
Friday, 11 February 2022

Early mornings

 Even on weekends, I am out of bed like a lark. No , not singing or anything so crazy but just up!

Lying in bed, when already awake, has never appealed to me . I find it boring and a waste of precious time. I love the weekends!

As a young boy in Allahabad, I woke early every day to hear Radio Ceylon , read the Northern India Patrika, and play with our dog before getting ready and cycling to school or work.

In Pune, it was the same - morning duty at Bishops or early morning tuition classes and I was never late. 

So here in Dubai it's the newspapers, tea and quiet contemplation. 

Oh yes ,the phone and the cat too. I check WhatsApp and FB while the tea water boils and I tickle her with my toes. It's called multi tasking! 

In fact she wakes me up, walks me down the steps, hangs around a bit, and then goes back up to sleep, at the foot of my bed.

Bright , sunny , cool , invigorating mornings in the UAE are not for sleeping.

I presume that as one gets older , one sleeps less ! 

Thankfully, we have less Covid news and the world seems to be healing . It's about time.

However , we do have the shenanigans of some world leaders to ponder over.

The untidy haired Mr J who partied during Covid, the shrewd Mr P who people say is waiting to invade , the sly Mr M and his grandiose plans and a few others.

Then, on an early morning news chanel , I was not surprised to see the joker blowing his own TRUMPet.

He did vow and say, 'I'll be back' , didn't he?

Am sorry for digressing .

It's a lovely morning and I have things to do,so have a wonderful day - stay positive and blessed.

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