Why A Thousand Oaks Cannot Stop a Single gun .
We seem to be passing through a dangerously critical time in History where insanity and madness seem to be the order of the day . Why else would we be reading of the things we do . Why else would there be so much senseless bloodshed .
Resigning ourselves to FATE is not the answer. More security is not the answer . Then what is ?
We need a new mindset and being in the Education field for the last 40 years I believe that Education is the answer .
At the present moment Education is the only thing that can set the wheels in motion .
We need people to think – think afresh and catch them young .
The menace of Guns is not going to go away anytime soon – its seen a slow build up and it will take time.
Will there be more violence? – Unfortunately the answer is YES
Will more innocent lives be lost? – Say what we will but that is going to happen .
So be prepared for more and start thinking .
The quicker – the better .
A few lines in contemplation ……
More senseless shooting.
More violence.
More deaths.
Innocent people who needed to live for themselves and for their loved ones .
More violence.
More deaths.
Innocent people who needed to live for themselves and for their loved ones .
Candle light vigils
Bouquets and tears
Newspaper headlines
Television news.
Interviews and viewpoints
Discussions and debates
A call for peace
A call to ban guns
The gun control debate rises again
Newspaper headlines
Television news.
Interviews and viewpoints
Discussions and debates
A call for peace
A call to ban guns
The gun control debate rises again
The blame game begins .
They blame the Republicans
They blame the Democrats ?
They blame the President
They blame the youth
They blame the wars
They blame it on depression
They blame it on society
They blame it on family upbringing
It's tiring
It's depressing
It's sad
It fills the conman man with rage
It makes him / her want to cry.
To ask WHY
But tears have never solved anything .
Never made a dead man come alive.
It's not needed.
It's not the answer .
There has to be another way
I believe
That Education is that way
We need better schools & better classrooms
We need better teachers & more awareness
Teach them now – Tell them how
Catch them young
It’s the way to sanity
It’s the way to peace
It’s the way to love .
It’s the way to sanity
It’s the way to peace
It’s the way to love .
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