
Friday, 17 April 2015

Bishopites and Football frenzy

Bishops produced some great sportsmen in various games . Cricket, Football, Hockey , Volleyball being the major games . ( Don't forget - THE FORMER US CRICKET CAPTAIN SUSHIL NADKARNI IS A BISHOPITE )
Rain , hail or storm - Bishopites were always on the field  playing games . There were  no Computers ,  Internet , very little Television and no PLAY STATIONS !!  Boys grew up tough and healthy and no one regrets those tough days - especially the boarders .
 However , if there was any game that was popular in Bishops , it was Football. Almost anyone and everyone played some form of football or the other and there is no denying the fact that the footballers in the school ,over the years , were the real heroes - and they obviously knew it .
The fact that the school encouraged football from a young age is worthy of mention.
Boarders and day scholars alike played the game and whether , boarders or day scholars were better at it is debatable. I reserve my opinion .
I vividly remember outstanding boarders as well as day scholars who excelled at the game , bringing laurels and accolades to themselves and the school .
I am far too shrewd to  take names and make enemies so no names here but if you were one of those who blew away all opposition on the field , who saved spectacular goals , who scored with a banana kick or was a terrific play maker-   take a bow- I remember you  I am sure everyone else does as well .
4 year old boarders from Nook dormitory - I told you they started young - could be seen running around on the uppers after a big football . At times 30 to 50 boys would charge after just one football - they tumbled, they pushed, the fell , they screamed, they cried , they complained to the matron - but they MANFULLY played on .
At times a bigger boy would try and spoil the fun by barging in and  take possession of the ball b30 or more to contend  with , his glory was short lived .
Day scholars played during the PE period, during the break and when teachers who had substitution took them to the field.
Let me cut to the chase-
The Inter - class matches saw raw talent emerge - energetic , boisterous , loud matches were held on various fields over the years. Simba, JeeJee Bhoy, Race course being some of them .
 Boys lined up in school and were taken to the filed . Some landed there directly . The matches were fast and furious and yes there were a lot of injuries - both minor and major- No one complained - no parents wrote letters about rough play or poor referring and the best teams one . Correct me if I am wrong but I think they were cake tournaments - ie the winners got a cake - there was also the famous BAJIRAO cup and to win it was extremely prestigious .
In addition to the PE teachers , all masters had to referee matches and that was quite a challenge to those who had no clue about the game . Whistles were blown and boys protested vehemently when the referee erred. But it was all fun.
The house matches followed . They were taken more seriously and one saw better players and faster games . The house masters and cheering squads   were always there . Referees were better - after all these matches contributed towards the over all COCK HOUSE TROPHY .
At times there were written protests and heated arguments between House masters . I was involved in quite a few being the House Master of Bishops . Year after year different houses held sway depending on the players they had . Mr Beamon was incharge of allocating houses and so a lot depended on who went where when they joined the school .
The school football coach usually watched almost all matches so that he could get a ring side view of the potential players for the 3 school teams - minis , juniors and seniors .
Some  masters including yours truly were more heated in their arguments than others while matches were being played - The Fernandes brothers, Mr Pope , Mr Aviet , Mr Burton, Mr Gomes, Mr Dolas, Mr Jagtap, Mr William Daniels, Mr Innis, Mr Fletcher, Mr Alan Seymour.
No quarters were asked and no quarters given . Masters argued and often the protests went to Mr Roberts who as you all know was judge, jury and executioner . His word was law- he took a decision and that was final- NO ARGUEMENTS . Everyone left his office smiling . At times he , along with Mr Beaman gave the ruling on the field itself ...... fun times.
Then came the staff vs boys matches -  I refer to the senior boys team.
The staff more often than not defeated the boys !!! Yipeeee . You may disagree guys and scoff and grunt now but its a fact . Yes you won at times - at other times you were allowed to win but the staff held sway .
No Jokes aside - that's not true - the games were well contested indeed . The boys enjoyed seeing masters falling or being pushed . However no one played rough intentionally although allegations were made at times !
A few matches ended in arguments with senior boys blaming staff for playing rough but that's a debate I will not get into . One master in particular gave me a blow by blow account of how a boarder tripped him up etc . You naughty  boys !!
The Inter school matches were a different ball game altogether .
There was coaching - both morning and evening and it was taken seriously . Every player worth his salt vied to be in one of the school teams . Once you played for the minis - if you made your presence felt , you could be almost sure you would finally end up playing for the juniors and finally the seniors . It was an honour .
There were a few major matches which everyone talked about . The Inter school tournament where Bishops and Vincents were sworn enemies  , The Annual match vs St Peters Panchgani, The annual match vs Barnes Deolali, the annual match vs St Peters Mazagaon and later the Inter School Anglo Indian Football tournament.
Who can forget going by bus to Vincents when the match was on their field . Or to play vs Ornellas or SSPMS - all strong teams . Our boys held their own .
The annual matches vs the 2 St Peters and Barnes were held alternately AT HOME and  AWAY.
the results were often close matches and well fought .
 Bishopites obviously liked the AWAY matches as they got a chance to leave school and travel . If I remember rightly , it was by school bus to Deolali and Panchgani and by train to Bombay - now Mumbai .
Getting ready was fun for the boys - new boots , new stockings , new Kit , packing etc etc. If it was an early morning departure then day scholars slept in some dormitory or the other the previous night . Slept is the wrong word - it was more like " stayed" as no one slept . They had fun all night - harassing boarders , stealing tuck, ordering food , playing football in the dormitory all night .
There were no mobiles nor internet back then so we had to wait for a call from the school the following day  to get the results.
The Anglo Indian Tournament started many  years later - Probably in the 90's. About 12 Anglo Indian  schools from Pune, Deolali, Panchgani and Bombay participated .
The matches were of a high standard and keenly contested . Principals from the participating schools were often present for the entire/ part of the tournament which usually lasted about 10 days . The Maharashtra Herald carried the results every morning
I remember the year we organized this tournament  in Bishops .
Dormitories housed the various teams . There was a lot of debate about keeping teams apart - Keep Barnes away - they were the toughies ! Where do we house Peters Mumbai - ? Would Christchurch be ok in the same dormitory as Peters Panchgani ??  These matters were sorted out in advance .
Menus and timings were fixed, Referees contacted , New goal nets purchased , Notices put up in Visible areas , Master incharge of various aspects of the tournament identified and the tournament was under way.
Teams arrived the day before - were welcomed and housed . Plenty of rules - no one wanted breakages or fights !
The tournament itself was a carnival like atmosphere with 4 matches per day . A large number of supporters  motored down from Mumbai, Panchgani and Deolali . Some spectators spent the day on the field and the TUCK SHOP did a roaring trade . Adeshir drinks and samaosas and then there was the always smiling MANJI - You all would remember him .
There was also the little dwarf from one of the out houses who was at all the matches . People said he was wicked and that he tried to pick up any stuff he saw lying around but I cant confirm .
After the matches some boys went back to rest , others took off on a jaunt to Mains. Some boarders would slip out of school as well - everyone was busy so it was easy to get out - eat in Main street , roam around and slip back again without being missed .
The billiard room was busy as well with visiting staff taking on the Bishops stalwarts - Mr Innis, Fletcher, Daniels , Gomes , Francis, Fernandes,  Seymour and yours truly as well . More often than not we trounced them as we had the benefit of a Billiards table to practice on daily  - a rarity in any school .
The finals saw a chief guest and a great match. Girls from the St Mary's teachers Training College attended. That made the teams play better I guess !
 Trophies for the winning team , best player , best forward, highest scorer, best defender etc were presented . Lovely fun filled days . Friendships were made and letters written - no emails !
Well to sum up , Bishops produced footballers of the highest caliber - and the game was definitely the most popular game in the school .
Comments welcome .
If you were in any of the teams lets hear your story .
Cheers .


Bishopites and Football frenzy

Bishops produced some great sportsmen in various games . Cricket, Football, Hockey , Volleyball being the major games . ( Don't forget - THE FORMER US CRICKET CAPTAIN SUSHIL NADKARNI IS A BISHOPITE )
Rain , hail or storm - Bishopites were always on the field  playing games . There were  no Computers ,  Internet , very little Television and no PLAY STATIONS !!  Boys grew up tough and healthy and no one regrets those tough days - especially the boarders .
 However , if there was any game that was popular in Bishops , it was Football. Almost anyone and everyone played some form of football or the other and there is no denying the fact that the footballers in the school ,over the years , were the real heroes - and they obviously knew it .
The fact that the school encouraged football from a young age is worthy of mention.
Boarders and day scholars alike played the game and whether , boarders or day scholars were better at it is debatable. I reserve my opinion .
I vividly remember outstanding boarders as well as day scholars who excelled at the game , bringing laurels and accolades to themselves and the school .
I am far too shrewd to  take names and make enemies so no names here but if you were one of those who blew away all opposition on the field , who saved spectacular goals , who scored with a banana kick or was a terrific play maker-   take a bow- I remember you  I am sure everyone else does as well .
4 year old boarders from Nook dormitory - I told you they started young - could be seen running around on the uppers after a big football . At times 30 to 50 boys would charge after just one football - they tumbled, they pushed, the fell , they screamed, they cried , they complained to the matron - but they MANFULLY played on .
At times a bigger boy would try and spoil the fun by barging in and  take possession of the ball b30 or more to contend  with , his glory was short lived .
Day scholars played during the PE period, during the break and when teachers who had substitution took them to the field.
Let me cut to the chase-
The Inter - class matches saw raw talent emerge - energetic , boisterous , loud matches were held on various fields over the years. Simba, JeeJee Bhoy, Race course being some of them .
 Boys lined up in school and were taken to the filed . Some landed there directly . The matches were fast and furious and yes there were a lot of injuries - both minor and major- No one complained - no parents wrote letters about rough play or poor referring and the best teams one . Correct me if I am wrong but I think they were cake tournaments - ie the winners got a cake - there was also the famous BAJIRAO cup and to win it was extremely prestigious .
In addition to the PE teachers , all masters had to referee matches and that was quite a challenge to those who had no clue about the game . Whistles were blown and boys protested vehemently when the referee erred. But it was all fun.
The house matches followed . They were taken more seriously and one saw better players and faster games . The house masters and cheering squads   were always there . Referees were better - after all these matches contributed towards the over all COCK HOUSE TROPHY .
At times there were written protests and heated arguments between House masters . I was involved in quite a few being the House Master of Bishops . Year after year different houses held sway depending on the players they had . Mr Beamon was incharge of allocating houses and so a lot depended on who went where when they joined the school .
The school football coach usually watched almost all matches so that he could get a ring side view of the potential players for the 3 school teams - minis , juniors and seniors .
Some  masters including yours truly were more heated in their arguments than others while matches were being played - The Fernandes brothers, Mr Pope , Mr Aviet , Mr Burton, Mr Gomes, Mr Dolas, Mr Jagtap, Mr William Daniels, Mr Innis, Mr Fletcher, Mr Alan Seymour.
No quarters were asked and no quarters given . Masters argued and often the protests went to Mr Roberts who as you all know was judge, jury and executioner . His word was law- he took a decision and that was final- NO ARGUEMENTS . Everyone left his office smiling . At times he , along with Mr Beaman gave the ruling on the field itself ...... fun times.
Then came the staff vs boys matches -  I refer to the senior boys team.
The staff more often than not defeated the boys !!! Yipeeee . You may disagree guys and scoff and grunt now but its a fact . Yes you won at times - at other times you were allowed to win but the staff held sway .
No Jokes aside - that's not true - the games were well contested indeed . The boys enjoyed seeing masters falling or being pushed . However no one played rough intentionally although allegations were made at times !
A few matches ended in arguments with senior boys blaming staff for playing rough but that's a debate I will not get into . One master in particular gave me a blow by blow account of how a boarder tripped him up etc . You naughty  boys !!
The Inter school matches were a different ball game altogether .
There was coaching - both morning and evening and it was taken seriously . Every player worth his salt vied to be in one of the school teams . Once you played for the minis - if you made your presence felt , you could be almost sure you would finally end up playing for the juniors and finally the seniors . It was an honour .
There were a few major matches which everyone talked about . The Inter school tournament where Bishops and Vincents were sworn enemies  , The Annual match vs St Peters Panchgani, The annual match vs Barnes Deolali, the annual match vs St Peters Mazagaon and later the Inter School Anglo Indian Football tournament.
Who can forget going by bus to Vincents when the match was on their field . Or to play vs Ornellas or SSPMS - all strong teams . Our boys held their own .
The annual matches vs the 2 St Peters and Barnes were held alternately AT HOME and  AWAY.
the results were often close matches and well fought .
 Bishopites obviously liked the AWAY matches as they got a chance to leave school and travel . If I remember rightly , it was by school bus to Deolali and Panchgani and by train to Bombay - now Mumbai .
Getting ready was fun for the boys - new boots , new stockings , new Kit , packing etc etc. If it was an early morning departure then day scholars slept in some dormitory or the other the previous night . Slept is the wrong word - it was more like " stayed" as no one slept . They had fun all night - harassing boarders , stealing tuck, ordering food , playing football in the dormitory all night .
There were no mobiles nor internet back then so we had to wait for a call from the school the following day  to get the results.
The Anglo Indian Tournament started many  years later - Probably in the 90's. About 12 Anglo Indian  schools from Pune, Deolali, Panchgani and Bombay participated .
The matches were of a high standard and keenly contested . Principals from the participating schools were often present for the entire/ part of the tournament which usually lasted about 10 days . The Maharashtra Herald carried the results every morning
I remember the year we organized this tournament  in Bishops .
Dormitories housed the various teams . There was a lot of debate about keeping teams apart - Keep Barnes away - they were the toughies ! Where do we house Peters Mumbai - ? Would Christchurch be ok in the same dormitory as Peters Panchgani ??  These matters were sorted out in advance .
Menus and timings were fixed, Referees contacted , New goal nets purchased , Notices put up in Visible areas , Master incharge of various aspects of the tournament identified and the tournament was under way.
Teams arrived the day before - were welcomed and housed . Plenty of rules - no one wanted breakages or fights !
The tournament itself was a carnival like atmosphere with 4 matches per day . A large number of supporters  motored down from Mumbai, Panchgani and Deolali . Some spectators spent the day on the field and the TUCK SHOP did a roaring trade . Adeshir drinks and samaosas and then there was the always smiling MANJI - You all would remember him .
There was also the little dwarf from one of the out houses who was at all the matches . People said he was wicked and that he tried to pick up any stuff he saw lying around but I cant confirm .
After the matches some boys went back to rest , others took off on a jaunt to Mains. Some boarders would slip out of school as well - everyone was busy so it was easy to get out - eat in Main street , roam around and slip back again without being missed .
The billiard room was busy as well with visiting staff taking on the Bishops stalwarts - Mr Innis, Fletcher, Daniels , Gomes , Francis, Fernandes,  Seymour and yours truly as well . More often than not we trounced them as we had the benefit of a Billiards table to practice on daily  - a rarity in any school .
The finals saw a chief guest and a great match. Girls from the St Mary's teachers Training College attended. That made the teams play better I guess !
 Trophies for the winning team , best player , best forward, highest scorer, best defender etc were presented . Lovely fun filled days . Friendships were made and letters written - no emails !
Well to sum up , Bishops produced footballers of the highest caliber - and the game was definitely the most popular game in the school .
Comments welcome .
If you were in any of the teams lets hear your story .
Cheers .


Sunday, 12 April 2015


This post  is only for Bishopites !
The word UPPERS would mean nothing to others - so other dear friends you have to excuse me .
Was relaxing and having a sundowner when it struck me that I had not BLOGGED for a long time . So here goes.........................

Do you remember the UPPERS ??-
I hope you do dear BISHOPITES. Both boarders and day scholars would have a number of memories connected to  this word hence this short post .
Here are things I associate with the UPPERS .

As usual I will share this on FB so do feel free to add your thoughts and memories .

1. Boxing - Who will not remember the boxing ring on the uppers. Tough bouts, bleeding fighters, Aspi Irani the referee and Chief Guest at the finals , The Belt , Winners and losers , The masters judging in the sun ( Me once too often ) The trophies , The knock outs , The killer boarders, small boarders carrying chairs, Late study or missing study altogether and the fun thereafter  . It sure produced toughies . I personally enjoyed the bouts  every evening .

2. Movies- Movies on the  uppers were something boys , staff and school support staff looked forward to . And I do hope some of  those who arrived later remember  Mr Jagos was the one who showed the movies in Bishops for years . He started with the SPOOL movies . 3 or 4 spools . The movies were often grainy , the spools got mixed up and the hero was shot and then reappeared later ! Adult scenes were blacked out as well, much to the dismay of the senior boys ! But the whole atmosphere was one of fun, popcorn , Adeshir drinks , peanuts and Class 10 boarders looking at the SMC TTC trainee teachers .
The bringing and putting back the foldable metal  chairs was an exercise in itself and done with military precision . Chairs carried in Fives - counted and laid out in straight  lines - then kicked over by the Prefects after the fins ilm was over- often at 10 pm . Sleepy boarders then had to carry the chairs back . I guess someone had to do it . I saw some good movies here as well.
3. Investiture - The Prefects Investiture Ceremony was held here as well . It was a day everyone waited for and was filled with pomp and show . Smart boys - Maroon blazers , badges, speeches , oaths , proud parents . What a special day and the grooming of leaders who today have taken their place on the world stage as leaders in their own right . There  were a number of disappointed boys as well - those who never made the grade but such is life .
4. Assemblies - The uppers saw a number of assemblies as well where Mr Roberts held all in the palm of his hand with his prayers and powerful speeches . He did not care if boys fainted or were tired - he said what he had to and spoke for as long as he wanted to and no one dared complain. ( I guess he knew that the clinic was next door )
5 The clinic- The school clinic was adjoining the UPPERS . Mr Nair and Mrs  D 'monte would be familiar names I am sure . Broken bones , cuts, bruises , appendicitis, Chicken pox, measles , pneumonia - you name it and boarders ( and staff and their kids ) had it . Both Mr Nair and Mrs D'monte in their time dealt with  all cases to the best of their ability and all was well ! A few boarders and day scholars too went to the clinic pretending to be ill to dodge class and examinations . Day scholars would visit boarders in the school hospital and vice versa and some boarders would hug boys with contagious diseases in order to get the disease themselves. This is true !
6. Games - The uppers was also the place which was thronged during the 2 breaks - boys played , they strolled , they ate . It was always crowded. The ice cream man stood at the corner - and his is another story- India Ice Cream cannot be forgotten .
7 Staff - Residential staff could often be seen relaxing on the boxing ring in the evenings - kids playing near by.
8. The Bio Lab- this was also on the Uppers . Who can forget one of the old stalwarts Mrs Jadhav . If you thought of Biology you thought of only this one teacher . Boys made sure they were on time and that their homework was done - she brooked no nonsense and boys were often put out in the sun- Yes on the uppers !
9 The boarders - They could be seen moving in lines - from Nook &  Lunn
to the dining hall for Morning tea , and dinner ! Day scholars could be seen going to and from the Library .
10 The uppers first had gravel , was then tarred and now has trees as well.
11 Last but not the least - Mr Derek Beaman - was often seen crossing the Uppers while going around the school setting the clocks every morning - God bless the man- truly a legend

Well It does bring back a number of memories - Cheers and God bless and let us  have your thoughts as well .
Sincerely hope this brings back memories of Bishops . \
A school like no other . !!



This post  is only for Bishopites !
The word UPPERS would mean nothing to others - so other dear friends you have to excuse me .
Was relaxing and having a sundowner when it struck me that I had not BLOGGED for a long time . So here goes.........................

Do you remember the UPPERS ??-
I hope you do dear BISHOPITES. Both boarders and day scholars would have a number of memories connected to  this word hence this short post .
Here are things I associate with the UPPERS .

As usual I will share this on FB so do feel free to add your thoughts and memories .

1. Boxing - Who will not remember the boxing ring on the uppers. Tough bouts, bleeding fighters, Aspi Irani the referee and Chief Guest at the finals , The Belt , Winners and losers , The masters judging in the sun ( Me once too often ) The trophies , The knock outs , The killer boarders, small boarders carrying chairs, Late study or missing study altogether and the fun thereafter  . It sure produced toughies . I personally enjoyed the bouts  every evening .

2. Movies- Movies on the  uppers were something boys , staff and school support staff looked forward to . And I do hope some of  those who arrived later remember  Mr Jagos was the one who showed the movies in Bishops for years . He started with the SPOOL movies . 3 or 4 spools . The movies were often grainy , the spools got mixed up and the hero was shot and then reappeared later ! Adult scenes were blacked out as well, much to the dismay of the senior boys ! But the whole atmosphere was one of fun, popcorn , Adeshir drinks , peanuts and Class 10 boarders looking at the SMC TTC trainee teachers .
The bringing and putting back the foldable metal  chairs was an exercise in itself and done with military precision . Chairs carried in Fives - counted and laid out in straight  lines - then kicked over by the Prefects after the fins ilm was over- often at 10 pm . Sleepy boarders then had to carry the chairs back . I guess someone had to do it . I saw some good movies here as well.
3. Investiture - The Prefects Investiture Ceremony was held here as well . It was a day everyone waited for and was filled with pomp and show . Smart boys - Maroon blazers , badges, speeches , oaths , proud parents . What a special day and the grooming of leaders who today have taken their place on the world stage as leaders in their own right . There  were a number of disappointed boys as well - those who never made the grade but such is life .
4. Assemblies - The uppers saw a number of assemblies as well where Mr Roberts held all in the palm of his hand with his prayers and powerful speeches . He did not care if boys fainted or were tired - he said what he had to and spoke for as long as he wanted to and no one dared complain. ( I guess he knew that the clinic was next door )
5 The clinic- The school clinic was adjoining the UPPERS . Mr Nair and Mrs  D 'monte would be familiar names I am sure . Broken bones , cuts, bruises , appendicitis, Chicken pox, measles , pneumonia - you name it and boarders ( and staff and their kids ) had it . Both Mr Nair and Mrs D'monte in their time dealt with  all cases to the best of their ability and all was well ! A few boarders and day scholars too went to the clinic pretending to be ill to dodge class and examinations . Day scholars would visit boarders in the school hospital and vice versa and some boarders would hug boys with contagious diseases in order to get the disease themselves. This is true !
6. Games - The uppers was also the place which was thronged during the 2 breaks - boys played , they strolled , they ate . It was always crowded. The ice cream man stood at the corner - and his is another story- India Ice Cream cannot be forgotten .
7 Staff - Residential staff could often be seen relaxing on the boxing ring in the evenings - kids playing near by.
8. The Bio Lab- this was also on the Uppers . Who can forget one of the old stalwarts Mrs Jadhav . If you thought of Biology you thought of only this one teacher . Boys made sure they were on time and that their homework was done - she brooked no nonsense and boys were often put out in the sun- Yes on the uppers !
9 The boarders - They could be seen moving in lines - from Nook &  Lunn
to the dining hall for Morning tea , and dinner ! Day scholars could be seen going to and from the Library .
10 The uppers first had gravel , was then tarred and now has trees as well.
11 Last but not the least - Mr Derek Beaman - was often seen crossing the Uppers while going around the school setting the clocks every morning - God bless the man- truly a legend

Well It does bring back a number of memories - Cheers and God bless and let us  have your thoughts as well .
Sincerely hope this brings back memories of Bishops . \
A school like no other . !!


Friday, 20 March 2015

House hold helps way back then

There are two household hold helps when I was a kid in Allahabad that  I remember vividly.
The First was  Needle ayah. Yes a strange name indeed and if you can't guess its origin let me tell you - She was as skinny as a needle
 I was probably 5 or so but I knew a skinny person when I saw one . She was  only in her 60's ( I calculated that much later ) but  as  I was only  5 she looked 80 !
She was responsible for the sweeping , swabbing , tidying up , making the beds and washing the clothes as far as I remember . She also spent a lot of time talking to me and others in the house .
She never lived with us - I guess she lived somewhere close by as she arrived at the crack of dawn and was there till late in the evening .
I guess she was also good at pressing feet as that is one of the things I often saw her doing .
Then there was BOY the cook
I was about 12 when he first started working in the house .
Why he was called BOY I could never fathom because he was an old man - probably about 65 at the time - but for a 12 year old 65 is as good as 80 ! ( I was later informed that many male servants were called boy )
He wore a white turban , was clean shaven and very clean.
As we lived in the railway colony - this was way back in the 60's-  he occupied an out house - behind the house . He just had just one tin trunk - guess he was a poor man like most house hold helps in those days .
Boy was an early riser  like Needle Ayah. Often when I entered the kitchen early in the morning , the fire was already lit ( no gas back in those days ) , the tea was ready - often served in bed - and breakfast was on the way to the dining table .
I often sat on my haunches watching him light the fire - it was fascinating the way he placed the coal , struck the match - lit some paper and gently blew till it caught ....... soon it was ablaze .
BOY was one of those old faithful's . He worked for us for about 15 years or more and cooked some fantastic dishes .
Jhal Frezi , Vindaloo, ball curry and yellow rice, Irish stew ,  mulligatawny, cutlets, croquets and many more - he was a good cook .   He was also a chutney and salad expert and for every meal there was a salad or a chutney.
He also went shopping for provisions , was responsible for laying the table , serving the food and washing the dishes thereafter .
BOY was a story teller too and often when I was left at home he kept me busy with stories of animals , thieves and journeys - I guess most of the were made up on the spur of the moment but they sure amused me .
Now thinking back he was  probably actually older because his head shook when he talked and on a few occasions he saw me imitating him and looked annoyed !.
No clue when Needle Ayah and BOY stopped working with us  - When I reminisce - they just stopped coming  one day and I don't even know if I missed them .
Great days in Allahabad indeed.


House hold helps way back then

There are two household hold helps when I was a kid in Allahabad that  I remember vividly.
The First was  Needle ayah. Yes a strange name indeed and if you can't guess its origin let me tell you - She was as skinny as a needle
 I was probably 5 or so but I knew a skinny person when I saw one . She was  only in her 60's ( I calculated that much later ) but  as  I was only  5 she looked 80 !
She was responsible for the sweeping , swabbing , tidying up , making the beds and washing the clothes as far as I remember . She also spent a lot of time talking to me and others in the house .
She never lived with us - I guess she lived somewhere close by as she arrived at the crack of dawn and was there till late in the evening .
I guess she was also good at pressing feet as that is one of the things I often saw her doing .
Then there was BOY the cook
I was about 12 when he first started working in the house .
Why he was called BOY I could never fathom because he was an old man - probably about 65 at the time - but for a 12 year old 65 is as good as 80 ! ( I was later informed that many male servants were called boy )
He wore a white turban , was clean shaven and very clean.
As we lived in the railway colony - this was way back in the 60's-  he occupied an out house - behind the house . He just had just one tin trunk - guess he was a poor man like most house hold helps in those days .
Boy was an early riser  like Needle Ayah. Often when I entered the kitchen early in the morning , the fire was already lit ( no gas back in those days ) , the tea was ready - often served in bed - and breakfast was on the way to the dining table .
I often sat on my haunches watching him light the fire - it was fascinating the way he placed the coal , struck the match - lit some paper and gently blew till it caught ....... soon it was ablaze .
BOY was one of those old faithful's . He worked for us for about 15 years or more and cooked some fantastic dishes .
Jhal Frezi , Vindaloo, ball curry and yellow rice, Irish stew ,  mulligatawny, cutlets, croquets and many more - he was a good cook .   He was also a chutney and salad expert and for every meal there was a salad or a chutney.
He also went shopping for provisions , was responsible for laying the table , serving the food and washing the dishes thereafter .
BOY was a story teller too and often when I was left at home he kept me busy with stories of animals , thieves and journeys - I guess most of the were made up on the spur of the moment but they sure amused me .
Now thinking back he was  probably actually older because his head shook when he talked and on a few occasions he saw me imitating him and looked annoyed !.
No clue when Needle Ayah and BOY stopped working with us  - When I reminisce - they just stopped coming  one day and I don't even know if I missed them .
Great days in Allahabad indeed.


Sunday, 8 March 2015

A strange dream

Some dreams set you thinking - you wish you could understand - to work out the" WHY "did I have that dream that was so very unexplainable .

I am at the entrance to a gate
Its wooden - its low - about 3 feet high
Its just a simple gate - nothing fancy - made of cross beams .
One could climb over or scramble through - so its more of a formality to have it there .
I feel I  am alone - but although I can see no one else - there are a few people close by .
Now to the scene - its surreal - its dead silent - its definitely not earthly .
As I stand the gate gently opens inwards - silently - not a creak - so common with old wooden gates .
I see a road - about 30 feet wide stretching before me .
Its strange as it seems to be hanging in mid air - yet I am not sure
There is nothing on either side of it
When I look towards it-  it seems never ending and straight . It goes on and on ............
No buildings, no ground, no trees, no sky ,nothing - just the road before me .
The road is visible and white - too white
Pure white  smooth pebbles line its surface - not shiny - just white
But there is a brightness - not blinding but there - that makes visibility strange .
I speak aloud- " I need my distance glasses-  I wont be able to drive "
Although there was no car and I was standing .............