
Friday, 15 December 2023

This is downright silly

 Do you ever get silly thoughts? 

Not just silly, but downright idiotic? And then do you smile and say to yourself- how stupid can I get?. And at my age!

And ever so often  we ponder over life and the years gone by ? And we  frown in utter disbelief and think again - where in Dickens' name did that absurdity pop into my brain from!.

Now you know the facts -

I am quite old and quite it being moderately modest. 

I am an educational professional -  a post graduate trained teacher, with over 40 years experience 

I have taught hundreds of boys

Almost all are well placed all over the world 

Many are married with kids

Many read my posts - I love writing 

So many have asked me when my book would be published.

Some get their teens to read what I write. The articles are often inspirational 

Some are just stories of days gone by - at times nostalgia creeps in.

I write about Allahabad, my home town, Pune my adopted home town, and now the UAE.

Plenty of articles about BISHOPS too.

Often people say my writing is motivational .....

I also give talks.... I tell myself that people listen even when they are fiddling with their mobile.

So in a nutshell - when I write- people read.

Hence the pressure is ALWAYS there to ensure that the piece of writing  makes sense .

When I speak- people listen - or at least that's what I believe.

However, last evening , from out of nowhere, I got the most unintelligent,obscure, brainless thought, which zoomed into my cranium and refused to budge.

It's embarrassing to share - so don't judge me.

YOU CAN STOP READING HERE if you have anything better to do, as this is senseless trivia and will benefit you zilch.


I was thinking of exotic pets and how people keep them. 

You know, the rare species of birds, animals, reptiles etc. 

The prohibited list - whereby, if you are caught, you could be fined or jailed.

Then there are people at the other end of the spectrum who keep rats ,  and cockroaches and are proud of doing so.

Now this is the embarrassing part , so take a deep breath and read on.

I was wondering- what if I had a centipede as a pet.

Not exotic but horribly strange !

Now you may not know, but all  centipedes don't have 100 legs. They could have anything over 10. Often they have an odd number - don't ask me why, but that's what Google said. Not sure why I researched this.

And they bite - by puncturing the skin. 

Well what if I had a pet centipede and I saw it limping ?

Would it be cruel to let it suffer ? Or should I console myself by saying ' what's one broken leg when it has so many ?

Food for thought ? 

Is there any deeper meaning to this ?

Why do these senseless thoughts plague me, when there are so many intelligent things I could be doing with my time right now?

After all, I am in a profession to educate the world ! This is far from anything remotely educational. 

Dear old boys - please don't let your kids read this.

 And if they do - and ask you who I am- just say it's Santa.

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