
Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Nothing political about this

Silly musings....... Car sales are sinking like never before, capital investments have plunged and global investors are a disillusioned lot. Jobs are scarce and unemployment is on the rise. The banking system leaves plenty to be desired and oil prices have increased. The minorities are worried about what may befall them and the roads are in such a mess that they resemble the moon. The less said about inflation the better- a hundred rupees just about gets you a semi decent cup of coffee. The borders are tense and war cannot be written off. Innumerable pre election promises have been forgotten and everyone is confused. Then there is the news that infiltration will cause an attack in some parts of the country . A distraction may do the trick say the powers that be . We cannot afford to let the comman man get disillusioned can we? A ploy is the answer. Something so disturbing that it will get people talking. Maybe if Hindi is imposed all over it will cure all ills. Or maybe at least it will get people so engrossed in that debate that all else will be either forgotten or put on the back burner for some time. I am not into politics and I don't support any party . Just a common Indian with a thought on my mind . Am thinking out loud . Are you too?

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