I fail to understand what all the fuss surrounding WhatsApp is about. Its in the press , in the news and on everyone's lips . Call me naïve, brazen, stupid, slow, dull, and foolhardy- or what you will. If you are going to continue using Facebook, Instagram and twitter., Google etc. then your account is already compromised to quite an extent. Unless you are some big wig, world mover and shaker types, international spy, holder of classified information, just relax and stop shouting from the roof top, for goodness sake. No one is coming after you - they don't even know or care that you exist . Whenever something like this happens , all and sundry get hot and bothered under the collar. Everyone is suddenly an expert on the topic . The amount of messages and unsolicited advice I have received to this effect, are unbelievable but thank you nevertheless. Have received innumerable forwards to download Signal as well. My answer is no. Thanks but no thanks . Elon Musk has not called me as yet . So dear friends and relatives - Am staying with WhatsApp for the time being and not making any drastic changes – I hate knee jerk reactions in the first place . I am not vowing never to change, so don't hold me to it, but not at the present moment. One look at my WhatsApp account, and in fact, most people’s WhatsApp accounts, will tell you that they will evoke little, if any interest at all. Here is what is on my WhatsApp for you to be the better judge. Please let me know if I am in the “you will be spied upon category” Good morning, messages- many repeats Good night messages Recipes Prayers & blessings Wishes for festivals Jokes Photographs of people ,pets, scenery, vegetables , houses , hotels – and I am not an ace at this either . Meeting requests/ reminders. Mundane messages about any and everything under the sun. If anyone wants to read them, copy them, use them to change world policy and economics – be my guest. My WhatsApp messages and details will not affect the share market, topple governments or start revolts. At least I don't think so ! As such - Please continue to message me on the same platform . Of course be careful - be very careful, as somebody may be spying on your phone . And by the way- WhatsApp did not pay me to write this !
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