
Thursday, 1 September 2022


 Can we actually feel

Another's pain , sorrow or suffering?

No one truly knows what it's like.

It could be anything 

But with our guess work 

And misplaced sense of importance 

We don't even come close.

It's so very easy to sympathise 

While throwing empathy aside

Haven't we all been the receipents of 

" It will get better soon"

" You will get over it "

" Don't worry - it's nothing "

" Cheer up "

" Good times are round the corner"

" Look on the bright side"

" It could have been worse"

" Don't stress"

Not to forget the clichéd 

" Every cloud has a silver lining"

Have also had a pseudo intellectual 

Come up and say to me some years ago

" When winter comes ,can spring 

be far behind" 

These words and phrases

Flow effortless off the tongue.

People may genuinely mean them

Or they may just be glib talk 

But the next time 

When an opportunity presents itself 

Think before you utter them

Because misplaced sympathy

Is as counter productive 

As negative empathy.

No one can truly feel another's pain.

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