
Friday, 5 July 2013

Driving tips in order to be a HIT


In order to be a HIT on the road  you need to pay attention to the following :-

1. Get yourself a big four wheel drive - the bigger and more powerful the better .Then go in for the darkest tinting possible .
2. Have the desire to enjoy yourself on the road without a care in the world.
3 Never look at your speedometer.
4. Remember that speed is a thrill and getting to your destination FAST is all that matters.
5. Speed limits are for the faint  hearted .
6 Be bold and fearless - after all its just lives ( yours included ) that your playing with.
7. Learn to change lanes at will - just for the heck of it.
8 In order to be a HIT  you MUST learn how to frighten other drivers off the road- this is a skill that needs to be mastered - drive at  full speed in the fast lane and almost bang into the car in front of you- if its a small car or a lady driver all the better - flash your headlights and beamers all together - honk - swerve- make rude signs so the driver ahead can see you in the mirror - and keep that up till your path is clear. Then zoom ahead
9. Lining up at an exit is a waste of time - drive till the front of the queue and then cut in while looking straight ahead - pretend your the only one on the road - make sure you do it in style and leave others fuming ..
10 -Never use your indicator in the first place- indicators are for learner drivers - decide where you want  to go at the last minute  and go there - hook or by crook.
11.If you want to use your indicator for fun then do so but make sure you use the opposite one- i.e. if your turning right then use the left indicator and vice versa- if the guy from behind bangs you its HIS fault and he will pay the fine - what fun !
12.When over the speed limit and zooming by speed cameras "SMILE" - its a free snap you know .
13. Be ready , at the slightest provocation to be aggressive - roll down your window - gesticulate , shout , glare and make your intentions clear by word and deed . Being angry and aggressive is your right  so no one can take that away from you .
14.If you want to have some fun then get a" BABY ON BOARD" Sticker and stick it on- then drive like a moron and leave people saying "POOR BABY" .
15.Music in your car is a must - get  a number of additional bass speakers fitted in so that others can hear the boom as you drive past - make your presence felt.
16. When turning into parking lots and driveways, the screech of your tires MUST BE HEARD  - let everyone know that YOU HAVE ARRIVED.
17.Pedestrian crossings are a waste of paint - pedestrians are slow by nature if not they would be driving - so let them wait - its "YOUR RIGHT OF WAY"
18.Have a really long antenna swaying from your car - looks cool or is that supposed to read HOT.
19. If you can get a group of rowdy elements into your car all the better- when they get out with their phones to their ears and pants falling off their hips it makes YOU look like THE BOSS .

20 If you plan to be a HIT remember it could be a life changing experience- YOU COULD GET HIT AS  WELL  AND THAT COULD BE FATAL.



1 comment:

bala said...

I got a shock reading this post till I got to the last point......