
Monday, 27 May 2013

A visit to the doctor

If anyone has been to the doctor as a kid it has been ME.
I've had the measles and the mumps - measles quite a few times in fact.
Tonsils and adenoids that plagued me for years and prevented me from having ice cream ( and believe it or not we owned the biggest ice cream parlour cum bar cum  in Allahabad ) way back in the 50's and 60's.!
I've had pneumonia followed by double pneumonia and I almost died .
I have had a severe allergic reaction to Sulphur !
Eyes, nose, ears - you name it and I guess like any normal kid I was taken to the doctor for it.
Then when my kids were growing up it was the same - trips to the doctor for this and that .
The routine over the years from the time I was a kid was the same .
You go to the doctor - you wait a while - he calls you in - looks you over - puts on a torch and peers into your throat and up your nostrils - pulls down the bottom portion of your eyelid and looks at it- puts the stethoscope into his ears and listens . Breathe- breathe he tells you.
Then he looks you over - tells you to sit down- takes out a pad - scribbles in a few medicines and signs with a flourish.
If you enquire as to whether you should come again ,your told - "if your not better then come after a week- but I don't think you will need to come" - Confident as hell.
You walk out feeling better immediately. You buy the medicine - you take it and pronto - a few days later your well. In fact you start feeling better after the first few doses.
These days its so very different.
Lets just presume that you are visiting a doctor for the first time
This is somewhat the scenario.
You phone the doctor to make an appointment.
If your lucky he will see you the next day or the day after if he can squeeze you into his busy schedule- by the way your not talking to him- its his secretary/ receptionist / a nurse at the clinic.
She is business like and asks for your reference number / mobile number and full name - thankfully she does not ask for your bank account/ credit card no- at least not yet.
You finally get to the clinic . It's 6 .00 pm
You are given a form and you fill it in - some forms  require so many details , they   make you feel like your applying for a new passport .
Form filled and handed in - then you get a number . Its all very proper.
The nurse then takes you for  your height / weight / temperature check/ pulse rate  . Just to make sure she says .
Let me cut to the chase- its your turn to see the doctor now.
You enter the doctors chamber and he smiles and you shake hands.
" How are you ", he says dryly .
I often feel like saying " About to die " or something to that effect .
I tell him what the problem is - maybe just a very stuffy nose and a slight body ache - for goodness sake I know its the flu- so just get on and give me a tab to cure it .
No - its not that simple .
He looks at his laptop and keys in some information .
He asks for symptoms and you tell him that its the flu .
He looks at you sarcastically as if to say - if that's the case go cure yourself.
He knows your in his clutches as he moves in for the juggler vein.
He then goes through the torch , throat, nose , eyes routine and your relieved . This was a breeze .
He then goes back to the computer and keys in some more information . I peer- trying to pry - no luck.
He then picks up the phone and summons the nurse who he hands a paper to.
" Just have a blood and urine test " -  "to rule out a few things" says he in a matter of fact tone .
That's easier said than done - the blood test is fine - but a urine test ???
OK let me drink water - one glass- two glasses - I  feel bloated extremely bloated  but there is no signs of the wretched urine  .........................Do I have stones - I wonder ????!!!!!! A blockage maybe !
Finally that's done too.
The results will take 30 mts - so relax says the nurse .
You sit and re- read the morning papers.
People dead/ women raped/ floods/ famine/ job scarcity/ building collapse/ earthquake - depressing to say the least.
You wonder at the diseases in the room around you .
You have come in with flu- you could go home with Pneumonia, tuberculosis or whooping cough - a weak mind sure plays trick on you .
The nurse comes back and calls your name out loud .
For goodness sake - there are only 2 people left in the clinic and one is a lady- surely she cant be Mr Michael
"The doctor feels that an X Ray would be an added precaution" says the nurse .
I  have that too- I  do not complain- if you have to die it might as well be due to radiation !
An hour gone by - people are packing to go home and I am  the last one there ."   The
Doctor will see you now" says the sleepy looking nurse- its  a few minutes  past 8.00 pm  .She would have left by now - she looks like she is cursing me under her breath. I could do without curses at this stage .
The doctor looks at the reports and the X ray. No expression at first. I am about to panic - could it be something serious- something unexpected - isn't that how they sometimes find that you have a killer disease when you go for something totally different ?
Doctor looks up from the reports
" Just a mild infection  " he says "  Nothing to worry about but at least we are sure its nothing else ".
He smiles ...........
He then starts keying in the medicines and the bill amount .
2 capsules( antibiotics probably ) thrice a day after meals for 4 days , 2 tablets, once a day before meals  for 5 days  - one mixture twice a day after meals for a week.
Pain killers in case of pain- once a day after meals- at night- as they make you drowsy.
A multivitamin to counteract the antibiotic
He is done . He then makes small talk and looks at his watch .I get up and thank him .
I  go to pay - I  almost give a yelp when I  see the bill . But I  dare not make a sound lest he call me back on hearing the yelp and order some more tests !.
I take the prescription to the pharmacy and then decide.....................
" Do I actually need all these medicines"
I  look carefully and buy just the tablets for pain and fever .
I  go home - feeling worse and very despondent .
I  take the tabs along with some home made remedy which I  should have taken in the first place
I  get better .
The body has cured itself .


A visit to the doctor

If anyone has been to the doctor as a kid it has been ME.
I've had the measles and the mumps - measles quite a few times in fact.
Tonsils and adenoids that plagued me for years and prevented me from having ice cream ( and believe it or not we owned the biggest ice cream parlour cum bar cum  in Allahabad ) way back in the 50's and 60's.!
I've had pneumonia followed by double pneumonia and I almost died .
I have had a severe allergic reaction to Sulphur !
Eyes, nose, ears - you name it and I guess like any normal kid I was taken to the doctor for it.
Then when my kids were growing up it was the same - trips to the doctor for this and that .
The routine over the years from the time I was a kid was the same .
You go to the doctor - you wait a while - he calls you in - looks you over - puts on a torch and peers into your throat and up your nostrils - pulls down the bottom portion of your eyelid and looks at it- puts the stethoscope into his ears and listens . Breathe- breathe he tells you.
Then he looks you over - tells you to sit down- takes out a pad - scribbles in a few medicines and signs with a flourish.
If you enquire as to whether you should come again ,your told - "if your not better then come after a week- but I don't think you will need to come" - Confident as hell.
You walk out feeling better immediately. You buy the medicine - you take it and pronto - a few days later your well. In fact you start feeling better after the first few doses.
These days its so very different.
Lets just presume that you are visiting a doctor for the first time
This is somewhat the scenario.
You phone the doctor to make an appointment.
If your lucky he will see you the next day or the day after if he can squeeze you into his busy schedule- by the way your not talking to him- its his secretary/ receptionist / a nurse at the clinic.
She is business like and asks for your reference number / mobile number and full name - thankfully she does not ask for your bank account/ credit card no- at least not yet.
You finally get to the clinic . It's 6 .00 pm
You are given a form and you fill it in - some forms  require so many details , they   make you feel like your applying for a new passport .
Form filled and handed in - then you get a number . Its all very proper.
The nurse then takes you for  your height / weight / temperature check/ pulse rate  . Just to make sure she says .
Let me cut to the chase- its your turn to see the doctor now.
You enter the doctors chamber and he smiles and you shake hands.
" How are you ", he says dryly .
I often feel like saying " About to die " or something to that effect .
I tell him what the problem is - maybe just a very stuffy nose and a slight body ache - for goodness sake I know its the flu- so just get on and give me a tab to cure it .
No - its not that simple .
He looks at his laptop and keys in some information .
He asks for symptoms and you tell him that its the flu .
He looks at you sarcastically as if to say - if that's the case go cure yourself.
He knows your in his clutches as he moves in for the juggler vein.
He then goes through the torch , throat, nose , eyes routine and your relieved . This was a breeze .
He then goes back to the computer and keys in some more information . I peer- trying to pry - no luck.
He then picks up the phone and summons the nurse who he hands a paper to.
" Just have a blood and urine test " -  "to rule out a few things" says he in a matter of fact tone .
That's easier said than done - the blood test is fine - but a urine test ???
OK let me drink water - one glass- two glasses - I  feel bloated extremely bloated  but there is no signs of the wretched urine  .........................Do I have stones - I wonder ????!!!!!! A blockage maybe !
Finally that's done too.
The results will take 30 mts - so relax says the nurse .
You sit and re- read the morning papers.
People dead/ women raped/ floods/ famine/ job scarcity/ building collapse/ earthquake - depressing to say the least.
You wonder at the diseases in the room around you .
You have come in with flu- you could go home with Pneumonia, tuberculosis or whooping cough - a weak mind sure plays trick on you .
The nurse comes back and calls your name out loud .
For goodness sake - there are only 2 people left in the clinic and one is a lady- surely she cant be Mr Michael
"The doctor feels that an X Ray would be an added precaution" says the nurse .
I  have that too- I  do not complain- if you have to die it might as well be due to radiation !
An hour gone by - people are packing to go home and I am  the last one there ."   The
Doctor will see you now" says the sleepy looking nurse- its  a few minutes  past 8.00 pm  .She would have left by now - she looks like she is cursing me under her breath. I could do without curses at this stage .
The doctor looks at the reports and the X ray. No expression at first. I am about to panic - could it be something serious- something unexpected - isn't that how they sometimes find that you have a killer disease when you go for something totally different ?
Doctor looks up from the reports
" Just a mild infection  " he says "  Nothing to worry about but at least we are sure its nothing else ".
He smiles ...........
He then starts keying in the medicines and the bill amount .
2 capsules( antibiotics probably ) thrice a day after meals for 4 days , 2 tablets, once a day before meals  for 5 days  - one mixture twice a day after meals for a week.
Pain killers in case of pain- once a day after meals- at night- as they make you drowsy.
A multivitamin to counteract the antibiotic
He is done . He then makes small talk and looks at his watch .I get up and thank him .
I  go to pay - I  almost give a yelp when I  see the bill . But I  dare not make a sound lest he call me back on hearing the yelp and order some more tests !.
I take the prescription to the pharmacy and then decide.....................
" Do I actually need all these medicines"
I  look carefully and buy just the tablets for pain and fever .
I  go home - feeling worse and very despondent .
I  take the tabs along with some home made remedy which I  should have taken in the first place
I  get better .
The body has cured itself .


Infantile Melancholia

Infantile Melancholia


I remember learning Nursery Rhymes in School and I am sure most of you do too. “How many Nursery Rhymes do you remember?” I was asked by some friends a few days ago.

We racked our brains and surprisingly came up with quite a few. As the conversation progressed and we reminisced, we came to a unanimous conclusion. Most Nursery Rhymes in general, are sad, depressing and at times even sadistic!

Okay, don’t believe me – read on.

“Piggy on the railway track picking up stones / Down came an engine and broke piggy’s bones (Ouch!). Ah! said piggy – that’s not fair. Now, please listen to the reply of the engine driver, “I don’t care.” Isn’t that a callous reply?

Next came good old Humpty Dumpty who ‘had a great fall’. He obviously was smashed to smithereens because ‘all the kings horses and all the kings men could not put Humpty Dumpty together again’, and there must have been a mess on the pavement. If that was not a sad end, what is?

Poor Little Miss Muffet suffered a trauma of another variety. She was frightened out of her wits by a large and ugly spider and obviously was unable to finish her ‘curds and whey’ which she had just begun to relish.

Who hasn’t heard of Old Mother Hubbard. She was a kind soul and an animal lover too. However, when she went to fetch her dog a bone, the cupboard was bare and the poor little dog had to go to sleep hungry.

Little Jack Horner was definitely a shy and lonely lad. How else do you account for the fact that he was sitting all alone in a corner, eating his Christmas pie with his fingers and talking to himself. Depressing to say the very least.

Jack and Jill were rather unfortunate too. The good little children went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. As luck would have it, Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after. She probably broke her crown too.

What about the three blind mice who ran after the farmer’s wife. The sadistic woman cut off their tails with a ‘carving knife’. From then on, it couldn’t have been much fun for the three little mice being both blind and tailless.

I’ve saved the worst for the last.

“Rock a bye baby on the tree top / When the wind blows, the cradle will rock / When the bough breaks the cradle will fall/ and down will come baby, cradle and all”. Now that would be a very careless mother indeed! Who, in her right frame of mind would put a baby, in a cradle on a tree top, and that too, on a windy day? Poor, poor kid!


Infantile Melancholia

Infantile Melancholia


I remember learning Nursery Rhymes in School and I am sure most of you do too. “How many Nursery Rhymes do you remember?” I was asked by some friends a few days ago.

We racked our brains and surprisingly came up with quite a few. As the conversation progressed and we reminisced, we came to a unanimous conclusion. Most Nursery Rhymes in general, are sad, depressing and at times even sadistic!

Okay, don’t believe me – read on.

“Piggy on the railway track picking up stones / Down came an engine and broke piggy’s bones (Ouch!). Ah! said piggy – that’s not fair. Now, please listen to the reply of the engine driver, “I don’t care.” Isn’t that a callous reply?

Next came good old Humpty Dumpty who ‘had a great fall’. He obviously was smashed to smithereens because ‘all the kings horses and all the kings men could not put Humpty Dumpty together again’, and there must have been a mess on the pavement. If that was not a sad end, what is?

Poor Little Miss Muffet suffered a trauma of another variety. She was frightened out of her wits by a large and ugly spider and obviously was unable to finish her ‘curds and whey’ which she had just begun to relish.

Who hasn’t heard of Old Mother Hubbard. She was a kind soul and an animal lover too. However, when she went to fetch her dog a bone, the cupboard was bare and the poor little dog had to go to sleep hungry.

Little Jack Horner was definitely a shy and lonely lad. How else do you account for the fact that he was sitting all alone in a corner, eating his Christmas pie with his fingers and talking to himself. Depressing to say the very least.

Jack and Jill were rather unfortunate too. The good little children went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. As luck would have it, Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after. She probably broke her crown too.

What about the three blind mice who ran after the farmer’s wife. The sadistic woman cut off their tails with a ‘carving knife’. From then on, it couldn’t have been much fun for the three little mice being both blind and tailless.

I’ve saved the worst for the last.

“Rock a bye baby on the tree top / When the wind blows, the cradle will rock / When the bough breaks the cradle will fall/ and down will come baby, cradle and all”. Now that would be a very careless mother indeed! Who, in her right frame of mind would put a baby, in a cradle on a tree top, and that too, on a windy day? Poor, poor kid!


Saturday, 25 May 2013

The stars and stickers in school

When I was in school in St Joseph's Allahabad I distinctly remember the Card system.
If you got above 80 % you got a PINK  card saying Very Good
If you got between 65 & 80 you got a BLUE  card  saying Good
If you got between 40 & 65 you got a YELLOW  card saying Fair
Anything lower and you got a RED card saying UNSATISFACTORY !

We all strove extremely hard for the Pink and blue cards for obvious reasons. They were few and far between .
But yellow and red cards were not uncommon either .
A number of boys got them and no-  they did not contemplate suicide nor did they feel that the teacher hated them . No they did not tell their parents that they hated the school or wanted to leave it . They were not emotionally upset nor did they have to be sent to a counselor for support .

Times have changed drastically - so have pupils and their parents.
 One has to be so careful to motivate and not discourage in any way by word or deed .
Encouragement is the key word and STARS and STICKERS are the IN things .
All teachers keep them - no problem with that one but then they are THE PROBLEM.
At first stars and stickers were given for exceptionally good work and very high marks.
They were stuck in the exercise books and when one got a star it was the envy of all and much valued.
Today all that has changed.
Stars and sticker are given at random - a pupil I asked today had no idea why he had been given a star .
Nowadays stars and stickers have moved out of the exercise book and are now on the hand , on the forehead , on the tie , tunic , shirt - anywhere . THEY MUST BE SEEN  BY ONE AND ALL and the more the better .
Children demand them and parents expect them ............
Children are not satisfied and are always looking to see who has got more stickers and stars than them .
Think about the situation  briefly and it means nothing but reflect and you realize that this is one of the  many reasons  society is changing .
Young boys and girls  , so used to getting things   easily  in school and without actually  working hard and consistently  for them have begun to expect the same as  young adults .
Demands and expectations have changed and increased .
Everyone demands rewards , expects more and feels dejected and despondent when they don't get it .
They are constantly complaining - awaiting promotions and salary increases - job satisfaction is often at an all time low and jobs are changed frequently- its always greener on the other side .
Dejection, despondency and counseling is on the rise in the new work force  .
Finding solace in alcohol or more is not uncommon.
People are finding it next to impossible to cope with the stress and wonder why.
Ever thought about blaming the stars and stickers ?

The stars and stickers in school

When I was in school in St Joseph's Allahabad I distinctly remember the Card system.
If you got above 80 % you got a PINK  card saying Very Good
If you got between 65 & 80 you got a BLUE  card  saying Good
If you got between 40 & 65 you got a YELLOW  card saying Fair
Anything lower and you got a RED card saying UNSATISFACTORY !

We all strove extremely hard for the Pink and blue cards for obvious reasons. They were few and far between .
But yellow and red cards were not uncommon either .
A number of boys got them and no-  they did not contemplate suicide nor did they feel that the teacher hated them . No they did not tell their parents that they hated the school or wanted to leave it . They were not emotionally upset nor did they have to be sent to a counselor for support .

Times have changed drastically - so have pupils and their parents.
 One has to be so careful to motivate and not discourage in any way by word or deed .
Encouragement is the key word and STARS and STICKERS are the IN things .
All teachers keep them - no problem with that one but then they are THE PROBLEM.
At first stars and stickers were given for exceptionally good work and very high marks.
They were stuck in the exercise books and when one got a star it was the envy of all and much valued.
Today all that has changed.
Stars and sticker are given at random - a pupil I asked today had no idea why he had been given a star .
Nowadays stars and stickers have moved out of the exercise book and are now on the hand , on the forehead , on the tie , tunic , shirt - anywhere . THEY MUST BE SEEN  BY ONE AND ALL and the more the better .
Children demand them and parents expect them ............
Children are not satisfied and are always looking to see who has got more stickers and stars than them .
Think about the situation  briefly and it means nothing but reflect and you realize that this is one of the  many reasons  society is changing .
Young boys and girls  , so used to getting things   easily  in school and without actually  working hard and consistently  for them have begun to expect the same as  young adults .
Demands and expectations have changed and increased .
Everyone demands rewards , expects more and feels dejected and despondent when they don't get it .
They are constantly complaining - awaiting promotions and salary increases - job satisfaction is often at an all time low and jobs are changed frequently- its always greener on the other side .
Dejection, despondency and counseling is on the rise in the new work force  .
Finding solace in alcohol or more is not uncommon.
People are finding it next to impossible to cope with the stress and wonder why.
Ever thought about blaming the stars and stickers ?