Bishops support staff- 1981- 2001. This may interest the boarders more than the day scholars as they had more interaction with the support staff but nevertheless here goes. All the support staff ( we called them servants way back then ) lived on campus – behind the Junior school block. They were the backbone of the school and worked oh so hard. Mr Roberts looked after them as well and they were all treated as family by everyone on campus. They were part and parcel of every function – knew all the boarders by name – knew a number of famous day scholars too and enjoyed the extra cash they were able to make (by way of tips) apart from their salaries. Ram Das - Ram Das definitely comes to mind first. He was a cleaner ( sweeper back then ) . Tall , straight back, salt and pepper all back hairstyle and very clean- in face good looking as well. One could see him with his broom from early in the morning sweeping the campus – at one time I think he was the only one ! Must have been a big job when you think of how large the campus was !. He always had a ready smile and gave a big salam – polite to the core . He could be seen sweeping in the morning – after the tea break at 11 , after lunch and after evening tea as well. However his strengths were Hockey and Volleyball- he enjoyed both. Come the hockey season and he was out on the field at 4 pm waiting for the team to come out for practice. Legend has it that he played for Mahrashtra seniors in the nationals for 2 years and for Pune for a number of years. To say he was a whiz with the stick would be putting it mildly – he literally ran circles round anyone with the ball and stick and could take on two three or four at a time .His back flick was legendry and he could score from almost anywhere. He had a wife and three sons- all tall as well . He loved a good game of Volley ball as well and was out every evening – we had some terrific games together and he was a jolly good sport. His serves and smashes were a sight to behold. Yashwant – Yashwant was the watchman – He was energetic and friendly and always smiling . He was the first one I met when I arrived in Bishops in 1981 and he took me up to the Cambridge dorm thinking I was a senior pupil. I reminded him of the story years later when I became Headmaster and he blushed ! Yashwant had a stick at night which he banged a few times behind the Principals bungalow- then he probably slept till morning near the lunch shed – he was on duty all day as well ! He was one of those who cycled off to Main Street to buy food for the boarders at night and earn a tip . Like the others he carried up trunks/ suitcases/ bags to the dormitories on the first day of school to earn some extra money .He carried the tiffins for Mr Pope Girdahari- Girdhari was a dorm bearer and also incharge of the infirmary. I remember the first thing that struck me about him was his long hair which he had till I left 20 years later – albeit it thinned over the years . He struck me as being a trifle lazy as well. However the infirmary duty was done sincerely – from the morning milk and breakfast till the dinner at night , he was up and down with a large tiffin carrier catering to the boys who were ill .Not sure if they too used him to buy food at night hope not as they were all on various diets ! I am not sure but I think he carried tiffins for the Dmontes and the Aviets. Shivaram- Shivaram was short and dumpy and looked like a brother of Girdhari but they were not related. He was a dorm bearer as well ie he had to clean a dormitory . He often doubled up as night watchman when the watchman was absent .He carried tiffins for the residential staff- mine as well and his family survived on all the food from the kitchen and that left over from the staff tiffins. He also took my daughters to St Mary’s across the road . He could often be seen soaked to the bone durng the rainy season and he did not seem to mind it . Members of staff often sent him to Main street for purchases and he took umpteen trips and surely walked miles – I never saw him on a cycle. I once asked him why he did not combine trips to the market and he said he liked to walk down the road and be away from home !( Probably had a wife that nagged ) He did my tiffin duty as well. Dass – Dass was the office peon – tall with a large smile and an all back hair style . He was quite a stylish guy on the quiet and his hair was oiled and wavy ! He worked in the office and was often seen getting shouted at by Mr Roberts – I guess that was the only one he feared in school . He was also incharge of bathing Mr Roberts dogs for some time and told us all about it .One of his duties was to roll out copies of the exam papers – that duty was taken away from him when some boys apparently bought some papers from him ( at least that was the story at that time )Dass had a scooter and he and his wife who worked in the jr school were often seen driving down to church on it !9 I told you he was a stylish guy !) Das was also around when the grand parents of Mr and Mrs Roberts arrived from Allahabad and he made it a point to tell everyone how much they liked him. I remember Mr Roberts’ mother complaining about him to me – he was asked to put out the chairs in the evening and always made an excuse . Oh yes lest I forget- one of his jobs was buying the snacks for the boarders’ birthday celebrations in school – the snacks were fixed and so was the amount of items you could get . Everyone got the same items and could only invite that number of friends . Boarders could be seen waiting patiently for Dass and the snacks to arrive – guess they tipped him as well. The Mali- I don’t remember the Malis name ( Gardner ) but he was the one who looked after the Principals garden and the few pots outside the hall and office. He was a short sly looking guy but always had a watering can in his hand so obviously he worked hard . He too was often shouted at by Mr Roberts – he pretended to be scared but he knew that if he got a yell from Mr Roberts then Mrs Roberts would give him a tip and some food later .Watering the area outside the principal’s bungalow and putting out the chairs in the evening was one of his tasks as well. Tukaram- Tukaram was incharge of the Chem lab – very short and friendly he was always in demand when Chemistry experiments had to be conducted . There are stories galore about how he leaked out details of the exam to the senior boys on the eve of the paper and told them what SALTS to prepare for – this was never proved but all fingers pointed towards him. Naniu- He was a small little labourer. I remember him working on the extension to the Jr school and then he just stayed back in Bishops as an odd man servant. He dug holes when needed, planted trees, pulled down walls, carried stuff around the campus , borrowed money from everyone ( all the servants did that )and in general was a handy man – he had a very large family and he lived in the room under my office in Lunn Block. His young doughters also did odd jobs and one worked for the Principal – one happy family but very very poor .Nainu was also tipped by the boys who also gave him their old clothes/ shoes etc. Anil and Sanjay- The brothers were well known in school – Tall and good looking they worked in the office . Anil later came on to the estate and was very reliable - almost like an Asst Eastate manager . Their mother was a very old employee EEta bai- she worked in the Jr school as an ayah for Mrs Roberts – so did his two sisters. The grandmother Godha bai sold sweets to the boys of the Jr school during the break and I am sure many boys purchased those sweets from her. Shaler or Sailor- he was in the kitchen as a cook – rather dirty and scruffy – white hair and a walrus moustache – not sure why he got that name but I think it was given to him by William Daniels who taught Geography to the Sr classes in the early eighties. Then there was a driver – the school had one bus and the first driver was a man called Michael- a gentlemen who went to St Marys church every morning before coming to school – he died at an early age but while in Bishops he was an excellent driver and we often went by bus to Panchgani etc with him driving us- he was also on duty for the boarder picnics during the monsoon break. Alan Seymour and myself also had a bearer who brought our tiffins and cleaned our rooms – forget his name -Think it was Swami - he went on a holiday to some place and passed away – good worker – may his soul rest in peace. There were a number of bearers and cooks in the kitchen who worked from 5 am till 9 pk with hardly a break and the boarders knew them personally – many of them also tipped them for goodies and extras ! Greta memories once again – do feel free to add your comments. Cheers MG
The Bishops School Pune / The Millennium school Dubai/ Allahabad/ Pune /Dubai United Arab Emirates/ Some amusing posts- just my opinion /
Sunday, 28 July 2019
The support staff at Bishops
Bishops support staff- 1981- 2001. This may interest the boarders more than the day scholars as they had more interaction with the support staff but nevertheless here goes.
All the support staff ( we called them servants way back then ) lived on campus – behind the Junior school block. They were the backbone of the school and worked oh so hard. Mr Roberts looked after them as well and they were all treated as family by everyone on campus. They were part and parcel of every function – knew all the boarders by name – knew a number of famous day scholars too and enjoyed the extra cash they were able to make (by way of tips) apart from their salaries.
Ram Das - Ram Das definitely comes to mind first. He was a cleaner ( sweeper back then ) . Tall , straight back, salt and pepper all back hairstyle and very clean- in face good looking as well.
One could see him with his broom from early in the morning sweeping the campus – at one time I think he was the only one ! Must have been a big job when you think of how large the campus was !.
He always had a ready smile and gave a big salam – polite to the core . He could be seen sweeping in the morning – after the tea break at 11 , after lunch and after evening tea as well. However his strengths were Hockey and Volleyball- he enjoyed both.
Come the hockey season and he was out on the field at 4 pm waiting for the team to come out for practice. Legend has it that he played for Mahrashtra seniors in the nationals for 2 years and for Pune for a number of years. To say he was a whiz with the stick would be putting it mildly – he literally ran circles round anyone with the ball and stick and could take on two three or four at a time .His back flick was legendry and he could score from almost anywhere. He had a wife and three sons- all tall as well .
He loved a good game of Volley ball as well and was out every evening – we had some terrific games together and he was a jolly good sport. His serves and smashes were a sight to behold.
Yashwant – Yashwant was the watchman – He was energetic and friendly and always smiling . He was the first one I met when I arrived in Bishops in 1981 and he took me up to the Cambridge dorm thinking I was a senior pupil. I reminded him of the story years later when I became Headmaster and he blushed ! Yashwant had a stick at night which he banged a few times behind the Principals bungalow- then he probably slept till morning near the lunch shed – he was on duty all day as well ! He was one of those who cycled off to Main Street to buy food for the boarders at night and earn a tip . Like the others he carried up trunks/ suitcases/ bags to the dormitories on the first day of school to earn some extra money .He carried the tiffins for Mr Pope
Girdahari- Girdhari was a dorm bearer and also incharge of the infirmary. I remember the first thing that struck me about him was his long hair which he had till I left 20 years later – albeit it thinned over the years . He struck me as being a trifle lazy as well. However the infirmary duty was done sincerely – from the morning milk and breakfast till the dinner at night , he was up and down with a large tiffin carrier catering to the boys who were ill .Not sure if they too used him to buy food at night hope not as they were all on various diets ! I am not sure but I think he carried tiffins for the Dmontes and the Aviets.
Shivaram- Shivaram was short and dumpy and looked like a brother of Girdhari but they were not related. He was a dorm bearer as well ie he had to clean a dormitory . He often doubled up as night watchman when the watchman was absent .He carried tiffins for the residential staff- mine as well and his family survived on all the food from the kitchen and that left over from the staff tiffins. He also took my daughters to St Mary’s across the road . He could often be seen soaked to the bone durng the rainy season and he did not seem to mind it . Members of staff often sent him to Main street for purchases and he took umpteen trips and surely walked miles – I never saw him on a cycle. I once asked him why he did not combine trips to the market and he said he liked to walk down the road and be away from home !( Probably had a wife that nagged ) He did my tiffin duty as well.
Dass – Dass was the office peon – tall with a large smile and an all back hair style . He was quite a stylish guy on the quiet and his hair was oiled and wavy ! He worked in the office and was often seen getting shouted at by Mr Roberts – I guess that was the only one he feared in school . He was also incharge of bathing Mr Roberts dogs for some time and told us all about it .One of his duties was to roll out copies of the exam papers – that duty was taken away from him when some boys apparently bought some papers from him ( at least that was the story at that time )Dass had a scooter and he and his wife who worked in the jr school were often seen driving down to church on it !9 I told you he was a stylish guy !)
Das was also around when the grand parents of Mr and Mrs Roberts arrived from Allahabad and he made it a point to tell everyone how much they liked him. I remember Mr Roberts’ mother complaining about him to me – he was asked to put out the chairs in the evening and always made an excuse . Oh yes lest I forget- one of his jobs was buying the snacks for the boarders’ birthday celebrations in school – the snacks were fixed and so was the amount of items you could get . Everyone got the same items and could only invite that number of friends . Boarders could be seen waiting patiently for Dass and the snacks to arrive – guess they tipped him as well.
The Mali- I don’t remember the Malis name ( Gardner ) but he was the one who looked after the Principals garden and the few pots outside the hall and office. He was a short sly looking guy but always had a watering can in his hand so obviously he worked hard . He too was often shouted at by Mr Roberts – he pretended to be scared but he knew that if he got a yell from Mr Roberts then Mrs Roberts would give him a tip and some food later .Watering the area outside the principal’s bungalow and putting out the chairs in the evening was one of his tasks as well.
Tukaram- Tukaram was incharge of the Chem lab – very short and friendly he was always in demand when Chemistry experiments had to be conducted . There are stories galore about how he leaked out details of the exam to the senior boys on the eve of the paper and told them what SALTS to prepare for – this was never proved but all fingers pointed towards him.
Naniu- He was a small little labourer. I remember him working on the extension to the Jr school and then he just stayed back in Bishops as an odd man servant. He dug holes when needed, planted trees, pulled down walls, carried stuff around the campus , borrowed money from everyone ( all the servants did that )and in general was a handy man – he had a very large family and he lived in the room under my office in Lunn Block. His young doughters also did odd jobs and one worked for the Principal – one happy family but very very poor .Nainu was also tipped by the boys who also gave him their old clothes/ shoes etc.
Anil and Sanjay- The brothers were well known in school – Tall and good looking they worked in the office . Anil later came on to the estate and was very reliable - almost like an Asst Eastate manager . Their mother was a very old employee EEta bai- she worked in the Jr school as an ayah for Mrs Roberts – so did his two sisters.
The grandmother Godha bai sold sweets to the boys of the Jr school during the break and I am sure many boys purchased those sweets from her.
Shaler or Sailor- he was in the kitchen as a cook – rather dirty and scruffy – white hair and a walrus moustache – not sure why he got that name but I think it was given to him by William Daniels who taught Geography to the Sr classes in the early eighties.
Then there was a driver – the school had one bus and the first driver was a man called Michael- a gentlemen who went to St Marys church every morning before coming to school – he died at an early age but while in Bishops he was an excellent driver and we often went by bus to Panchgani etc with him driving us- he was also on duty for the boarder picnics during the monsoon break.
Alan Seymour and myself also had a bearer who brought our tiffins and cleaned our rooms – forget his name -Think it was Swami - he went on a holiday to some place and passed away – good worker – may his soul rest in peace.
There were a number of bearers and cooks in the kitchen who worked from 5 am till 9 pk with hardly a break and the boarders knew them personally – many of them also tipped them for goodies and extras !
Greta memories once again – do feel free to add your comments.
Sunday, 21 July 2019
Haircuts and me
So this evening I decided I needed a haircut. This was much to the annoyance of my wife, who always feels that I do not need one. It often leads to an argument. My hair can be creeping down my back but it is always the same refrain, “it’s already so short”
Being lord and master of myself – or so I think, off I went.
Now let me put things in the right perspective- For me haircuts are a bore, a drag and a waste of time but a necessity so I endure the 25 minutes or so that it takes.
In my hometown, as a young boy, I had my haircut a shop named “UP TO DATE”. He was an old person and definitely OUT OF DATE but someone once said names are deceiving – don’t ask me who and when .
In Pune, I resided in The Bishops School campus and the same barber who cut the boys’ hair gave me a haircut as well. He was called “HANDSOME”. I was told that many years ago, some boarders gave him the nickname and it stuck. HANDSOME cut my hair for 20 years and I never complained. He did a good job – he came home and all was well.
When I moved to Dubai in 2001, I needed a haircut so I went downstairs from where I resided and found a Pakistani barbershop. 19 years later and I now drive 5 km to the same barbershop although there is one just a hundred meters from where I stay. I am sure you have realized by now that I am not fussy where haircuts are concerned. Actually I don’t have much hair on my head and its pretty fine .
The shop is clean, the barbers are polite and that is all that matters. I fail to understand what all the fuss is about where haircuts and barbers are concerned.
So back to this evening. Being in Pune and with no HANDSOME around, I walked into the first shop I saw, which was about fifty meters from my house.
Yes, the saloon was clean and busy and that told me he was good! In I went.
Cloth around my neck and neatly tucked in and he stumped me with his first question, “which style Sir “
Now no one has ever asked me this question before.
It is usually me enter shop, I am wished, I sit down, cloth goes around my neck and in a short while I am out. It’s a no brainer .
“Which style Sir “was a new one and I said, “TRIM” rather nonchalantly and without looking at him.
He smiled as if to say, “OK you are not fussy”
Fifteen minutes later I was done. He immediately produced one of those square mirrors to show me the back of my head. I could not care less. He then asked me if I wanted a head massage to which I agreed. I still do not know why I said yes.
A list of about eight different oils, was rattled off by him. He was a fast talker. The only word I could decipher was COCONUT, so coconut it was.
The oil was poured generously and he massaged, kneaded, manipulated, rubbed, pounded, banged, pulled, and pressed my scalp in all manners possible. Just when I was about to say THANK YOU, he produced a small machine from a draw. Strapping it on to his hand, he then began rubbing it all over my head – my forehead, my neck, my scalp, my ears and the top of my eyebrows. It jarred, hummed and frightened me.
Not sure why, but he kept on and on as if he was intent on scooping out my brains and presenting them to me on a silver platter as a giveaway gift.
Then, without warning, and so much as a” MAY I”, he stopped the assault. I was alive.
He smiled. I attempted a weak smile in reply.
He handed me a comb and with trembling hands, I combed my hair half expecting my brains to fall out at any minute
I paid and I tipped him, thankful that all was well. Before leaving, I gave one last look at myself in the mirror. My face looked chalky white and my pupils were dilated.
I reached home and my wife said “Oh my God, he has cut your hair is so short.
Give me a break – Please.
I looked in the mirror again – Yes I looked good !
Haircuts and me
So this evening I decided I needed a haircut. This was much
to the annoyance of my wife, who always feels that I do not need one. It often
leads to an argument. My hair can be creeping down my back but it is always the
same refrain, “it’s already so short”
Being lord and master of myself – or so I think, off I went.
Now let me put things in the right perspective- For me
haircuts are a bore, a drag and a waste
of time but a necessity so I endure the 25 minutes or so that it takes.
In my hometown, as a
young boy, I had my haircut a shop named
“UP TO DATE”. He was an old person and definitely OUT OF DATE but someone once said names are deceiving – don’t ask
me who and when .
In Pune, I resided
in The Bishops School campus and the same barber who cut the boys’ hair gave me
a haircut as well. He was called “HANDSOME”. I was told that many years ago,
some boarders gave him the nickname and it stuck. HANDSOME cut my hair for 20 years
and I never complained. He did a good job – he came home and all was well.
When I moved to Dubai in 2001, I needed a haircut so I went downstairs
from where I resided and found a Pakistani barbershop. 19 years later and I now
drive 5 km to the same barbershop although there is one just a hundred meters
from where I stay. I am sure you have realized by now that I am not fussy where
haircuts are concerned. Actually I don’t
have much hair on my head and its pretty fine .
The shop is clean, the barbers are polite and that is all
that matters. I fail to understand what
all the fuss is about where haircuts and barbers are concerned.
So back to this evening. Being in Pune and with no HANDSOME around,
I walked into the first shop I saw, which was about fifty meters from my house.
Yes, the saloon was clean and busy and that told me he was good!
In I went.
Cloth around my neck and neatly tucked in and he stumped me
with his first question, “which style Sir “
Now no one has ever asked me this question before.
It is usually me enter shop, I am wished, I sit down, cloth
goes around my neck and in a short while I am out. It’s a no brainer .
“Which style Sir “was a new one and I said, “TRIM” rather nonchalantly
and without looking at him.
He smiled as if to say, “OK you are not fussy”
Fifteen minutes later I was done. He immediately produced
one of those square mirrors to show me the back of my head. I could not care less.
He then asked me if I wanted a head
massage to which I agreed. I still do not know why I said yes.
A list of about eight different oils, was rattled off by him.
He was a fast talker. The only word I could decipher was COCONUT, so coconut it
The oil was poured generously and he massaged, kneaded, manipulated,
pounded, banged, pulled, and pressed my scalp in all manners possible. Just
when I was about to say THANK YOU, he produced a small machine from a draw. Strapping
it on to his hand, he then began rubbing it all over my head – my forehead, my neck,
my scalp, my ears and the top of my eyebrows. It jarred, hummed and frightened me.
Not sure why, but he kept on and on as if he was intent on
scooping out my brains and presenting them to me on a silver platter as a giveaway
Then, without warning, and so much as a” MAY I”, he stopped the
assault. I was alive.
He smiled. I attempted a weak smile in reply.
He handed me a comb and with trembling hands, I combed my
hair half expecting my brains to fall out at any minute
I paid and I tipped him, thankful that all was well. Before leaving, I gave one last look at myself
in the mirror. My face looked chalky white and my pupils were dilated.
I reached home and my wife said “Oh my God, he has cut your
hair is so short.
Give me a break – Please.
I looked in the mirror again – Yes I looked good !
Friday, 19 July 2019
The army hospital in Pune
Just an observation . I often pass by the new army hospital being built near the Golidar maidan . The project has dragged on for years and is far from complete. It is a massive project and will definitely be one of the largest in India I presume .
However here is what I notice . Massive project and hardly anyone working on it . For a building of this magnitude I would expect that there would actually be hundreds if not thousands of workers . This morning I saw around 5 men sauntering about nonchalently .
If you remember , when Mr Roberts put up the new hall on St Margarets ground , coupled with the innumerable classrooms , the project was actually completed on a war footing . Hundreds of boys spent hundreds of hours doing all sorts of work . It was socially Useful and productive !
First it was pulling down the old building and disposing of the debris in neat piles.
Later it was carrying bricks , sand etc all over the construction site . Rather than a 35 minute PE period , there was SUPW for about 20 minutes followed by 15 minutes of football or whatever . Now whether you were rich or not so rich , fat, thin, tall short ,boarder or day scholar and irrespective of what your dad was , you jolly well helped the labourers . Almost all boys did this willingly . Hands and knees got cut and scraped and boys went home with dirty trousers and shirts ( white uniform is not ideal for such work ) but no one complained .
It was hard work mind you, often in the burning sun and those were the days when parents were happy that their sons were being educated and not only in the classroom .
Carrying bricks and sand bags was the great equalizer . Mr Roberts stood glaring and encouraging and shouting and coaxing and work was tiring and fun at the same time . I guess there were the proverbial dodgers but in a boy's school that is expected .
Why cant the army follow suit and do something like that . You have hundreds of battalions and regiments all over the country .
Get them in batches to Pune and let them help out . Can you imagine thousands of soldiers working - the job of building the hospital will be so much quicker , easier and cheaper .
There is no war on thankfully so rather than getting them to keep fit by doing PE near the barracks or wartering plants etc , let them build !!
I guess one needed someone like Mr Roberts as the General !
Gentleman and ladies - this is just off the cuff - PLEASE dont lecture me if you disagree !
However here is what I notice . Massive project and hardly anyone working on it . For a building of this magnitude I would expect that there would actually be hundreds if not thousands of workers . This morning I saw around 5 men sauntering about nonchalently .
If you remember , when Mr Roberts put up the new hall on St Margarets ground , coupled with the innumerable classrooms , the project was actually completed on a war footing . Hundreds of boys spent hundreds of hours doing all sorts of work . It was socially Useful and productive !
First it was pulling down the old building and disposing of the debris in neat piles.
Later it was carrying bricks , sand etc all over the construction site . Rather than a 35 minute PE period , there was SUPW for about 20 minutes followed by 15 minutes of football or whatever . Now whether you were rich or not so rich , fat, thin, tall short ,boarder or day scholar and irrespective of what your dad was , you jolly well helped the labourers . Almost all boys did this willingly . Hands and knees got cut and scraped and boys went home with dirty trousers and shirts ( white uniform is not ideal for such work ) but no one complained .
It was hard work mind you, often in the burning sun and those were the days when parents were happy that their sons were being educated and not only in the classroom .
Carrying bricks and sand bags was the great equalizer . Mr Roberts stood glaring and encouraging and shouting and coaxing and work was tiring and fun at the same time . I guess there were the proverbial dodgers but in a boy's school that is expected .
Why cant the army follow suit and do something like that . You have hundreds of battalions and regiments all over the country .
Get them in batches to Pune and let them help out . Can you imagine thousands of soldiers working - the job of building the hospital will be so much quicker , easier and cheaper .
There is no war on thankfully so rather than getting them to keep fit by doing PE near the barracks or wartering plants etc , let them build !!
I guess one needed someone like Mr Roberts as the General !
Gentleman and ladies - this is just off the cuff - PLEASE dont lecture me if you disagree !
The army hospital in Pune
Just an observation . I often pass by the new army hospital being built near the Golidar maidan . The project has dragged on for years and is far from complete. It is a massive project and will definitely be one of the largest in India I presume .
However here is what I notice . Massive project and hardly anyone working on it . For a building of this magnitude I would expect that there would actually be hundreds if not thousands of workers . This morning I saw around 5 men sauntering about nonchalently .
If you remember , when Mr Roberts put up the new hall on St Margarets ground , coupled with the innumerable classrooms , the project was actually completed on a war footing . Hundreds of boys spent hundreds of hours doing all sorts of work . It was socially Useful and productive !
First it was pulling down the old building and disposing of the debris in neat piles.
Later it was carrying bricks , sand etc all over the construction site . Rather than a 35 minute PE period , there was SUPW for about 20 minutes followed by 15 minutes of football or whatever . Now whether you were rich or not so rich , fat, thin, tall short ,boarder or day scholar and irrespective of what your dad was , you jolly well helped the labourers . Almost all boys did this willingly . Hands and knees got cut and scraped and boys went home with dirty trousers and shirts ( white uniform is not ideal for such work ) but no one complained .
It was hard work mind you, often in the burning sun and those were the days when parents were happy that their sons were being educated and not only in the classroom .
Carrying bricks and sand bags was the great equalizer . Mr Roberts stood glaring and encouraging and shouting and coaxing and work was tiring and fun at the same time . I guess there were the proverbial dodgers but in a boy's school that is expected .
Why cant the army follow suit and do something like that . You have hundreds of battalions and regiments all over the country .
Get them in batches to Pune and let them help out . Can you imagine thousands of soldiers working - the job of building the hospital will be so much quicker , easier and cheaper .
There is no war on thankfully so rather than getting them to keep fit by doing PE near the barracks or wartering plants etc , let them build !!
I guess one needed someone like Mr Roberts as the General !
Gentleman and ladies - this is just off the cuff - PLEASE dont lecture me if you disagree !
However here is what I notice . Massive project and hardly anyone working on it . For a building of this magnitude I would expect that there would actually be hundreds if not thousands of workers . This morning I saw around 5 men sauntering about nonchalently .
If you remember , when Mr Roberts put up the new hall on St Margarets ground , coupled with the innumerable classrooms , the project was actually completed on a war footing . Hundreds of boys spent hundreds of hours doing all sorts of work . It was socially Useful and productive !
First it was pulling down the old building and disposing of the debris in neat piles.
Later it was carrying bricks , sand etc all over the construction site . Rather than a 35 minute PE period , there was SUPW for about 20 minutes followed by 15 minutes of football or whatever . Now whether you were rich or not so rich , fat, thin, tall short ,boarder or day scholar and irrespective of what your dad was , you jolly well helped the labourers . Almost all boys did this willingly . Hands and knees got cut and scraped and boys went home with dirty trousers and shirts ( white uniform is not ideal for such work ) but no one complained .
It was hard work mind you, often in the burning sun and those were the days when parents were happy that their sons were being educated and not only in the classroom .
Carrying bricks and sand bags was the great equalizer . Mr Roberts stood glaring and encouraging and shouting and coaxing and work was tiring and fun at the same time . I guess there were the proverbial dodgers but in a boy's school that is expected .
Why cant the army follow suit and do something like that . You have hundreds of battalions and regiments all over the country .
Get them in batches to Pune and let them help out . Can you imagine thousands of soldiers working - the job of building the hospital will be so much quicker , easier and cheaper .
There is no war on thankfully so rather than getting them to keep fit by doing PE near the barracks or wartering plants etc , let them build !!
I guess one needed someone like Mr Roberts as the General !
Gentleman and ladies - this is just off the cuff - PLEASE dont lecture me if you disagree !
Thursday, 11 July 2019
The Bishops school Infirmary
Who among you remember the Bishops school Infirmary?
Were you ever taken there? Did you go there on your own if you were ill in school?
Were you ever injured in school?
Well to the beginning. The school infirmary for me is synonymous with two names – Mr Nair and
Mrs. Prema Dmonte.
During my time, it was in the old building that housed Jubilee Dorm and adjoining Class 9A. Actually to be precise, there was the first aid room and then there was the actual larger infirmary. Mr Nair who was the school nurse in the 80’s lived in quarters behind the first aid room
There was nothing fancy about either the first aid room or the infirmary. The first aid room had just one high examination table with a rexine top on which the patients were examined, one tin chair and a smaller rickety table . There was also a small stand, which had a basin with water. An old wooden cupboard contained the medicines – basic again. Mercurochrome, cough mixture , Dettol , cough lozenges , crocin , some pain killers , Anacin and the like ?The were also syringes , needles and a few medical instruments. There was also a torch, which had to be banged at the back to get it to shine brightly.
The larger infirmary, where boys were admitted had about six beds and a table or two. There was also a small inner room, where boys with infectious diseases were admitted. This was a bit of a farce as these so-called boys, with infectious diseases, walked all over the school. Rumour has it that some boarders , in order to get sick and miss exams, went on purpose and sat with these boys in order to get sick themselves . Maybe someone will clarify this doubt of mine.
Mrs Dmonte lived beside this larger infirmary. Mr Nair and Mrs. Dmonte took turns during the day to look after the sick pupils. Both of them were strict yet kind and between you and me, if they knew you a little better (read boarders) you could visit their house to watch TV when you were admitted to the infirmary. This was only after rounds were over by Mr Beaman !
The boarders were the most frequent patients – fever , cough and cold , fractures , Measles, Chicken pox , Pneumonia , stomach aches , head-aches , influenza , whooping cough , typhoid , tooth ache – you name it and Bishops boarders had it .
We had around 250 boarders so for the nurses it was a full time job. After breakfast , during the morning break at 11 , the lunch break , during the games period , after evening baths , after dinner – these were busy times indeed .
Medicines were dispensed , injections given , dressing done , boils lanced , fractures examined , pupils taken to the doctor , the doctor sent for – you name it and it happened in those small rooms .
Funnily , at times , Mr Nair’s elder daughter / son also administered basic medication – Probably Mr Dmonte as well ! It was all done in good faith and we never had a problem !
Boarders were tough chaps. They took injuries in their stride- resolutely and often with a smile. I have seen boys bleeding profusely and carry on playing for class, house or school – such was their grit, determination and loyalty. At times if it became too much they would run off the football or hockey field, get the wound dressed hurriedly and get back on the field without a fuss. The small silver coloured tin box was carried by the school nurse everywhere – the Simba field, St Margaret’s field, the race course and the army grounds where the sports meets were held. Day scholars – some of whome were outstanding sportsmen were injured too and they got no special treatment. The same medicines and the same first aid. Back then, unlike today, no letters or permissions had to be taken from parents or local guardians
Both boarders and day scholars loved the infirmary for another reason. It was the GO TO place to avoid tests and exams. Therefore, boys went with stomachaches and various other ailments. By the time they were attended to and diagnosed, the test or exam was over. They would then return to class, at times sheepishly and at other times brazenly and handed over the sick slip to the teacher. Impression marks was the term used as the pupil was given an average mark for the test or examination. For an average pupil or a pupil weak in studies this was a bonanza!
For boarders who were admitted it was fun. Whether they were sick or not, they would walk out of the infirmary in night suits, peep into classes in Lunn Block, read comics, go to their dormitories, play caroms, watch TV, they were provided with a special diet etc . Some also visited the tuck shop, got day scholars to share their lunch and in general made merry. What they did not do there was study. Irrespective of how sick they were, they would come to watch the Friday movie on the Uppers or even to Harding hall. Some wrapped themselves in the infirmary blanket while others did not bother .
I must add that some were instructed to do their test/ exam in the infirmary – and they enjoyed this as they used their books and cheated. The elder boys also helped the younger ones.
Mr Beamon made it a point to visit the infirmary twice a day to check on the boys and when I took over I did that too – however I was often convinced that many boys did not need to be there and were dodging ! There was no way to prove this though .
During the years, I was in Bishops – 1981- 2001, if I remember rightly, the Infirmary bearer was Girdhari – one of the few who grew his hair. He did umpteen trip to and from the infirmary and kitchen with the large tiffin of food.
There are a few details I must add if I was to do justice to the write up. Both Mr Nair and Mrs Dmonte were highly skilled and their diagnosis was rarely different from that of Dr Khatri the school doctor. They also gave quick painless injections. You may not believe this but I have seen them STITCHING up wounds in the school infirmary and I am sure they used no painkillers most of the time. The boy was held down by someone else and the job done with very little commotion or fuss!
They were also requested to visit staff quarters when a member of staff or a family member was ill and they did so willingly. Everyone trusted them to diagnose, prescribe medication and even give him or her injections.
Anti- tetanus injections and another for throat infection with fever are two which I had frequently and so did many pupils and staff.
I once had a large boil on my thigh. So I trooped off to Mr Nair . He examined it, pressed it all over and told me he would settle the matter in a few minutes. He promised it would be a quick painless procedure. Also told me that pupils were outside so I should not make a fuss. Why I agreed still beats me .
Before I knew what was happening, he lanced the boil and squeezed so hard that I almost passed out. He then dressed the wound, bandaged it and sent me on my way home. All this in a matter of 5 minutes. I called him a sadist and used a few other choice words as I limped home, as the procedure was so painful. Two or three days of dressing and all was well!
Mr Nair and more so Mrs Dmonte were often summoned to the Bungalow to attend to Mr and Mrs Roberts and their aged parents who visited during the summer months. Needless to add they both were a big help on campus.
There was one very sad critical incident during the time of Mr Nair, which I will not put down here but I must say that Bishops was in very good hands.
I am sure some boys would like to share their stories too – go ahead gentlemen.
God bless Mrs Dmonte and Mr Nair
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