
Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Courage .............and fear

There are only 2 reasons for professional stress . Either it's your fault - In that case you must

definitely try and remedy the situation as fast as possible - you up your game, do your best , work

smarter , harder and deliver .There is no other way.

On the other hand if it's the other person's fault, you must tell them so - clearly, politely ,

professionally and in no uncertain terms.

 You must make them realize they were wrong - they must change and you must continue to knock 

 on all doors till that happens .

 Suffering in silence is for the weak and the timid .

Far too many people in the present day and age are afraid to speak up even when they are certain they

 are right - and therein lies their folly .

 To quote Jane Austen in Pride and Prejudice "There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear

 to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me.”

Courage .............and fear

There are only 2 reasons for professional stress . Either it's your fault - In that case you must

definitely try and remedy the situation as fast as possible - you up your game, do your best , work

smarter , harder and deliver .There is no other way.

On the other hand if it's the other person's fault, you must tell them so - clearly, politely ,

professionally and in no uncertain terms.

 You must make them realize they were wrong - they must change and you must continue to knock 

 on all doors till that happens .

 Suffering in silence is for the weak and the timid .

Far too many people in the present day and age are afraid to speak up even when they are certain they

 are right - and therein lies their folly .

 To quote Jane Austen in Pride and Prejudice "There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear

 to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me.”

Sunday, 25 September 2016

A war in the offing?

So An Indian post was attacked and there was a lot of rhetoric . Politicians and all,of us arm chair critics had our say . The press went to town . The 2 Prime Ministers have attacked and counter attacked each other . Political parties have jumped into the fray . Budding Politicians on both sides of the boarder have marched around their hall rooms with swords , guns and machetes threatening bloodshed like never seen before - then after a drink or two they have gone to bed to... do the same the following day .
Now what?
China has jumped in the fray and made it amply clear that it will brook no interference in Pakistan's affairs.
It has vowed to crush anyone who dares step on Pakistani soil .
This is both an economic and a political tactic.
The USA is so embroiled in own its farcical soap opera that it does not have the inclination or the time to play Big Daddy as it has often done in the past .
Putin is playing the wait and watch game as usual. Japan and Israel need to be looked at closely as well because they are both game changers in their own right .
These are trying times for the world indeed . One wrong move could spell disaster , not only for the subcontinent but the world in general.
In the midst of all this chaos we have various terrorist outfits waiting in the wings for a window of opportunity to put their sinister plans in place and wreck havoc , more often than not on innocent bystanders .
We pray that better sense prevails .
Human beings can do without another world war. I do not want to sound like a prophet of doom but the signs are ominous .

A war in the offing?

So An Indian post was attacked and there was a lot of rhetoric . Politicians and all,of us arm chair critics had our say . The press went to town . The 2 Prime Ministers have attacked and counter attacked each other . Political parties have jumped into the fray . Budding Politicians on both sides of the boarder have marched around their hall rooms with swords , guns and machetes threatening bloodshed like never seen before - then after a drink or two they have gone to bed to... do the same the following day .
Now what?
China has jumped in the fray and made it amply clear that it will brook no interference in Pakistan's affairs.
It has vowed to crush anyone who dares step on Pakistani soil .
This is both an economic and a political tactic.
The USA is so embroiled in own its farcical soap opera that it does not have the inclination or the time to play Big Daddy as it has often done in the past .
Putin is playing the wait and watch game as usual. Japan and Israel need to be looked at closely as well because they are both game changers in their own right .
These are trying times for the world indeed . One wrong move could spell disaster , not only for the subcontinent but the world in general.
In the midst of all this chaos we have various terrorist outfits waiting in the wings for a window of opportunity to put their sinister plans in place and wreck havoc , more often than not on innocent bystanders .
We pray that better sense prevails .
Human beings can do without another world war. I do not want to sound like a prophet of doom but the signs are ominous .

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Stories from here and there: The BOARDERS in BISHOPS

Stories from here and there: The BOARDERS in BISHOPS: Often when I have  met a group of ex Bishopites , the topic of Boarders and day scholars has come up. We have discussed the pros and cons o...

Stories from here and there: The BOARDERS in BISHOPS

Stories from here and there: The BOARDERS in BISHOPS: Often when I have  met a group of ex Bishopites , the topic of Boarders and day scholars has come up. We have discussed the pros and cons o...


Often when I have met a group of ex Bishopites , the topic of Boarders and day scholars has come up. We have discussed the pros and cons of life in the boarding at Bishops versus living at home as a day scholar. Strong points raised for both sides .
Boys have always asked me as to who I preferred - the boarders or the day scholars and I have never given a direct answer for obvious reasons . I meet up with so many of both .
Have thought long and hard about this one I have decided to put " fingers to the key board".
Now friends and guys- credit me with better sense . I am not going to give you an answer as to who my favourites were - just laying out some broad facts of my observations and thoughts - letting you come to your own conclusion .
The Boarders are obviously the ones I will give you info about first today - will write about the day scholars some other time . Not that I hold them any lower in my estimation - a number of great chaps indeed who I remember vividly for innumerable reasons .
I lived on the Bishops campus for 20 years from 1981 till 2001 , hence saw many boarders at close quarters for 12 long years - literally growing up before my eyes.
Many came in as toddlers - not knowing a word of English and left as Gentlemen - fluent in English and as polished as they come .
Others came in mid way - usually between grades 3 and 8 . Timid , awkward , shy and reserved . Needless to add , all those qualities changed within a few months and soon they were " one with the gang". No one messed with the boarders .
According to me the boarders were the tough ones . Left on their own from an early age they soon learnt to fend for themselves .
That meant many things - hide your tuck from the bigger boys( Read Table monitors ) , look after your clothes , eat what is served and enjoy it , become independent as soon as possible , fight off the thugs in your dormitory ( Read tough boys ) , cope with a cranky matron or an angry Prefect , learn to ignore minor ailments , cry at night when no one was looking , and study or fail .
THERE WAS NO OTHER WAY . Swim or sink without a trace .
Been reminded to write about 2 additional facets of a boarders life . The first was the COMMON ROOM - boarders enjoyed being there. - TV, Carroms, Ludo, Chess and movies . It was quite a dirty and untidy room with plenty of trash on the floor . At times the MOD got in the mood - caught hold of some boys and got them to clean it out . Am told some Adult movies were screened there as well - not sure - at times thought the door was bolted so I have my suspicions .
LETTER WRITING was another - every week boys had to write a compulsory letter home - they also wrote to various companies for freebies - MARS being one of them .
Almost all boarders were good sportsmen and boxers . In the boarding , despite what all schools say , it is definitely survival of the fittest . The quicker you toughen up and leant to adjust the easier you have it and the more you enjoy yourself.
Boarders are merciless and if you're weak , a cry baby , show that you are missing home , don't mix , don't play games , try and stay out of trouble, refuse to take risks, don't share any and everything you own , you will not be happy and the others will make your life a misery .
Boarders in Bishops were worldly. They were Men about town in every sense of the word .
They woke at the crack of dawn , made do in tough situations , learned to rough it out in the most difficult circumstances and yet were always smiling, cheerful and willing to help .
Were they cunning guys - YES YES YES ! They had to be .
It was difficult to fool a boarder - they were wise beyond their years .
Imagine some of the problems boarders faced- food , which after a while got tasteless and the menu monotonous . Dormitories without fans - so you wet your sheet with tap water and slept . Mosquitoes who feasted on you despite the nets , no water in the toilets in the morning so they went down to fill buckets . At times they bathed in the open, managing with water from the hand pump . What about times of sickness - lying with high fever in the infirmary or in pain due to an injury on the games field . Then there was the initial home sickness , the teasing , the occasional bullying and fighting .
They were awake from about 5. 30 am till about with no rest in between - yes boarders had the stamina of horses !
Food was a much discussed topic so boarders found ways and means to overcome the problem - from sending for dinner from the market to cooking Maggi noodles with geyser water at midnight , to asking residential teachers to cook something for them - they learnt to overcome and overcome they did.
The clever ones managed their academics well- the weaker ones took tuitions , often failed , got the cane , studied at night while using a torch under a blanket and got help from clever friends. A number of boarders took private tuition ,often skipping all study classes in the bargain .
Boarders often became the class monitors and they sure knew how to take charge
When I joined in 1981 I was the class teacher of 5 A .
Remember 2 boys - Mangnani and Vivek Sood who managed my class - took the attendance , did the mark sheet , managed the stall at the fete - you name it and they did it for me .
There were many more over the years but these two were the first ans that's why I named them .
Boarders were always in the lime light during Founders week , sports day , the fete , the church service etc .
They were also the ones called out by Mr Roberts during mark reading - many of these poor guys failed in some subject or the other and the rest , as they say ,was History !
Bishops had a number of staff living on campus and so boarders and staff grew close , often playing games together . In fact I learnt to play TT and Volley ball from the boarders . We even played TT all afternoon in the dormitory on weekends and Volley ball all evening as well .
They were helpful and were often summoned by residential staff to help with chores - they did so willingly and more often than not enjoyed the same - especially when they had to miss study to help a teacher .
Boarders also made pals with some very special and important people on campus .
Can any boarder ever forget the guy called HANDSOME .
He was the barber who came in on weekends and his father had been the barber as well according to him . With his slick back hairstyle, clean shave and neat clothes he did look like a handsome barber . Obviously over the years he had earned the nickname. No one ever asked him what his actual name was .
He had just one style - the crew cut ( army NDA style )
If you went to Handsome he gave you a crew cut- no questions asked and no words spoken - for those who are not sure what it was - there had to be more hair on the ground than on your head - it was army style - short all over !
Some senior boys befriended Handsome ever year and got a better hair cut - some style and some shape - not sure if they tipped him or not but some Prefects looked pretty good after he had finished with them .
(Day scholars caught with long hair were often sent to Handsome during class hours and he made sure they learnt a lesson) .
Handsome told me he often did about 40 haircuts in an afternoon and that was no exaggeration .
Then there was Ramdass - he swept the campus clean but was a wizard at Hockey and the unofficial coach year after year . Boys flocked to him for tips and he ran circles round them with ball and stick . He had played in the nationals I am told .
The resident cobbler was also a well known character and an -integral part of a boarder's life often siting in a verandah in all seasons and toiling on manfully. Will someone please remind me of his name .( SudhakarArde tells me it was Moochi)
The dhobi was high on the list of important people too. Although the matrons dealt with him on a weekly basis , boarders were often seen rushing to him to get clothes ironed - more often smaller boarders with the clothes of the Dormitory prefect .
He obviously marked the clothes with Roll numbers and very few were mixed up or lost .( Devraj was his name . Thanks SUDHAKAR)
Here is a question - do you remember your Roll no - any of you ?
Boarders - more often than not, the Prefects, befriended one or two school peons and bearers . They are the ones who brought in food at night for a premium . Burgers were high on the list in those days .
Officially this was not permitted as per rules but we turned a blind eye to this one.
While most boarders banked money with their dorm in charge there was also the school pocket money ranging from rupees two to rupees ten . Correct me if I am wrong. Boarders lined up to receive the same and it was a ritual all boarders waited for - they then would dart to the ice cream vendor or the tuck shop .
Borrowing and lending was rampant and at times money was not returned as well .With the little money at their disposal they learned the art of being thrifty and stretching a rupee to the maximum . Many ran up large bills with the ice cream man , Manji and the tuck shop and not all paid up .There were complaints and settlements every year .
If there were willing workers - they were the boarders . Moving furniture , removing stones from the filed on sports day , carrying chairs before and after the movie on Friday and helping everyone on campus - the boarders did so willingly. Poor chaps- when they tried to dodge they were taken to task by the Prefects and that was tough indeed .
You would all remember the St Helena's and Bishops socials . As far as I know they elicited a great response from all Class ten boys - however the boarders took it a few steps further - they ensured their clothes were ready a week in advance and they spent a lot of time learning to dance in the dormitory.
With no YouTube back in those day it was often a case of the Blind leading the Blind but by D day everyone was brimming with confidence and ready to find a bride .
A few actually did . Any names guys ?
The annual dorm feasts in each dormitory saw talent and organizational skills of the highest order.
Collecting the money, budgeting , invitations , ordering food, organizing the entertainment programme , music, lights and performing - wow was the word. The programme usually lasted for about 4 hours , great food and entertainment. The invited teachers enjoyed the evening and there was great talent on display with the singers , dancers , actors and mimics wowing the audience .
Some boarders and day scholars grew pretty close with home cooked food often being the link . A few visited day scholars over the weekend as well .
A mention to be made of BIRTHDAY PARTIES IN SCHOOL . You know what I mean . You placed the order. Got your fixed items and enjoyed yourself with the fixed number of friends . Many others looked on with their tongues hanging out. The birthday boy owned the show.
Where games were concerned I have to say that the boarders stole a march over the day scholars .
Because they were so hardy and so fit they often monopolized most class, house and school teams . They practiced hard and put their heart and soul into the game . The same goes for athletics as well . I have to say that there were a large number of outstanding sportsmen who were day scholars as well !
All boarders were known by their surname and till date I don't know what many of your first names are .
Some boarders had a reputation - either they were outstanding sportsmen , great boxers, good at light and sound arrangements , very clever , great assistants to the teacher , often got injuries ( some faked it ) , always in trouble , known to bunk school at night , extra mischievous, failed in a number of subjects etc etc.
The boarding life in Bishops was fun and it made men out of boys . No boarder can forget his life in the boarding , even if it was just for a year .
Well I think that sort of sums it up - I could go on but I will stop here .


Often when I have met a group of ex Bishopites , the topic of Boarders and day scholars has come up. We have discussed the pros and cons of life in the boarding at Bishops versus living at home as a day scholar. Strong points raised for both sides .
Boys have always asked me as to who I preferred - the boarders or the day scholars and I have never given a direct answer for obvious reasons . I meet up with so many of both .
Have thought long and hard about this one I have decided to put " fingers to the key board".
Now friends and guys- credit me with better sense . I am not going to give you an answer as to who my favourites were - just laying out some broad facts of my observations and thoughts - letting you come to your own conclusion .
The Boarders are obviously the ones I will give you info about first today - will write about the day scholars some other time . Not that I hold them any lower in my estimation - a number of great chaps indeed who I remember vividly for innumerable reasons .
I lived on the Bishops campus for 20 years from 1981 till 2001 , hence saw many boarders at close quarters for 12 long years - literally growing up before my eyes.
Many came in as toddlers - not knowing a word of English and left as Gentlemen - fluent in English and as polished as they come .
Others came in mid way - usually between grades 3 and 8 . Timid , awkward , shy and reserved . Needless to add , all those qualities changed within a few months and soon they were " one with the gang". No one messed with the boarders .
According to me the boarders were the tough ones . Left on their own from an early age they soon learnt to fend for themselves .
That meant many things - hide your tuck from the bigger boys( Read Table monitors ) , look after your clothes , eat what is served and enjoy it , become independent as soon as possible , fight off the thugs in your dormitory ( Read tough boys ) , cope with a cranky matron or an angry Prefect , learn to ignore minor ailments , cry at night when no one was looking , and study or fail .
THERE WAS NO OTHER WAY . Swim or sink without a trace .
Been reminded to write about 2 additional facets of a boarders life . The first was the COMMON ROOM - boarders enjoyed being there. - TV, Carroms, Ludo, Chess and movies . It was quite a dirty and untidy room with plenty of trash on the floor . At times the MOD got in the mood - caught hold of some boys and got them to clean it out . Am told some Adult movies were screened there as well - not sure - at times thought the door was bolted so I have my suspicions .
LETTER WRITING was another - every week boys had to write a compulsory letter home - they also wrote to various companies for freebies - MARS being one of them .
Almost all boarders were good sportsmen and boxers . In the boarding , despite what all schools say , it is definitely survival of the fittest . The quicker you toughen up and leant to adjust the easier you have it and the more you enjoy yourself.
Boarders are merciless and if you're weak , a cry baby , show that you are missing home , don't mix , don't play games , try and stay out of trouble, refuse to take risks, don't share any and everything you own , you will not be happy and the others will make your life a misery .
Boarders in Bishops were worldly. They were Men about town in every sense of the word .
They woke at the crack of dawn , made do in tough situations , learned to rough it out in the most difficult circumstances and yet were always smiling, cheerful and willing to help .
Were they cunning guys - YES YES YES ! They had to be .
It was difficult to fool a boarder - they were wise beyond their years .
Imagine some of the problems boarders faced- food , which after a while got tasteless and the menu monotonous . Dormitories without fans - so you wet your sheet with tap water and slept . Mosquitoes who feasted on you despite the nets , no water in the toilets in the morning so they went down to fill buckets . At times they bathed in the open, managing with water from the hand pump . What about times of sickness - lying with high fever in the infirmary or in pain due to an injury on the games field . Then there was the initial home sickness , the teasing , the occasional bullying and fighting .
They were awake from about 5. 30 am till about with no rest in between - yes boarders had the stamina of horses !
Food was a much discussed topic so boarders found ways and means to overcome the problem - from sending for dinner from the market to cooking Maggi noodles with geyser water at midnight , to asking residential teachers to cook something for them - they learnt to overcome and overcome they did.
The clever ones managed their academics well- the weaker ones took tuitions , often failed , got the cane , studied at night while using a torch under a blanket and got help from clever friends. A number of boarders took private tuition ,often skipping all study classes in the bargain .
Boarders often became the class monitors and they sure knew how to take charge
When I joined in 1981 I was the class teacher of 5 A .
Remember 2 boys - Mangnani and Vivek Sood who managed my class - took the attendance , did the mark sheet , managed the stall at the fete - you name it and they did it for me .
There were many more over the years but these two were the first ans that's why I named them .
Boarders were always in the lime light during Founders week , sports day , the fete , the church service etc .
They were also the ones called out by Mr Roberts during mark reading - many of these poor guys failed in some subject or the other and the rest , as they say ,was History !
Bishops had a number of staff living on campus and so boarders and staff grew close , often playing games together . In fact I learnt to play TT and Volley ball from the boarders . We even played TT all afternoon in the dormitory on weekends and Volley ball all evening as well .
They were helpful and were often summoned by residential staff to help with chores - they did so willingly and more often than not enjoyed the same - especially when they had to miss study to help a teacher .
Boarders also made pals with some very special and important people on campus .
Can any boarder ever forget the guy called HANDSOME .
He was the barber who came in on weekends and his father had been the barber as well according to him . With his slick back hairstyle, clean shave and neat clothes he did look like a handsome barber . Obviously over the years he had earned the nickname. No one ever asked him what his actual name was .
He had just one style - the crew cut ( army NDA style )
If you went to Handsome he gave you a crew cut- no questions asked and no words spoken - for those who are not sure what it was - there had to be more hair on the ground than on your head - it was army style - short all over !
Some senior boys befriended Handsome ever year and got a better hair cut - some style and some shape - not sure if they tipped him or not but some Prefects looked pretty good after he had finished with them .
(Day scholars caught with long hair were often sent to Handsome during class hours and he made sure they learnt a lesson) .
Handsome told me he often did about 40 haircuts in an afternoon and that was no exaggeration .
Then there was Ramdass - he swept the campus clean but was a wizard at Hockey and the unofficial coach year after year . Boys flocked to him for tips and he ran circles round them with ball and stick . He had played in the nationals I am told .
The resident cobbler was also a well known character and an -integral part of a boarder's life often siting in a verandah in all seasons and toiling on manfully. Will someone please remind me of his name .( SudhakarArde tells me it was Moochi)
The dhobi was high on the list of important people too. Although the matrons dealt with him on a weekly basis , boarders were often seen rushing to him to get clothes ironed - more often smaller boarders with the clothes of the Dormitory prefect .
He obviously marked the clothes with Roll numbers and very few were mixed up or lost .( Devraj was his name . Thanks SUDHAKAR)
Here is a question - do you remember your Roll no - any of you ?
Boarders - more often than not, the Prefects, befriended one or two school peons and bearers . They are the ones who brought in food at night for a premium . Burgers were high on the list in those days .
Officially this was not permitted as per rules but we turned a blind eye to this one.
While most boarders banked money with their dorm in charge there was also the school pocket money ranging from rupees two to rupees ten . Correct me if I am wrong. Boarders lined up to receive the same and it was a ritual all boarders waited for - they then would dart to the ice cream vendor or the tuck shop .
Borrowing and lending was rampant and at times money was not returned as well .With the little money at their disposal they learned the art of being thrifty and stretching a rupee to the maximum . Many ran up large bills with the ice cream man , Manji and the tuck shop and not all paid up .There were complaints and settlements every year .
If there were willing workers - they were the boarders . Moving furniture , removing stones from the filed on sports day , carrying chairs before and after the movie on Friday and helping everyone on campus - the boarders did so willingly. Poor chaps- when they tried to dodge they were taken to task by the Prefects and that was tough indeed .
You would all remember the St Helena's and Bishops socials . As far as I know they elicited a great response from all Class ten boys - however the boarders took it a few steps further - they ensured their clothes were ready a week in advance and they spent a lot of time learning to dance in the dormitory.
With no YouTube back in those day it was often a case of the Blind leading the Blind but by D day everyone was brimming with confidence and ready to find a bride .
A few actually did . Any names guys ?
The annual dorm feasts in each dormitory saw talent and organizational skills of the highest order.
Collecting the money, budgeting , invitations , ordering food, organizing the entertainment programme , music, lights and performing - wow was the word. The programme usually lasted for about 4 hours , great food and entertainment. The invited teachers enjoyed the evening and there was great talent on display with the singers , dancers , actors and mimics wowing the audience .
Some boarders and day scholars grew pretty close with home cooked food often being the link . A few visited day scholars over the weekend as well .
A mention to be made of BIRTHDAY PARTIES IN SCHOOL . You know what I mean . You placed the order. Got your fixed items and enjoyed yourself with the fixed number of friends . Many others looked on with their tongues hanging out. The birthday boy owned the show.
Where games were concerned I have to say that the boarders stole a march over the day scholars .
Because they were so hardy and so fit they often monopolized most class, house and school teams . They practiced hard and put their heart and soul into the game . The same goes for athletics as well . I have to say that there were a large number of outstanding sportsmen who were day scholars as well !
All boarders were known by their surname and till date I don't know what many of your first names are .
Some boarders had a reputation - either they were outstanding sportsmen , great boxers, good at light and sound arrangements , very clever , great assistants to the teacher , often got injuries ( some faked it ) , always in trouble , known to bunk school at night , extra mischievous, failed in a number of subjects etc etc.
The boarding life in Bishops was fun and it made men out of boys . No boarder can forget his life in the boarding , even if it was just for a year .
Well I think that sort of sums it up - I could go on but I will stop here .

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Teachers day 2016

On the eve of Teachers day I sit and think back on all those amazing teachers who made me what I am today .
My mother - my first teacher . It makes 18 months tomorrow . She taught me to be a gentleman first and all else afterwards. To be truthful, helpful and kind to those less fortunate.
Thank you darling mum . Miss you .
Then there were so many others who in some way or the other left a mark . Joe Shanker, Mr Trevor Bunting , Carl Dcruze, Tony Macleod , Ian Scott, Mr Flynn, Winston Gardner, Russell Gardner , Mr Lawrence , Mrs Penanthony, Mrs Gomes and many others . Then there were teachers I worked with as a young man . Mr Roberts , Mr Beaman and Mr Ringrow. The list goes on.
Teachers still belong to one of the lowest paid professions but what you get when you teach a great lesson more than makes up for the meagre salary . The look on the face of engaged pupils says it all.
Then of course the thrill of meeting pupils after decades . They still recognise and respect their teachers . No money can buy that respect .
Happy Teachers day one and all. Colleagues and friends in this profession- always remember with pride - We are in a Noble Profession and let's never forget that.
Cheers and God bless

Teachers day 2016

On the eve of Teachers day I sit and think back on all those amazing teachers who made me what I am today .
My mother - my first teacher . It makes 18 months tomorrow . She taught me to be a gentleman first and all else afterwards. To be truthful, helpful and kind to those less fortunate.
Thank you darling mum . Miss you .
Then there were so many others who in some way or the other left a mark . Joe Shanker, Mr Trevor Bunting , Carl Dcruze, Tony Macleod , Ian Scott, Mr Flynn, Winston Gardner, Russell Gardner , Mr Lawrence , Mrs Penanthony, Mrs Gomes and many others . Then there were teachers I worked with as a young man . Mr Roberts , Mr Beaman and Mr Ringrow. The list goes on.
Teachers still belong to one of the lowest paid professions but what you get when you teach a great lesson more than makes up for the meagre salary . The look on the face of engaged pupils says it all.
Then of course the thrill of meeting pupils after decades . They still recognise and respect their teachers . No money can buy that respect .
Happy Teachers day one and all. Colleagues and friends in this profession- always remember with pride - We are in a Noble Profession and let's never forget that.
Cheers and God bless

Friday, 19 August 2016

I visited Bishops after 15 years

So this summer holiday I did something I had planned to do for some years- fifteen  to be exact. I visited The Bishops School .
Don't ask me why I have not visited for fifteen years - just read on .
Reached the gate and wondered how to get in . There are high gates now and manned by security . Obviously times have changed and this is necessary from a security point of view.
After proving my credentials I was allowed into the gate without a fuss .
The next on my agenda was to go and meet Mr Frank Freese . To be frank this was a little more difficult as it was a holiday and after a busy week no one wants to be disturbed .
However he and I had been in touch and so I was taken in to the Bungalow .
At this juncture I have to say that there was a lot of greenery everywhere and the whole area looked clean and extremely tidy . There were many buses as well .
Entering the bungalow brought back wonderful memories of Mr Roberts and the family .
Mr Freese has done a wonderful job of renovating the structure and maintaining the antique furniture within .
Mr and Mrs Freese have truly continued in the good traditions of their predecessors . Everything has changed and nothing has changed if you get what I mean . The school still maintains the aura and dignity of the best school in Pune .
As the rain had come down in torrents , Mr Freese and I went by car across the road for the Prefect's investiture ceremony.
The ceremony was dignified , the pupils smartly turned out , the choir as melodious , and the discipline  impeccable . Missed seeing Mrs Carol Jolly / Mrs Postwalla with the choir !
So pleased to see the familiar clean shoes , proper schoolboy hair cuts and all boys clean shaved . Oh yes there are girls there now and that was different but they were as smart as the boys .
As the pupils were administered the oath of office by the Principal  and received their badges it took me back over the years and to the ceremony on the Uppers . The Head boy this year is extremely tall - if I can recollect the name is Malhotra .
There were definitely many  more photographs both during and after the ceremony,  thanks to mobile phones and I remembered Mr. David Choudhary fondly - he was the one who took snaps at our time . He then developed them in a dark room in the craft room and we saw them a week after the function . Not sure if we hired any other photographer . I do remember a man from Jagos  being there as well at times - I may be wrong .
All in all a great day - many proud faces all round . Was happy to see sons of boys I had taught being administered to oath as well - one name struck me - Banejwadkar!
I was happy to meet quite a few staff who remember me and this includes support staff as well - Das, Anil Randhir and Sunil , Eeta bai are few of the names that come to mind . There was also Janardhan bearer and the daughter of good old Nainu ( Boarders and old residential staff would remember these names ) .
I was pleased to be introduced to the guests and pupils during the ceremony and taken aback when asked to say a few words . Kept it to a few as the Chief guest had gone on a bit  ! Did not click any snaps that day as it was raining .
I visited Bishops for a second time  a week later - this time it was sunny so I went armed with my camera - no nothing fancy .
Was taken round the school by a young member of staff deputed by Mr Freese .
Anil Randhir was also there .
Visited all the old haunts and could have done so blindfolded - Cambridge, Simba and Lunn , Jubilee dormitories - the labs, the old gym , the canteen, my old offices in Lunn and beside the Library.
The library, Harding hall , the Uppers, Lowers , the Grade 9 and 10 classrooms , the infirmary etc.
There were some classes going on and surprisingly all the senior pupils were quiet and attentive .
Also some basketball training for girls .
Nice basketball court on the Uppers which looks good and tennis courts on the lowers which has made that area useful - no more rocks and mud !
The wall and gate dividing St Marys and Bishops is still there and that would bring back memories as well .
Oh yes there were trees on the Uppers  and the good old boxing ring is still there and boxing is very much part of the school activities . Any news of Aspi Irani ?
Have to say that I saw some Senior pupils - about 30 of them standing on the uppers - all wearing blazers - it was about noon and that impressed me .
It was truly an enjoyable visit and there is no denying the fact that the school is doing exceeding well .
 A morning well spent and extremely nostalgic.

I visited Bishops after 15 years

So this summer holiday I did something I had planned to do for some years- fifteen  to be exact. I visited The Bishops School .
Don't ask me why I have not visited for fifteen years - just read on .
Reached the gate and wondered how to get in . There are high gates now and manned by security . Obviously times have changed and this is necessary from a security point of view.
After proving my credentials I was allowed into the gate without a fuss .
The next on my agenda was to go and meet Mr Frank Freese . To be frank this was a little more difficult as it was a holiday and after a busy week no one wants to be disturbed .
However he and I had been in touch and so I was taken in to the Bungalow .
At this juncture I have to say that there was a lot of greenery everywhere and the whole area looked clean and extremely tidy . There were many buses as well .
Entering the bungalow brought back wonderful memories of Mr Roberts and the family .
Mr Freese has done a wonderful job of renovating the structure and maintaining the antique furniture within .
Mr and Mrs Freese have truly continued in the good traditions of their predecessors . Everything has changed and nothing has changed if you get what I mean . The school still maintains the aura and dignity of the best school in Pune .
As the rain had come down in torrents , Mr Freese and I went by car across the road for the Prefect's investiture ceremony.
The ceremony was dignified , the pupils smartly turned out , the choir as melodious , and the discipline  impeccable . Missed seeing Mrs Carol Jolly / Mrs Postwalla with the choir !
So pleased to see the familiar clean shoes , proper schoolboy hair cuts and all boys clean shaved . Oh yes there are girls there now and that was different but they were as smart as the boys .
As the pupils were administered the oath of office by the Principal  and received their badges it took me back over the years and to the ceremony on the Uppers . The Head boy this year is extremely tall - if I can recollect the name is Malhotra .
There were definitely many  more photographs both during and after the ceremony,  thanks to mobile phones and I remembered Mr. David Choudhary fondly - he was the one who took snaps at our time . He then developed them in a dark room in the craft room and we saw them a week after the function . Not sure if we hired any other photographer . I do remember a man from Jagos  being there as well at times - I may be wrong .
All in all a great day - many proud faces all round . Was happy to see sons of boys I had taught being administered to oath as well - one name struck me - Banejwadkar!
I was happy to meet quite a few staff who remember me and this includes support staff as well - Das, Anil Randhir and Sunil , Eeta bai are few of the names that come to mind . There was also Janardhan bearer and the daughter of good old Nainu ( Boarders and old residential staff would remember these names ) .
I was pleased to be introduced to the guests and pupils during the ceremony and taken aback when asked to say a few words . Kept it to a few as the Chief guest had gone on a bit  ! Did not click any snaps that day as it was raining .
I visited Bishops for a second time  a week later - this time it was sunny so I went armed with my camera - no nothing fancy .
Was taken round the school by a young member of staff deputed by Mr Freese .
Anil Randhir was also there .
Visited all the old haunts and could have done so blindfolded - Cambridge, Simba and Lunn , Jubilee dormitories - the labs, the old gym , the canteen, my old offices in Lunn and beside the Library.
The library, Harding hall , the Uppers, Lowers , the Grade 9 and 10 classrooms , the infirmary etc.
There were some classes going on and surprisingly all the senior pupils were quiet and attentive .
Also some basketball training for girls .
Nice basketball court on the Uppers which looks good and tennis courts on the lowers which has made that area useful - no more rocks and mud !
The wall and gate dividing St Marys and Bishops is still there and that would bring back memories as well .
Oh yes there were trees on the Uppers  and the good old boxing ring is still there and boxing is very much part of the school activities . Any news of Aspi Irani ?
Have to say that I saw some Senior pupils - about 30 of them standing on the uppers - all wearing blazers - it was about noon and that impressed me .
It was truly an enjoyable visit and there is no denying the fact that the school is doing exceeding well .
 A morning well spent and extremely nostalgic.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

1.3 billion population. 1 medal  till now.  Maybe a few more . I don't know whether to laugh , cry , applaud , make a comment or just sit and hope for the best . Forget Shobha De and her critical article .  What is the Minister of Sports going to say to defend this dismal show? . What about those sons, friends and ministerial sycophants who are on a free  jaunt in Rio- drinking , partying , taking selfies and generally disgracing   themselves  and the country .
Do our athletes deserve this? . What about the selection process and the training?. What support from the Government ?
Some heads may roll but don't expect miracles . We need someone to stem the rot. Who that is I have no clue .
Shame on our systems .
1.3 billion population. 1 medal  till now.  Maybe a few more . I don't know whether to laugh , cry , applaud , make a comment or just sit and hope for the best . Forget Shobha De and her critical article .  What is the Minister of Sports going to say to defend this dismal show? . What about those sons, friends and ministerial sycophants who are on a free  jaunt in Rio- drinking , partying , taking selfies and generally disgracing   themselves  and the country .
Do our athletes deserve this? . What about the selection process and the training?. What support from the Government ?
Some heads may roll but don't expect miracles . We need someone to stem the rot. Who that is I have no clue .
Shame on our systems .

Friday, 3 June 2016

I was Analysing reasons for the success of the 2 Prize days at our school in Dubai and here is what I have come up with . It is not rocket science by any stretch of imagination but a simple mantra for success
Think about what you want to do and formulate a concrete plan well in advance .
Get hold of the right people . This is of paramount importance .
Share your plan with them and see what they feel . Be open to new ideas .
Look at how much you want to spend and make that clear .
Put the tentative plan down in writing so everyone is clear and there are no unrealistic demands or expectations
Meet with the key people regularly and measure progress .
Delegate .Delegate - DELEGATE
TRUST your own judgement .
Learn to be a jack of all trades . In the present day and age it is a must .
Encourage people and give them confidence .
Be critical to a point .
Never praise too much till the final day but don't put anyone down either
Don't accept anything but the best . If you don't like something or the way it is shaping up say it openly . There is no point beating round the bush.
Have a number of premotems.
Very little sense of a big postmortem after the function has flopped .
Don't leave anything to chance .
Give the most important jobs to the best people at your disposal .
Get more people/  new employees / involved - to learn,  as part of a team .
Be well on time . Rushing in late is stressful if you have a key role to play .
Thank people for a job well done .
These are some of my key  principles and they have never failed me .
We were witness to two amazing prize days .
Super decor , great ambience ,  good foyer and quadrangle displays , appropriate PPT., no unnecessary announcements so no time wasted , a choir which was one of the biggest and the best , smart turn out by Prefects and pupils , a flag party which started things off on the right note , Super Admin arrangements , cleanliness and hygienic surroundings , a dance which once again was stupendous , good discipline , good snacks and dinner . The award ceremony also went off so smoothly .
All staff were on duty and carried it out to perfection before , during and after the function .
Great leadership displayed

I was Analysing reasons for the success of the 2 Prize days at our school in Dubai and here is what I have come up with . It is not rocket science by any stretch of imagination but a simple mantra for success
Think about what you want to do and formulate a concrete plan well in advance .
Get hold of the right people . This is of paramount importance .
Share your plan with them and see what they feel . Be open to new ideas .
Look at how much you want to spend and make that clear .
Put the tentative plan down in writing so everyone is clear and there are no unrealistic demands or expectations
Meet with the key people regularly and measure progress .
Delegate .Delegate - DELEGATE
TRUST your own judgement .
Learn to be a jack of all trades . In the present day and age it is a must .
Encourage people and give them confidence .
Be critical to a point .
Never praise too much till the final day but don't put anyone down either
Don't accept anything but the best . If you don't like something or the way it is shaping up say it openly . There is no point beating round the bush.
Have a number of premotems.
Very little sense of a big postmortem after the function has flopped .
Don't leave anything to chance .
Give the most important jobs to the best people at your disposal .
Get more people/  new employees / involved - to learn,  as part of a team .
Be well on time . Rushing in late is stressful if you have a key role to play .
Thank people for a job well done .
These are some of my key  principles and they have never failed me .
We were witness to two amazing prize days .
Super decor , great ambience ,  good foyer and quadrangle displays , appropriate PPT., no unnecessary announcements so no time wasted , a choir which was one of the biggest and the best , smart turn out by Prefects and pupils , a flag party which started things off on the right note , Super Admin arrangements , cleanliness and hygienic surroundings , a dance which once again was stupendous , good discipline , good snacks and dinner . The award ceremony also went off so smoothly .
All staff were on duty and carried it out to perfection before , during and after the function .
Great leadership displayed

Monday, 21 March 2016


This day will not come again – so make the best of it – every second- every minute – every hour .
Spread good will
Smile and be happy .
Learn something new
Read – a book- an article – anything that stimulates the thought process ...
Be helpful
Say a kind word
Do not talk ill of anyone
Try and make someone’s day special
Plan ahead but live in the present .
Try and learn from your mistakes but don’t dwell on them
Work on removing negativity from your life
Be thankful for what you have
Think of those of have much less than you and try and help them
Be generous in thought , word and deed
Say a silent prayer whenever you can – its calming .
Be determined to have a good day .
Send out positives vibes into the universe – they will come back to you threefold

Hope this makes some sense !!


This day will not come again – so make the best of it – every second- every minute – every hour .
Spread good will
Smile and be happy .
Learn something new
Read – a book- an article – anything that stimulates the thought process ...
Be helpful
Say a kind word
Do not talk ill of anyone
Try and make someone’s day special
Plan ahead but live in the present .
Try and learn from your mistakes but don’t dwell on them
Work on removing negativity from your life
Be thankful for what you have
Think of those of have much less than you and try and help them
Be generous in thought , word and deed
Say a silent prayer whenever you can – its calming .
Be determined to have a good day .
Send out positives vibes into the universe – they will come back to you threefold

Hope this makes some sense !!

Friday, 26 February 2016

An addition to the family

" Can you hear someone in the hallroom? "
" No I can't " , I replied - pulling the cover over my head and turning over . -
Wife " Sounds like there is a cat in the house - go and check "
Me'' Go chase it out yourself - your fault for leaving the window open "
And then the fight almost started - but then I am the peaceful sort of guy .......!!
For goodness sake it was 11 pm and I had work the next day. However I got up - the "HE MAN" - ready to kill the cat - or to put it in the correct perspective- chase it out !
I walk towards the hall, conjuring up images of a large fierce cat with large glowing eyes - tail waving in anger .
" Be careful you dont get scratched " says the voice from inside .
" Uff - let it be", I reply .
I look around ........
There- beaming- stands my daughter , pointing to the sofa .
I rub my eyes- I can't see a thing among the cream cushions . There is a pregnant silence .
Then I see it - a little ball of cream fluff - a kitten- it was snuggled up and staring at me - almost defiantly .
Do I chase it out , do I scream , do I kill it ?. I had promised to do all this and more every time the topic had been broached in the past .
Now here I was and it was a time of reckoning - We stared at each other ( the kitten and me )
Then I made a move - I went forward , picked it up and kissed it .
"Her name is Rachel " Says my daughter
" What ?? " say I
" No it's not - its Kittu - maybe lets call it baby or munchkins, or Little one " Say I
Why was I even discussing a name when we were not keeping it in the first place?
" There is the litter box- This is her living box - this is her food - her plate - her covering - she will sleep here " says my daughter .
The wife enters the room . She smiles at the kitten .
" Did I just see the ktten smile back ?"
All three exchange knowing glances and I am the odd one out .
Over and out - I am off to bed .
" Dont make any plans " I try and sound as aggressive as possible
There is a little whining then silence . All three were obviously happy I had left the scene
I wake early and go in search of the kittten .
She is awake and she looks imploringly at me almost willing me to pick her up and hug her .
My heart melts .
OMG - I am falling in love with her .
She comes running to me - mewing .
" Come to dada " , I say and pick her up .
"Dada" ?? What the hell is wrong wth me . I am supposed to be getting rid of this little creature . That was the plan . I put her down and give her some food and sit there while she first sniffs at it for a few moments and then begins eating .
Six days have gone by and it's still here .
I play with it daily- many times a day . It likes me and crouches every time I look and try and scare it . It seems to like rough play . It nibbles on my fingers and toes .
I say bye when leaving for work and she is the first thing I look for when I return .
Today I lay on the carpet and it was all over me and we played and we had fun. I certainly did .
I feel relaxed and very amused .
While I key in these memories she is on my lap- cuddled up and fast asleep.
I guess we have a pet and YES we are going to keep it .
Michael Guzder

An addition to the family

" Can you hear someone in the hallroom? "
" No I can't " , I replied - pulling the cover over my head and turning over . -
Wife " Sounds like there is a cat in the house - go and check "
Me'' Go chase it out yourself - your fault for leaving the window open "
And then the fight almost started - but then I am the peaceful sort of guy .......!!
For goodness sake it was 11 pm and I had work the next day. However I got up - the "HE MAN" - ready to kill the cat - or to put it in the correct perspective- chase it out !
I walk towards the hall, conjuring up images of a large fierce cat with large glowing eyes - tail waving in anger .
" Be careful you dont get scratched " says the voice from inside .
" Uff - let it be", I reply .
I look around ........
There- beaming- stands my daughter , pointing to the sofa .
I rub my eyes- I can't see a thing among the cream cushions . There is a pregnant silence .
Then I see it - a little ball of cream fluff - a kitten- it was snuggled up and staring at me - almost defiantly .
Do I chase it out , do I scream , do I kill it ?. I had promised to do all this and more every time the topic had been broached in the past .
Now here I was and it was a time of reckoning - We stared at each other ( the kitten and me )
Then I made a move - I went forward , picked it up and kissed it .
"Her name is Rachel " Says my daughter
" What ?? " say I
" No it's not - its Kittu - maybe lets call it baby or munchkins, or Little one " Say I
Why was I even discussing a name when we were not keeping it in the first place?
" There is the litter box- This is her living box - this is her food - her plate - her covering - she will sleep here " says my daughter .
The wife enters the room . She smiles at the kitten .
" Did I just see the ktten smile back ?"
All three exchange knowing glances and I am the odd one out .
Over and out - I am off to bed .
" Dont make any plans " I try and sound as aggressive as possible
There is a little whining then silence . All three were obviously happy I had left the scene
I wake early and go in search of the kittten .
She is awake and she looks imploringly at me almost willing me to pick her up and hug her .
My heart melts .
OMG - I am falling in love with her .
She comes running to me - mewing .
" Come to dada " , I say and pick her up .
"Dada" ?? What the hell is wrong wth me . I am supposed to be getting rid of this little creature . That was the plan . I put her down and give her some food and sit there while she first sniffs at it for a few moments and then begins eating .
Six days have gone by and it's still here .
I play with it daily- many times a day . It likes me and crouches every time I look and try and scare it . It seems to like rough play . It nibbles on my fingers and toes .
I say bye when leaving for work and she is the first thing I look for when I return .
Today I lay on the carpet and it was all over me and we played and we had fun. I certainly did .
I feel relaxed and very amused .
While I key in these memories she is on my lap- cuddled up and fast asleep.
I guess we have a pet and YES we are going to keep it .
Michael Guzder