
Monday, 8 July 2019

The days of Cycling

Sometimes when I have a little extra time on my hands I sit down and reflect. The reflections vary. Often it is about my hometown Allahabad & my student life in St Joseph’s & The Boys high School.

In the same vein, I suddenly thought about my cycling days.

As a new cycle was not something that could be afforded , I was informed that the old  ladies cycle in the store room was going to be repaired and painted for me to use .

I vividly remember the storeroom being opened, boxes and boxes of old stuff being taken down (The reached until the ceiling), and the cycle being pulled out.

It was a red Raleigh cycle. It must have been in that storeroom for years as my mother supposedly used it. It was a rim; it had handlebars, a bell and nothing else.

Out of now where, a cycle repair man was at the door early that evening. He gave one look at the cycle and enthusiastically said he would make it new again.

To say I was thrilled would be an understatement. Let us cut to the chase. A few weeks went by and then low and behold one morning the cycle arrived.

New tires, chrome shining, a new bell, a new seat (which I hated) and painted as well. It looked kind of new to my 13 year old eyes. I immediately took it for a spin and returned satisfied. The person was paid some money – I think it was 50 odd rupees and there I was – proud as punch with a cycle.

It did not matter whether it was old, new or repaired – I was now mobile! A trifle late compared to friends and classmates but better late than never.

I cycled all over – to church, to the market, to school, to meet friends – there was a newfound energy in my stride and a willingness to do errands – for which my aunt tipped me at times!

I spent hours on weekends washing the bike, polishing it with shoe polish, greasing the bearings and keeping it sparkling. The bike also had a carrier and some pretty girls got a ride as well!

Mind you, it was a LADIES bike.

I then graduated to a BSA Hercules. It was a sturdy bike, black in color and looked good. I must add that I purchased it second hand from my salary as a young teacher   . If I remember rightly, I purchased it from an old gent for rupees 100 which was quite a princely sum for me back then.

I rode to work on this bike, parked it in the cycle stand, locked it and would swing the key chain with pride.

It served me well. Long rides for fun were quite common in those days. In fact when calculating now, I probably rode many miles a day.

There was often a danger of trousers being caught in the chain so I had a sort of clip to wear on the trouser leg to prevent the same.

Two things about cycles, which I must refer to.

The first was a punctured tire for which you had to find a repairperson and walk until you found him. If it was a lonely road or after dusk when all such roadside shops closed, the journey home, on foot while pushing a cycle with a punctured tire was a pain.

Secondly, if one cycled too fast, there was a danger of the chain slipping off. This was disgusting to say the very least as to put it back on again caused your hands to get greasy and black. Not very funny if one was going visiting or to a party!

There were a few funny things, which were quite the craze those days

One was a FIXED WHEEL. It was a small gear, which could be fitted on the back wheel. THEREFORE, you pedaled slow but moved quite fast.

The second was removing the mudguards to make the cycle lighter for racing. Lastly, were low-slung handlebars for a similar purpose?

Torrential rain, burning afternoon sun or biting cold, my simple cycles served me well – probably kept me fit too!




















The days of Cycling

Sometimes when I have a little extra time on my hands I sit down and reflect. The reflections vary. Often it is about my hometown Allahabad & my student life in St Joseph’s & The Boys high School.

In the same vein, I suddenly thought about my cycling days.

As a new cycle was not something that could be afforded , I was informed that the old  ladies cycle in the store room was going to be repaired and painted for me to use .

I vividly remember the storeroom being opened, boxes and boxes of old stuff being taken down (The reached until the ceiling), and the cycle being pulled out.

It was a red Raleigh cycle. It must have been in that storeroom for years as my mother supposedly used it. It was a rim; it had handlebars, a bell and nothing else.

Out of now where, a cycle repair man was at the door early that evening. He gave one look at the cycle and enthusiastically said he would make it new again.

To say I was thrilled would be an understatement. Let us cut to the chase. A few weeks went by and then low and behold one morning the cycle arrived.

New tires, chrome shining, a new bell, a new seat (which I hated) and painted as well. It looked kind of new to my 13 year old eyes. I immediately took it for a spin and returned satisfied. The person was paid some money – I think it was 50 odd rupees and there I was – proud as punch with a cycle.

It did not matter whether it was old, new or repaired – I was now mobile! A trifle late compared to friends and classmates but better late than never.

I cycled all over – to church, to the market, to school, to meet friends – there was a newfound energy in my stride and a willingness to do errands – for which my aunt tipped me at times!

I spent hours on weekends washing the bike, polishing it with shoe polish, greasing the bearings and keeping it sparkling. The bike also had a carrier and some pretty girls got a ride as well!

Mind you, it was a LADIES bike.

I then graduated to a BSA Hercules. It was a sturdy bike, black in color and looked good. I must add that I purchased it second hand from my salary as a young teacher   . If I remember rightly, I purchased it from an old gent for rupees 100 which was quite a princely sum for me back then.

I rode to work on this bike, parked it in the cycle stand, locked it and would swing the key chain with pride.

It served me well. Long rides for fun were quite common in those days. In fact when calculating now, I probably rode many miles a day.

There was often a danger of trousers being caught in the chain so I had a sort of clip to wear on the trouser leg to prevent the same.

Two things about cycles, which I must refer to.

The first was a punctured tire for which you had to find a repairperson and walk until you found him. If it was a lonely road or after dusk when all such roadside shops closed, the journey home, on foot while pushing a cycle with a punctured tire was a pain.

Secondly, if one cycled too fast, there was a danger of the chain slipping off. This was disgusting to say the very least as to put it back on again caused your hands to get greasy and black. Not very funny if one was going visiting or to a party!

There were a few funny things, which were quite the craze those days

One was a FIXED WHEEL. It was a small gear, which could be fitted on the back wheel. THEREFORE, you pedaled slow but moved quite fast.

The second was removing the mudguards to make the cycle lighter for racing. Lastly, were low-slung handlebars for a similar purpose?

Torrential rain, burning afternoon sun or biting cold, my simple cycles served me well – probably kept me fit too!




















Wednesday, 3 July 2019

40 Years in Education

So today makes it 40 years in the Education field .
I started way back in the year 1979 at the Boys High school, Allahabad which was my home town . It was also the school I studied in and passed out from . The starting salary was 475/- rupees a month - Yes you are reading that right ! After my first salary I felt rich !
Began as a Grade 5 English / Class teacher .
Moved from Allahabad to Pune in 1981 - I always consider this life changing and the best decision of my life . It meant sacrifices and a different type of struggle but I managed . Joined Bishops as a Grade 5 teacher in 1981 - English, History , and Class teacher . Salary 525/- rupees a month . I felt richer !
Then was moved to teach grade 6 - then 8 – and then all the way up.
What followed was House Master , Dormitory in charge , Boarding House In charge and finally Headmaster . Was Headmaster for 13 years . It was an enriching , eye opening , learning experience .
Was all set to take over as Principal at Bishops .
Then the powers that be ( read Chairman of the board of Governors & a few others ) - after interviewing me and shortlisting me for the post, finally woke to the realization that I was only half an Anglo Indian , from my mother’s side and a Catholic .
So he calls me to break the news that Bishops was an Anglo Indian / Anglican school and I was not eligible for the post despite being suitable . Amen .
Definitely a joke in poor taste after 20 years at Bishops . I was angry and very hurt .
Difficult to digest at the time and pretty shattered . I felt that my life had come crumbling down .
Once again , when one door was slammed in my face another opened in the form of Dubai and GEMS education - then the Varkey Group.
Two rounds of interviews , including one with our Chairman and Founder Mr Sunny Varkey ( a gentleman I still hold in awe ) and I decided it was time to accept the offer to join as Headmaster of Modern High - Now Gems Modern Academy , Dubai .
Once again a life changing decision to leave Pune, where I was very comfortable and travel to an unknown destination .
5 years as Headmaster of Modern- an Outstanding school- and I was transferred – “without an interview” to Head The Millennium school in Dubai . I guess my work and dedication had spoken for itself . I also had a lot to learn and I made sure I did so diligently .
Was with Millennium for 12 glorious years as Executive Principal and CEO . The school did very well and is now one of the leading schools in the UAE .
It was then time to move again - this time as Vice president , Education with GEMS .
An amazing company indeed .
40 years is a long time in this profession - I have enjoyed the journey immensely .
Over the years I have had a few mentors - Mr B W Roberts ( Principal- Bishops, Pune ) being the best - I learns so much under his tutelage – a lot of which has come in useful over the years . Then there was Mr Derrick Beamon who was also a great leader and a brilliant teacher of English at Bishops .
I have had and continue to work with great colleagues and friends and Almighty God has blessed me and my family . We have so much to be thankful for .
There is no better profession than teaching . I will say that over and over again .
Thank you to all who have helped me , stood by me , tolerated me , befriended me , guided me and been there for me over the years. I am humbled by your kindness , warmth and love .
Thank you all and God bless .

40 Years in Education

So today makes it 40 years in the Education field .
I started way back in the year 1979 at the Boys High school, Allahabad which was my home town . It was also the school I studied in and passed out from . The starting salary was 475/- rupees a month - Yes you are reading that right ! After my first salary I felt rich !
Began as a Grade 5 English / Class teacher .
Moved from Allahabad to Pune in 1981 - I always consider this life changing and the best decision of my life . It meant sacrifices and a different type of struggle but I managed . Joined Bishops as a Grade 5 teacher in 1981 - English, History , and Class teacher . Salary 525/- rupees a month . I felt richer !
Then was moved to teach grade 6 - then 8 – and then all the way up.
What followed was House Master , Dormitory in charge , Boarding House In charge and finally Headmaster . Was Headmaster for 13 years . It was an enriching , eye opening , learning experience .
Was all set to take over as Principal at Bishops .
Then the powers that be ( read Chairman of the board of Governors & a few others ) - after interviewing me and shortlisting me for the post, finally woke to the realization that I was only half an Anglo Indian , from my mother’s side and a Catholic .
So he calls me to break the news that Bishops was an Anglo Indian / Anglican school and I was not eligible for the post despite being suitable . Amen .
Definitely a joke in poor taste after 20 years at Bishops . I was angry and very hurt .
Difficult to digest at the time and pretty shattered . I felt that my life had come crumbling down .
Once again , when one door was slammed in my face another opened in the form of Dubai and GEMS education - then the Varkey Group.
Two rounds of interviews , including one with our Chairman and Founder Mr Sunny Varkey ( a gentleman I still hold in awe ) and I decided it was time to accept the offer to join as Headmaster of Modern High - Now Gems Modern Academy , Dubai .
Once again a life changing decision to leave Pune, where I was very comfortable and travel to an unknown destination .
5 years as Headmaster of Modern- an Outstanding school- and I was transferred – “without an interview” to Head The Millennium school in Dubai . I guess my work and dedication had spoken for itself . I also had a lot to learn and I made sure I did so diligently .
Was with Millennium for 12 glorious years as Executive Principal and CEO . The school did very well and is now one of the leading schools in the UAE .
It was then time to move again - this time as Vice president , Education with GEMS .
An amazing company indeed .
40 years is a long time in this profession - I have enjoyed the journey immensely .
Over the years I have had a few mentors - Mr B W Roberts ( Principal- Bishops, Pune ) being the best - I learns so much under his tutelage – a lot of which has come in useful over the years . Then there was Mr Derrick Beamon who was also a great leader and a brilliant teacher of English at Bishops .
I have had and continue to work with great colleagues and friends and Almighty God has blessed me and my family . We have so much to be thankful for .
There is no better profession than teaching . I will say that over and over again .
Thank you to all who have helped me , stood by me , tolerated me , befriended me , guided me and been there for me over the years. I am humbled by your kindness , warmth and love .
Thank you all and God bless .

Thursday, 13 June 2019

The teaching profession

Years ago parents and teachers stayed away from each other and probably only met if something very serious happened. Parents looked after their kids at home - fed them, clothed them, disciplined them , gave them a place to stay and made them realize that school was a place to study, get educated and above all get disciplined for life ahead. For parents , a teacher was a guru - someone to listen to respect & learn from - teachers were held in awe and their word was law - no parent argued , disputed or doubted what the teacher said . The teacher was a trusted entity and many a parent gave the teacher full reign to discipline their ward and instill in him/ her values which were considered one of the primary reasons of sending them to a good school. When pupils left for school in the morning ,in my time ,here is what parents said to them Study hard. Listen to your teacher . Don't fight or trouble any one Complete your classwork Don't let me hear you were in trouble Look after your books and other belongings Eat your tiffin THINGS HAVE CHANGED - SO HAVE THE THINGS PARENTS TELL THEIR WARDS WHEN THEY LEAVE FOR SCHOOL. I watch parents seeing their kids off to school every morning. They wave and blow flying kisses as if the kid is off for a month long vacation . And listen to what they say these days. Bye/ Chill/ Enjoy yourself/ Have a good time . Nothing about study hard etc .......................!! Surprising isn't it ?? As for the requests/ demands/ comments .....................they are never ending . No wonder less and less people want to become teachers. READ BELOW- (HIM or HER ) some comments/ requests/ demands . 1 Can you see that he sits in the first row. He has eye problems ( Just an excuse most of the time ) 2. Please see that he completes his work as he is a bit slow. 3. Can you mail me his progress daily. 4. Can you call me every day/ every second day and just give me a brief about him 5 Please separate him from the boys he sits near/ plays with-they are a bad influence. 6. He has lost his pencil/ rubber - can you please trace it. Please check the lost property cupboard. 7. The class is full of thieves - what is happening these days to this school - my son looses stuff daily. 8. He must get a good role in the Annual concert if not he will be very depressed .Please don't make him a flower or an animal- he hates flowers and animals and we wont be able to recognize him .Besides his grandparents are also coming from India and they want to see him acting 9. See that he eats his tiffin - please can you rinse it before he comes home as the tiffin box smells bad . 10. He has left his tiffin at home - can you please give him some money for the canteen. 11. He is not well- send him home if you see him looking tired. 12. He is going for a wedding to India - can you mail me the homework everyday while we are away for 10 days . 13. If there is a notice - just give me a buzz / call as he does not tell me and I wont know 14. If there is going to be a surprise test can you tell me quietly so I can prepare him.I promise I will not tell him . 15. He is a bit slow so can he get more time in the test. 16. Can you put someone to see that he finishes his lunch and washes his hands. 17. Can he be in the same class as so and so- we are friends you see so it will be helpful as we meet every evening at the yoga class. 18. He is careless while packing his bag- can you please do it/ have it done by another kid. 19.Can you force him to play games in the afternoon as he is so lazy. 20. Remind him not to leave his spectacles on the table as someone will steal them . 21. Can you give 1 more mark as we have checked with friends and that boy got a mark while he did not. 22. Can there be special permission for ..................... a million things ! 23. I know you don't allow boys to go to the toilet but he has a weak bladder so he must go to the toilet every period . 24. Can he wear slip on shoes as he does not know how to tie his laces ( in grade 4 ) 25. I know the rule is shorts but he is shy to show his legs- can he wear trousers. 26. Please don't send him for singing/ dancing- against the religion/ tradition. 27 Can he wear a bracelet/ ring- it is for religious reasons 28. During the concert- Please don't put make up as my child gets rashes. 29 Concert- Please let me know what makeup is being used as her skin is sensitive so I will bring the make up from home and put it myself if you don't mind. 30 Please don't make him a girl in the play/ don't make her a boy - its degrading for a kid ( for goodness sake !!) 31.H is sharing his tiffin with others - he eats their food and they eat his - I don't know what he is eating. 32. My child wastes his food daily ( look into the tiffin and the teacher knows why - its insipid !) 33. Is there any way you can warm his tiffin as he hates cold food . 34 I would like to come in to school and see you as he is scared of your voice 35 My child feels threatened in class/ school. 36 There was a snake in the toilet - please se that this does not happen ( It never did ) 37. My son saw a cockroach on the wall - how can this happen in a good school like this. 38. There were flies when he was eating lunch and one sat on him and he felt dirty. 39.There was a slight smell in the toilet so all day she did not go . 40 Can you give 5 composition topics and then one out of those for the test so we can prepare her accordingly. 41. Can there be a practice test in advance . 42. The prefect shouted at my son/ daughter - he/ she felt insulted . 43. My kid was asked to lift the chair and put it on the desk before leaving ???? Is this needed . 44. My daughter got one star but the other kid got 2 stars ???????? Not fair - very demoralized . 45. You must do more things to encourage the kids ( stars/ sweets etc) 46. A man looked at my daughter when she was entering the bus- can you find out who this was . 47. Listen to this - Parent to teacher - I will leave small gifts in the class-every time my child does good work can you give him a gift . 48. Please don't send my child for PE - she cannot bear the heat ( In the cooler months ) 49. Please let my son carry his mobile phone to school as he needs in during pvt tuition . 50 Can you give a new date for his exams as he has to go on a pilgrimage / attend a wedding/ go to India for an engagement / attend a religious ceremony ( almost everyone plays up the religious angle) 51.Why do they have to cover the books with brown paper ?? 52. Other kids are using bad language and he is hearing it - now we are concerned it will affect him . 53. He / she is being bullied and is now terrified of coming to school 54. Can I sit in school all day as she has fever - so if needed I can take her home. 55. School starts at 7 40 - We need to drop her by 6. 30 as we go to work - can you arrange for someone to look after her in the morning for an hour every day - she must not be left alone ( sorry we cant do this ) 56.She is frightened of water and the swimming teacher forced her to put her head under water - this is cruelty and you must look into it . 57. The teacher criticized her work in front of everyone and said - YOU WONT PASS AT THIS RATE - those sort of remarks are unacceptable and I want to know what action will be taken against the teacher . 58. He was made to stand in the corner for 10 minutes and he felt humiliated ( He was beating up other kids in class ) 59. The teacher looked angrily at her - May I know why ?? ( She was eating in class that's why ) 60 What is wrong with eating in class ( can you believe that a parent would ask such a question ) 61. Pupils going on a trip to India so parents were asked to sign the normal undertaking so this is the remark - "I refuse to sign any undertaking that the school will not be held responsible in the eventuality of an accident etc"I do not accept accidents . 62. I have come to lodge a serious complaint as for the second year my child has not been selected for the tennis team .( he can hardly play ) 63.Can we discuss the criteria of making Prefects in the school- my son felt he would become Head boy and he is only a Prefect 64 There is a lot of favoritism in school these days must take the teachers to task and be more strict . 65. Some teachers told my son he deserves to be punished ( worst behaved kid in school ) 66 Please don't send my son to the counselor he is NOT MAD ( He has ADHD ) 67 I refuse to have my son assessed by a Psychologist - this is insulting to my family ( He also has ADHD) Science - Commerce - Humanities stream election for grade 11 and 12 Grade 10 - Science / Commerce / Humanities stream selection in Grade 11- A pupil gets very low marks throughout grade 9 and ten / fails in Math / Science most of the time - the pupil is not offered science for grade 11 so here goes......... HE will feel disappointed He must be given science as we are both doctors/ engineers What will all our relatives think It is a disgrace in our society if her is given commerce She has wanted to become an engineer from the time she was in grade 5 All her friends have got science so why not her The system is faulty Can we see all pupils marks as we are sure something is wrong . Can the papers be rechecked - there has to be a mistake as she went for tuition throughout the year This is not fair - PLEASE DO something We wont leave till you give him science This is the end of the world for us I fear he may try and do something to himself as he is very disappointed Who will be to blame if something happens Sir you will be to blame if something drastic happens You are ruining his future We will complain to the higher authorities We will go to the press Who can we meet to get this changed . Sir- this is torture Sir he is totally devastated .He says he feels like ending his studies forever Why are we looking at his low marks- what about his capability. He is such a good footballer - PLEASE that also must be considered . He wants to be something in life and your not giving him science We will teach him/ send him for coaching for both years - we will monitor his work from now on She will make you proud if you give her just one chance .He/ she has promised to study hard in future . Why must there be a cut off ................ My wife is refusing to eat and is only crying once she got the news . I have cancelled all meetings to come and get science for my daughter I know YOU can do it Sir. She has been in the school for 10 years so how can you now tell us she wont get science . Her plan is to go to US for further studies so what is the use if she does not get Math now. There is no life with Commerce or Humanities - that is for dunces . Everyone is laughing at her as she never got science. We cant show our face outside our house now - our life is ruined . And then there are the tears and the sobs and the sniffles !!!!!!!! I could go on but I am sure you get the drift ..................... Amen !!

The teaching profession

Years ago parents and teachers stayed away from each other and probably only met if something very serious happened. Parents looked after their kids at home - fed them, clothed them, disciplined them , gave them a place to stay and made them realize that school was a place to study, get educated and above all get disciplined for life ahead. For parents , a teacher was a guru - someone to listen to respect & learn from - teachers were held in awe and their word was law - no parent argued , disputed or doubted what the teacher said . The teacher was a trusted entity and many a parent gave the teacher full reign to discipline their ward and instill in him/ her values which were considered one of the primary reasons of sending them to a good school. When pupils left for school in the morning ,in my time ,here is what parents said to them Study hard. Listen to your teacher . Don't fight or trouble any one Complete your classwork Don't let me hear you were in trouble Look after your books and other belongings Eat your tiffin THINGS HAVE CHANGED - SO HAVE THE THINGS PARENTS TELL THEIR WARDS WHEN THEY LEAVE FOR SCHOOL. I watch parents seeing their kids off to school every morning. They wave and blow flying kisses as if the kid is off for a month long vacation . And listen to what they say these days. Bye/ Chill/ Enjoy yourself/ Have a good time . Nothing about study hard etc .......................!! Surprising isn't it ?? As for the requests/ demands/ comments .....................they are never ending . No wonder less and less people want to become teachers. READ BELOW- (HIM or HER ) some comments/ requests/ demands . 1 Can you see that he sits in the first row. He has eye problems ( Just an excuse most of the time ) 2. Please see that he completes his work as he is a bit slow. 3. Can you mail me his progress daily. 4. Can you call me every day/ every second day and just give me a brief about him 5 Please separate him from the boys he sits near/ plays with-they are a bad influence. 6. He has lost his pencil/ rubber - can you please trace it. Please check the lost property cupboard. 7. The class is full of thieves - what is happening these days to this school - my son looses stuff daily. 8. He must get a good role in the Annual concert if not he will be very depressed .Please don't make him a flower or an animal- he hates flowers and animals and we wont be able to recognize him .Besides his grandparents are also coming from India and they want to see him acting 9. See that he eats his tiffin - please can you rinse it before he comes home as the tiffin box smells bad . 10. He has left his tiffin at home - can you please give him some money for the canteen. 11. He is not well- send him home if you see him looking tired. 12. He is going for a wedding to India - can you mail me the homework everyday while we are away for 10 days . 13. If there is a notice - just give me a buzz / call as he does not tell me and I wont know 14. If there is going to be a surprise test can you tell me quietly so I can prepare him.I promise I will not tell him . 15. He is a bit slow so can he get more time in the test. 16. Can you put someone to see that he finishes his lunch and washes his hands. 17. Can he be in the same class as so and so- we are friends you see so it will be helpful as we meet every evening at the yoga class. 18. He is careless while packing his bag- can you please do it/ have it done by another kid. 19.Can you force him to play games in the afternoon as he is so lazy. 20. Remind him not to leave his spectacles on the table as someone will steal them . 21. Can you give 1 more mark as we have checked with friends and that boy got a mark while he did not. 22. Can there be special permission for ..................... a million things ! 23. I know you don't allow boys to go to the toilet but he has a weak bladder so he must go to the toilet every period . 24. Can he wear slip on shoes as he does not know how to tie his laces ( in grade 4 ) 25. I know the rule is shorts but he is shy to show his legs- can he wear trousers. 26. Please don't send him for singing/ dancing- against the religion/ tradition. 27 Can he wear a bracelet/ ring- it is for religious reasons 28. During the concert- Please don't put make up as my child gets rashes. 29 Concert- Please let me know what makeup is being used as her skin is sensitive so I will bring the make up from home and put it myself if you don't mind. 30 Please don't make him a girl in the play/ don't make her a boy - its degrading for a kid ( for goodness sake !!) 31.H is sharing his tiffin with others - he eats their food and they eat his - I don't know what he is eating. 32. My child wastes his food daily ( look into the tiffin and the teacher knows why - its insipid !) 33. Is there any way you can warm his tiffin as he hates cold food . 34 I would like to come in to school and see you as he is scared of your voice 35 My child feels threatened in class/ school. 36 There was a snake in the toilet - please se that this does not happen ( It never did ) 37. My son saw a cockroach on the wall - how can this happen in a good school like this. 38. There were flies when he was eating lunch and one sat on him and he felt dirty. 39.There was a slight smell in the toilet so all day she did not go . 40 Can you give 5 composition topics and then one out of those for the test so we can prepare her accordingly. 41. Can there be a practice test in advance . 42. The prefect shouted at my son/ daughter - he/ she felt insulted . 43. My kid was asked to lift the chair and put it on the desk before leaving ???? Is this needed . 44. My daughter got one star but the other kid got 2 stars ???????? Not fair - very demoralized . 45. You must do more things to encourage the kids ( stars/ sweets etc) 46. A man looked at my daughter when she was entering the bus- can you find out who this was . 47. Listen to this - Parent to teacher - I will leave small gifts in the class-every time my child does good work can you give him a gift . 48. Please don't send my child for PE - she cannot bear the heat ( In the cooler months ) 49. Please let my son carry his mobile phone to school as he needs in during pvt tuition . 50 Can you give a new date for his exams as he has to go on a pilgrimage / attend a wedding/ go to India for an engagement / attend a religious ceremony ( almost everyone plays up the religious angle) 51.Why do they have to cover the books with brown paper ?? 52. Other kids are using bad language and he is hearing it - now we are concerned it will affect him . 53. He / she is being bullied and is now terrified of coming to school 54. Can I sit in school all day as she has fever - so if needed I can take her home. 55. School starts at 7 40 - We need to drop her by 6. 30 as we go to work - can you arrange for someone to look after her in the morning for an hour every day - she must not be left alone ( sorry we cant do this ) 56.She is frightened of water and the swimming teacher forced her to put her head under water - this is cruelty and you must look into it . 57. The teacher criticized her work in front of everyone and said - YOU WONT PASS AT THIS RATE - those sort of remarks are unacceptable and I want to know what action will be taken against the teacher . 58. He was made to stand in the corner for 10 minutes and he felt humiliated ( He was beating up other kids in class ) 59. The teacher looked angrily at her - May I know why ?? ( She was eating in class that's why ) 60 What is wrong with eating in class ( can you believe that a parent would ask such a question ) 61. Pupils going on a trip to India so parents were asked to sign the normal undertaking so this is the remark - "I refuse to sign any undertaking that the school will not be held responsible in the eventuality of an accident etc"I do not accept accidents . 62. I have come to lodge a serious complaint as for the second year my child has not been selected for the tennis team .( he can hardly play ) 63.Can we discuss the criteria of making Prefects in the school- my son felt he would become Head boy and he is only a Prefect 64 There is a lot of favoritism in school these days must take the teachers to task and be more strict . 65. Some teachers told my son he deserves to be punished ( worst behaved kid in school ) 66 Please don't send my son to the counselor he is NOT MAD ( He has ADHD ) 67 I refuse to have my son assessed by a Psychologist - this is insulting to my family ( He also has ADHD) Science - Commerce - Humanities stream election for grade 11 and 12 Grade 10 - Science / Commerce / Humanities stream selection in Grade 11- A pupil gets very low marks throughout grade 9 and ten / fails in Math / Science most of the time - the pupil is not offered science for grade 11 so here goes......... HE will feel disappointed He must be given science as we are both doctors/ engineers What will all our relatives think It is a disgrace in our society if her is given commerce She has wanted to become an engineer from the time she was in grade 5 All her friends have got science so why not her The system is faulty Can we see all pupils marks as we are sure something is wrong . Can the papers be rechecked - there has to be a mistake as she went for tuition throughout the year This is not fair - PLEASE DO something We wont leave till you give him science This is the end of the world for us I fear he may try and do something to himself as he is very disappointed Who will be to blame if something happens Sir you will be to blame if something drastic happens You are ruining his future We will complain to the higher authorities We will go to the press Who can we meet to get this changed . Sir- this is torture Sir he is totally devastated .He says he feels like ending his studies forever Why are we looking at his low marks- what about his capability. He is such a good footballer - PLEASE that also must be considered . He wants to be something in life and your not giving him science We will teach him/ send him for coaching for both years - we will monitor his work from now on She will make you proud if you give her just one chance .He/ she has promised to study hard in future . Why must there be a cut off ................ My wife is refusing to eat and is only crying once she got the news . I have cancelled all meetings to come and get science for my daughter I know YOU can do it Sir. She has been in the school for 10 years so how can you now tell us she wont get science . Her plan is to go to US for further studies so what is the use if she does not get Math now. There is no life with Commerce or Humanities - that is for dunces . Everyone is laughing at her as she never got science. We cant show our face outside our house now - our life is ruined . And then there are the tears and the sobs and the sniffles !!!!!!!! I could go on but I am sure you get the drift ..................... Amen !!

Saturday, 8 June 2019

Cards , greetings and the like

Was clearing out some old papers the other day and came across a bunch of cards- birthdays , Anniversary, Christmas, Easter , Get well Soon , Congratulations ……. They were from my mother who passed on 3 years ago . I went through the cards and began reminiscing – sure brought a tear to my eye and set me thinking . She loved sending cards and she made sure to write a few lines as well with news about herself and questions about us . Reading through those cards brought back wonderful memories . They gave me a warm fuzzy feeling – yes I felt good . In this fast paced world that we live in today , life is always in “Fast Forward” and we have no time nor inclination to stand and stare . It’s a waste of time to stop to smell the roses , to try the road not taken , to lie in bed and relax . I remember as a young boy using post cards , inlands, aerograms & stamped envelopes to write to relatives and friends . The joys of putting pen to paper is a long lost art and something that the present and future generation will consider a waste of time . Very few people including me , send card by the mail any more – not sure when was the last time I licked a stamp and stuck it on an envelope . Yes we licked the stamps ! Maybe yukky but it was done by almost everyone !. The whole process of writing with your hands, folding, inserting, addressing the envelope, sticking postage stamps and finally posting the letter in a post office is very time consuming for the present generation and people are running out of time or so they feel. However, with each day serving as a linguistic frenzy and a meaningless race against time , we find that words and sentences often aren’t used in the way we so desire. Small talk with awkward coworkers, someone bragging about their cute , new born , 7 pound baby on Facebook or telling the world where they went for dinner and what they ate , group projects with dead weight members – it is all very transient and often, discouraging and totally uninspiring . I, for one, have started to wonder when communication became so cold meaningless. When did conversation with another human being lose its entire sentiment? When did we start speaking in 140 characters or less? You can’t possibly get to know the depths of another human like this, nor can you adequately express your feelings toward them. It’s often rude the way we try and abbreviate anything and everything So there were job applications , greeting cards on occasions , friendly letters to family , letters to pen pals and love letters . I have known of friends who wrote and received a letter every day for over a three year span to and from a to be spouse and they have been married for over 30 years ! Today a letter isn’t a fast enough way to communicate the changes in people lives. I guess that accounts for Instant nodles as well . In this age of the internet and social media everything is instant – even things like Yahoo, Hotmail and Gmail are ancient now . It’s the age of WhatsApp & Messenger . So you have to suffice with OMG, ROTFL, SCNR- and a hundred more . Some of these are so confusing that at my age I have to google to see what is being meant ! Just yesterday I was chatting with an old pupil of mine who is settled in Canada . By the time he had finished I had learnt a thing or two – YMMD ( You made my day ) , FACK ( Fully acknowledge ) , IMHO ( In my humble opinion) , & TIA ( Thanks in advance ) . He sure was polite but definitely short of time ! Old fashioned letters and cards are irreplaceable – they act as a reminder to the recipient – a reminder that they are truly loved; that they are valued; that their relationship with you is still very much alive. You simply can’t put a price on that.