Born and bred in north india– then how come I ended up working in Pune and leaving my home town for good?
I have often been asked that question – so here is the answer.
I was teaching in a school Allahabad & was a grade 7 teacher. The subjects I had been given to teach were English Language, Literature and History.
While in the second year of my career, I had a boy in the class who was known to be a little troublesome – however he never gave me any problem as such. In fact, I thought we got on well together. I do remember his name as well but prefer not to divulge the same. Lets just call him John Doe!
For the Final examination, it was decided as a policy, that teachers would not correct the examination papers of boys they taught. Hence the answer scripts of my class were corrected by teachers of other classes.
To cut a rather long story short, John Doe failed in three subjects and hence would have to repeat the class as per rules. The day the reports were to be given out he strolled in early and sat down – looking a trifle worried. I wondered if he had somehow got to know the results.
As I began handing out the report cards, there were umpteen claps and cheers for the toppers. As I progressed, I noticed John Doe becoming a trifle agitated. At one instance he tried to walk out of the class in a rather nonchalant manner - I had to reprimand him and asked him to sit down which he did after glaring at me in a defiant manner .
Finally, it was the turn of the last three boys who had all failed. One was absent that day, the other had been ill, so he and his parents, expecting a failure had met me a week previously and it was agreed that he would repeat the class. Finally, it was the turn of John Doe. I called his name and broke the news as gently as possible while handing him his report card. It is never easy for the teacher and taught and I know this very well.
It was then that things turned ugly. He grabbed the report card from my hand, tore it into pieces, threw it at me and told me in chaste Hindi that ‘this act would cost me dearly’. Mind you he was just 13 years old!
He then stormed out of the class which by then was in a state of complete shock at what had transpired over the last few minutes and you could have heard a pin drop. There was muted whispering and they looked at me for a reaction.
I was quite taken aback and very disturbed but somehow regained my composure as best I could , spoke to the class and dismissed them for the day while wishing them all the very best for the next academic year.
I vividly remember the sequence of events that unfolded thereafter .
The staff lined up and had the staff photograph taken – while others made small talk I was soon walking towards a friend’s on campus residence -I guess I smelled trouble - four motorcycles made their way into the campus – one of the pillion riders was John Doe. My heart skipped a beat and I hurried into the house of my friend as I knew that there was serious trouble brewing. The bikes stopped – the riders obviously asked where I could be found – someone pointed in the direction I had taken and soon they were at the gate. The roar of the motorcycles and the blaring horns did very little to calm my thumping heart .
At this juncture I would like to tell you that my friend (may his soul rest in peace) was a well-known toughie in those days and very respected in the city. As quickly as possible I told him what had happened. Telling me not to worry and that he would take care of it he strolled out while I peeped from the window.
On recognizing him, there were handshakes all round and smiles as well. It gave me a sense of comfort, but I was not sure of the outcome. I was then called out of the house to meet them. In a polite yet extremely firm manner they asked me why I had failed John Doe. Apparently two of them were his brothers while the other two were friends. I explained, as calmly as possible, that the papers had been evaluated by others and not by me and hence, technically speaking, I had not failed the boy.
They were obviously not convinced and made it very clear to my friend and me that they needed a solution, needed it fast and come what may, the boy had to pass.
Without hesitation, my friend advised them to go and meet the Principal - he also whispered something to them which he told me about later! (he told them to be as tough on the Principal as they were on me and the job would be done)
So off they went to meet the Principal leaving John Doe at the gate. He did feel foolish, so he spent his time looking up at the large neem trees, humming to himself and kicking stones.
About fifteen minutes later we heard the motorcycles returning. One of the riders handed me a small slip of paper. The Principal had summoned me to meet him immediately.
I rushed to the office to be greeted by an extremely angry Principal who was pacing up and down. He asked me as to why I had failed the boy and why I wanted trouble! Without waiting for an answer, he told me to make amends and pass John Doe for my and his own peace and safety!
When I asked him how I was to do this, he told me to ‘find out’. He then stormed off.
So, I was advised by colleagues to take another report card and fill the same in with ‘pass marks’ and thus pass the pupil – needless to say, I did this pronto! The Principal signed the new document and I hurried back with the new amended report card.
On handing over the same to the eldest brother, I was asked if John Doe had passed. When I answered in the affirmative there were wide smiles all round and my friend & I were thanked profusely.
John Doe was made to ask for forgiveness and to me truthfully, that was quite a sham, but I accepted the olive branch. Funnily we all then went across the wall to have tea at the roadside tea stall – akin to smoking a peace pipe, I guess. The entire episode left me shaken.
My story ends there.
It was then that I decided that a repeat of the same was something I certainly did not look forward to and hence the move to Pune. The rest as they say I History. I spent twenty eventful years in Bishops Pune before moving to Dubai!
Here ends the lesson for the day!
I have often been asked that question – so here is the answer.
I was teaching in a school Allahabad & was a grade 7 teacher. The subjects I had been given to teach were English Language, Literature and History.
While in the second year of my career, I had a boy in the class who was known to be a little troublesome – however he never gave me any problem as such. In fact, I thought we got on well together. I do remember his name as well but prefer not to divulge the same. Lets just call him John Doe!
For the Final examination, it was decided as a policy, that teachers would not correct the examination papers of boys they taught. Hence the answer scripts of my class were corrected by teachers of other classes.
To cut a rather long story short, John Doe failed in three subjects and hence would have to repeat the class as per rules. The day the reports were to be given out he strolled in early and sat down – looking a trifle worried. I wondered if he had somehow got to know the results.
As I began handing out the report cards, there were umpteen claps and cheers for the toppers. As I progressed, I noticed John Doe becoming a trifle agitated. At one instance he tried to walk out of the class in a rather nonchalant manner - I had to reprimand him and asked him to sit down which he did after glaring at me in a defiant manner .
Finally, it was the turn of the last three boys who had all failed. One was absent that day, the other had been ill, so he and his parents, expecting a failure had met me a week previously and it was agreed that he would repeat the class. Finally, it was the turn of John Doe. I called his name and broke the news as gently as possible while handing him his report card. It is never easy for the teacher and taught and I know this very well.
It was then that things turned ugly. He grabbed the report card from my hand, tore it into pieces, threw it at me and told me in chaste Hindi that ‘this act would cost me dearly’. Mind you he was just 13 years old!
He then stormed out of the class which by then was in a state of complete shock at what had transpired over the last few minutes and you could have heard a pin drop. There was muted whispering and they looked at me for a reaction.
I was quite taken aback and very disturbed but somehow regained my composure as best I could , spoke to the class and dismissed them for the day while wishing them all the very best for the next academic year.
I vividly remember the sequence of events that unfolded thereafter .
The staff lined up and had the staff photograph taken – while others made small talk I was soon walking towards a friend’s on campus residence -I guess I smelled trouble - four motorcycles made their way into the campus – one of the pillion riders was John Doe. My heart skipped a beat and I hurried into the house of my friend as I knew that there was serious trouble brewing. The bikes stopped – the riders obviously asked where I could be found – someone pointed in the direction I had taken and soon they were at the gate. The roar of the motorcycles and the blaring horns did very little to calm my thumping heart .
At this juncture I would like to tell you that my friend (may his soul rest in peace) was a well-known toughie in those days and very respected in the city. As quickly as possible I told him what had happened. Telling me not to worry and that he would take care of it he strolled out while I peeped from the window.
On recognizing him, there were handshakes all round and smiles as well. It gave me a sense of comfort, but I was not sure of the outcome. I was then called out of the house to meet them. In a polite yet extremely firm manner they asked me why I had failed John Doe. Apparently two of them were his brothers while the other two were friends. I explained, as calmly as possible, that the papers had been evaluated by others and not by me and hence, technically speaking, I had not failed the boy.
They were obviously not convinced and made it very clear to my friend and me that they needed a solution, needed it fast and come what may, the boy had to pass.
Without hesitation, my friend advised them to go and meet the Principal - he also whispered something to them which he told me about later! (he told them to be as tough on the Principal as they were on me and the job would be done)
So off they went to meet the Principal leaving John Doe at the gate. He did feel foolish, so he spent his time looking up at the large neem trees, humming to himself and kicking stones.
About fifteen minutes later we heard the motorcycles returning. One of the riders handed me a small slip of paper. The Principal had summoned me to meet him immediately.
I rushed to the office to be greeted by an extremely angry Principal who was pacing up and down. He asked me as to why I had failed the boy and why I wanted trouble! Without waiting for an answer, he told me to make amends and pass John Doe for my and his own peace and safety!
When I asked him how I was to do this, he told me to ‘find out’. He then stormed off.
So, I was advised by colleagues to take another report card and fill the same in with ‘pass marks’ and thus pass the pupil – needless to say, I did this pronto! The Principal signed the new document and I hurried back with the new amended report card.
On handing over the same to the eldest brother, I was asked if John Doe had passed. When I answered in the affirmative there were wide smiles all round and my friend & I were thanked profusely.
John Doe was made to ask for forgiveness and to me truthfully, that was quite a sham, but I accepted the olive branch. Funnily we all then went across the wall to have tea at the roadside tea stall – akin to smoking a peace pipe, I guess. The entire episode left me shaken.
My story ends there.
It was then that I decided that a repeat of the same was something I certainly did not look forward to and hence the move to Pune. The rest as they say I History. I spent twenty eventful years in Bishops Pune before moving to Dubai!
Here ends the lesson for the day!