
Sunday, 13 June 2021



Do you remember the day you fell in love?

The hour, the season, the place

For the first, third or fifth time?

On every occasion you thought to yourself

“This is the love of my life.’’

“Finally got it right”!



Every time you met each other

 – things just got better.

In a trice- no moil.

The unwavering promises, of enduring devotion

Tugged at your heart strings.

 You were the happiest person on the planet

And everything in the garden was rosy!


No special day was needed for a celebration,

For everyday was Christmas,

 Holi, Easter, or Eid, for that matter.


It showed in the fetching eyes- the lingering looks.

It was reflected in the gorgeous smile.

Wardrobes were suddenly spruced up

Appearances began to matter more than ever

Everything was convenient, secure, content, serene.


The irresistible connection was overpowering

The Euphoria- overwhelming.

The positives were in focus

The flaws overlooked.

Two beings, so caught up in love

In the excitement, the passion and the frenzy.

Nothing, and no one else mattered.

Two souls had entwined and become one

Now life was sheer bliss.

This was for eternity.


Then unexpectedly – unforeseen cracks

Made a revolting appearance.

Decidedly slowly, but extremely  surely

And were soon unfathomable trenches.

Shocking disbelief followed.

No one saw it coming

No one assumed it would.


Two worlds collided and crumbled.

Battle lines were drawn

The disappointment, the wrangling and the blame

The bitterness, the rage, the rancour

Took its toll.

Honest conversations became History

Forgiveness- no more a foregone conclusion

The furrows were dug too deep

Reconciliation – utterly impossible.


All that was left

Was for the tears to dry.

And the healing process to begin.


People outgrow people, don’t they?

“If it just didn’t open

It was certainly not your door”.

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