robin Plunder
Lorry Truck
  • Justin Case
  • Seymour Leg
  • Woody Bush
  • Owen Money
  • Justin Tune
  • Lowden Clear
  • Maurice Minor
  • Bernd Onions
  • Artie Choke
  • Rick O'Shea

I rest my case



Thursday, 23 April 2015

Its Dining hall time next

If you  have played on the Uppers and heard your marks being read out in Harding Hall , there is every chance that you ate a meal in the Dining hall as well .
 If you were not a boarder then you may have gone in for a High for a Tea or to search for a boarder . Or maybe you just played outside !
Whatever be your connection , the DINING HALL played an integral part in the life of hundreds and thousands of boys over the years .
My first brush with this historical part of the school was literally a brush - I passed it as I entered the school for the first time one rainy evening in an auto to take up a teaching assignment at Bishops .
It was the end May I think and  Yashwant the peon had opened the gate neat the kitchen to let the auto in . There to my left   was the kitchen and to my right   over a slight bump was the Dining Hall . Little did I know that I would visit that place more than any  other in the school in the 20 years to follow .
Let's put things in the correct perspective . The dining hall and kitchen are strategically placed - near the gate on the Race course road . I am told that earlier it was the hall ?????? ( Maybe someone before my time could enlighten us on that one )
However in my time the Dining Hall it was  just a Dining Hall .
Boarders visited it 5 times a day .
Morning Chota hazari at 6. 45am, Breakfast at 8.00am , Lunch at 1.00pm, Tea at 4.00pm and supper at 7.30pm .
12 long tables , 12 benches , a table for the dekchis , 2 chairs - one for the Master on duty(MOD ) and one for the Head boy  . Then there were the stools for the Prefects - there was the GONG on the MOD's table which was rung about 5 minutes before the meal was to end - when the Head boy announced loud and clear- CARRY ON IN SILENCE and then when the meal got over and the Head boy announced - GRACE !
If the AMEN was not heard  or the Headboy felt there was too much noise while sitting , everyone was made to stand and redo the exercise .
Mr Beaman , the bearers ( some quite scruffy way back in those days ) the MOD's , the evening visits by Mr Roberts ( and me when I was Headmaster and Boarding Suptd after Mr Beaman had left- who can ever forget . Mr Beaman's dog also paid a visit at times - Blacky and Patchy .
The meal itself was hot and fresh but nothing fancy . It was basic army style food and I guess that's what made the boarders so very tough .
Mornings began with boys lining up in the area between the Volleyball court and the dining hall itself . Late comers came running and panting .
Uniforms and shoes were checked by the prefects . Late comers were made to hop and one often saw boarders crying in pain   after the punishment . The MOD conveniently looked away as the prefects ruled with an iron hand in those days  .
Mornings were often a mixture of   buns and tea for chota haziri , Porridge , Bread, butter, Egg, ( who remembers the hard boiled eggs - if your parents  had paid you took one )  Dal , ( Yes Dal in the morning ) , channa for breakfast :
Some would remember a small boarder falling into the tea dekshi !
Dal, rice , meat , veg for lunch and Cutlets, dal, chole , chapattis , rice , salad for dinner .Then there were the hard boiled eggs which your parents paid extra for - they were placed on each table and everyone knew that they only took an  egg if they had subscribed for the same . The same with milk - if you paid , you got an extra glass for breakfast and after dinner.
 The monkey nut toffee was a hit I remember and often given on Friday evenings . So also monkey nuts fried in batter and which boys threw at each other and also put in  their pockets and took to the Friday movie  .
 And then there was the staple banana given for breakfast and lunch . There were two cupboards with wire mesh fronts in which boarders kept their EXTRAS - Bournvita, drinking chocolate, jam , marmalade , chutney , pickle etc . The keys were kept with a prefect who opened the cupboards before breakfast lunch  and dinner . The item was offered to the table monitor/ Prefect as a matter of courtesy . He took as much as he wanted and then returned the bottle to the owner when he wanted to  ! ( Quite a joke ) . New boarders often passed their  jam or pickle around the entire table and you can bet it returned empty .
Some of you would remember the names of your favourite/ table bearers who you bribed to get you more/ better food items as well .
The Sunday yellow/ fried rice and  chicken was quite a treat back in those days
If I remember well enough , the Friday evening timings were different and dinner was earlier in order to accommodate the evening movie . Study was 6.10 pm and dinner at 7.10 pm
When you entered the dining hall from the side adjoining the kitchen there was a small room to wash plates . There were three taps there and this was painted in bold red paint over the taps  - DO NOT WASH YOUR HANDS HERE !always became a Prefect ! Any names ????
After the meal one boarder went around all tables asking for left over bones to take to Mr Beamans roof for his dog . The joke was that the chosen boy was definitely made a prefect the following year .
Outside the dining hall and adjacent to the Volley ball court were stone tables and benches - this was where some day scholars paid for and had lunch . Some of you would definitely remember your parents paying for this meal and you wasting most of it .
Then there was the kitchen . It opened at 4. 30 am - water was boiled for tea, milk which had been brought the evening before was re- boiled , Hard boiled eggs were got ready--------it was never ending hard work in trying conditions and it was hot in the kitchen as well but the cooks and helpers worked manfully feeding approximately 350 - 400 people every day . A large amount of vegetables, meat and bread was delivered daily .
There was a small menu board on the wall outside the kitchen as well .
Boarders looked at  the board in  anticipation   before meals . I guess they were disappointed more often than not.
Occasionally flies , cockroaches and miscellaneous insects found their way into the food but there was no fuss at all . 
The rainy season saw raincoats and umbrellas being left on the tables outside - some left them  there all night - they left their books there as well .
Everyone would remember the large field rats in and around the dining hall and kitchen . The size of kittens,  they ran free and even the multitude of cats in the area  were afraid to tackle them .
The sound of utensils being washed at 4. 30 am often woke me up . The kitchen employees were among the hardest workers in the school and waited for the tips they got from parents at the start of every term .
Both the kitchen and the dining hall surely hold fond memories for many .

Cheers .