
Monday, 2 December 2013


Almost every day I have a chat with at least two old boys on FB - I have about 1600 of them as friends ! Its nostalgic the way we remember things that happened way back between 1981 - 2001 . We chat about past and present times, share funny anecdotes and they tell me stuff they did back in time ( and I never knew ) - like getting out of school at night to go to a movie or to a restaurant and getting back - bypassing locked gates / watchmen etc . We discuss school events and functions .( Another secret- I am quite colour blind but surprisingly I remember the house of a number of boys !!) Many are married so they tell me about their families and with immense pride about becoming dads . I have said this before and I dare to say it again - times have definitely changed . Not sure if others in the education field will agree or not .
While the pupils are still sweet and affectionate - the bond seems to be missing somehow . Life seems to have become too fast and somehow the teacher pupil relationship has taken a beating . I could be wrong and your comments are welcome . But boys from Bishops were a class apart and till today - very rarely do they LET THEIR COLOURS FALL . Cheers and God bless .Lovely to be in touch .


Almost every day I have a chat with at least two old boys on FB - I have about 1600 of them as friends ! Its nostalgic the way we remember things that happened way back between 1981 - 2001 . We chat about past and present times, share funny anecdotes and they tell me stuff they did back in time ( and I never knew ) - like getting out of school at night to go to a movie or to a restaurant and getting back - bypassing locked gates / watchmen etc . We discuss school events and functions .( Another secret- I am quite colour blind but surprisingly I remember the house of a number of boys !!) Many are married so they tell me about their families and with immense pride about becoming dads . I have said this before and I dare to say it again - times have definitely changed . Not sure if others in the education field will agree or not .
While the pupils are still sweet and affectionate - the bond seems to be missing somehow . Life seems to have become too fast and somehow the teacher pupil relationship has taken a beating . I could be wrong and your comments are welcome . But boys from Bishops were a class apart and till today - very rarely do they LET THEIR COLOURS FALL . Cheers and God bless .Lovely to be in touch .

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Quiet contemplation

Quiet contemplation.
People hating
People angry
People suspicious
People doubting
Vulgar language
Spiritual decline
Families at loggerheads
Skyrocketing stress levels
Physical and emotional upheavals
Parents who make unreasonable demands ( in schools)
New papers with depressing news
Television debates  and  slanging matches
Irrationally unbelievable  sops  that carry on for years and which people ( mostly women ) spend hours watching  and discussing .
Rising prices and inflation
Elusive job satisfaction
Money laundering
Greedy politicians
Corruption galore
The exploitation and the injustice
Terrorism and killing of innocents
Oppression of innocents
Murder molestation and rape
Deforestation – water contamination
Divorce and separation .
Orphans , the lonely and the destitute
The aged and the infirm
And life goes on………….

Quiet contemplation

Quiet contemplation.
People hating
People angry
People suspicious
People doubting
Vulgar language
Spiritual decline
Families at loggerheads
Skyrocketing stress levels
Physical and emotional upheavals
Parents who make unreasonable demands ( in schools)
New papers with depressing news
Television debates  and  slanging matches
Irrationally unbelievable  sops  that carry on for years and which people ( mostly women ) spend hours watching  and discussing .
Rising prices and inflation
Elusive job satisfaction
Money laundering
Greedy politicians
Corruption galore
The exploitation and the injustice
Terrorism and killing of innocents
Oppression of innocents
Murder molestation and rape
Deforestation – water contamination
Divorce and separation .
Orphans , the lonely and the destitute
The aged and the infirm
And life goes on………….

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Friday, 23 August 2013

Facebook Game invitations - NO THANK YOU

With all humility and due respect I have had to say no to all . No' not because I am a boring sort of individual - but if I had accepted all your requests ( how could I please some and risk the wrath of others ?)I would have to retire to concentrate and do well and truthfully I can't afford to right... now .Need the money you know .
Besides I am not sure I would have been good at these games either .
I like the rural life but not too keen on Farming so Farm Ville was out of the question at the very outset .
I love 3 card , even good old Rummy and Puploo ! but definitely have no clue how one plays POKER - that too Texan style.
I am calm by nature so Tetris Battle and Mafia wars were a no no - not good with guns and swords etc. In fact ' coming to think of it there are far too many war games and more being developed every day and we wonder why the world is becoming so violent - BECAUSE THATS WHAT EVERYBODY DOES FOR HOURS EVERY DAY _ PRACTICE HOW TO KILL !!
Love dogs and cats and have had them as pets but Angry Birds ?? For goodness sake no . I did have a few love birds as a kid but they flew away one day . Had cock birds and a few hens too and gathering the eggs every morning was my job and it was fun.
Bubble witch saga ?? No clue but it sounds frightening .
Zynga Slingo sounded like a tongue twister !
City Ville - I am all thumbs - I can't put a nail into the wall nor put up a shelf so any thoughts of me helping anyone build a city is downright ridiculous .
Thank you and God Bless