
Friday, 3 June 2016

I was Analysing reasons for the success of the 2 Prize days at our school in Dubai and here is what I have come up with . It is not rocket science by any stretch of imagination but a simple mantra for success
Think about what you want to do and formulate a concrete plan well in advance .
Get hold of the right people . This is of paramount importance .
Share your plan with them and see what they feel . Be open to new ideas .
Look at how much you want to spend and make that clear .
Put the tentative plan down in writing so everyone is clear and there are no unrealistic demands or expectations
Meet with the key people regularly and measure progress .
Delegate .Delegate - DELEGATE
TRUST your own judgement .
Learn to be a jack of all trades . In the present day and age it is a must .
Encourage people and give them confidence .
Be critical to a point .
Never praise too much till the final day but don't put anyone down either
Don't accept anything but the best . If you don't like something or the way it is shaping up say it openly . There is no point beating round the bush.
Have a number of premotems.
Very little sense of a big postmortem after the function has flopped .
Don't leave anything to chance .
Give the most important jobs to the best people at your disposal .
Get more people/  new employees / involved - to learn,  as part of a team .
Be well on time . Rushing in late is stressful if you have a key role to play .
Thank people for a job well done .
These are some of my key  principles and they have never failed me .
We were witness to two amazing prize days .
Super decor , great ambience ,  good foyer and quadrangle displays , appropriate PPT., no unnecessary announcements so no time wasted , a choir which was one of the biggest and the best , smart turn out by Prefects and pupils , a flag party which started things off on the right note , Super Admin arrangements , cleanliness and hygienic surroundings , a dance which once again was stupendous , good discipline , good snacks and dinner . The award ceremony also went off so smoothly .
All staff were on duty and carried it out to perfection before , during and after the function .
Great leadership displayed

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