
Monday, 19 February 2024

Wake up and smell the roses


(A  4.45 am weekend thought )

 Have you ever wondered why people behave the way they do?

Punching below their weight- intentionally!

 being critical and confrontational, 

While attempting to validate alleged grievances .


Are they just captious perfectionists? 

Entangled in mystifying arguments with themselves?

Or nebby, boisterous, busybodies- acting on a whim?

Taking it upon themselves 

 to sweep the Augean stables clean.

Why do otherwise principled, right thinking, intelligent humans, behave irrationally? 

 Totally out of sync with their habitual, ethical selves

and think nothing of it. 

Topic for a dissertation maybe?

Is it trepidation, apprehension, anxiety, over thinking?  

Is it a, ‘yeah I am awesome syndrome’?

Or could it be an inflated ego, and over estimation of self-worth?

 Is it one of these or an amalgamation of the above?

One minute all is quiet on the western front.

Music, peace, friends, laughter, tranquility-

 and then without warning,

or so much as a, ‘by your leave’, 

Or a, ‘may I please’

Pandemonium ensues  and the world knows it .

 Off they go on an irrevocable tangent.

Cursing the rainbow and cuddling serpents! 

Spiralling out of control – frenzied, raving, and ranting 

Refusing to listen to reason, logic, or even common sense. 

They become unpredictable, unresponsive, ludicrous &  irrational 

Lashing out 

And often throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Is it letting feelings override facts? 

Is it decision paralysis?

Is it perception based on biases?

Or are they just befuddled, bewildered and punch- drunk?

Zoned out Angels can start to grow horns- can’t they?

Wake up and smell the roses! 

Or the coffee if you will! 

Life is all about choices.

About fulfilling purposes and accomplishing goals 

Its an aspect of existence

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