
Friday, 14 October 2022

Very early this morning

 Very early this morning

As half the world slept

And the other half

Went about their daily lives....

Very early this morning

As the early birds rose 

To catch the proverbial worm

And exhausted barn owls

Retreated to their dingy barns...

Very early this morning

As two legged predators

Returned home after a night

Of debauchery 

And the four legged ones 

Unwound after a lengthy chase...

Very early this morning 

Yes, extremely early this morning 

Without so much as a 'may I'

I swallowed a lizzard.

It could have been a slug

As it was slimy and tailless

But slugs don't climb

Into six foot high shelves

To nestle in porcelain mugs

Do they?

So a lizzard it was!

All of an inch long

Wet, slimy and tailless.

Don't cringe, make those faces

And say yuck yuck yuck

It was me - not you. 

I had seen it the night before

Had scrambled to find a newspaper

No not to kill

But to scoop it up

And set it free among the plants

But this little monster

Was having none of that 

Probably it had other ideas

So he or could be a she

darted off and vanished in seconds 

Apparently to live another day

And then this morning 

Very early this morning 

As I prepared to have my 'cuppa'

For no fault of mine

Nor of 'lizzie' either

It was all over.


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