Dear friends , colleagues and former pupils As we come to the end of the year, it is time to pause, ponder a while & reflect on the year that is almost at an end What a year this has been- phew! A year of unprecedented stress, innumerable difficulties, quick decisions, fear & new beginnings – all rolled into one. Above all – a year of realization. At times it was like being on a large Ferris wheel, which suddenly began caving in & falling apart without warning! The very word PANDEMIC is all that is needed to get you to reminisce with utter dismay, on a year gone by and not a day too soon. We have all felt the strain, the anguish, the paralysing anxiety, and the sheer loss – of time, people, resources and opportunities. Many families are grieving the loss of loved ones and we pray that the almighty gives them the courage, strength, and fortitude to endure the pain. 2020 will go down in History, and just imagine – we were part of it! However, I do not intend this to be an article of sadness, despondency, desolation, or despair – that would defeat the very purpose wouldn’t it? Let us look on the brighter side of life. We have been tested to the limits and are emerging wiser & stronger. Life for me has always been about HOPE! I have been tested often, and I would like to believe, that has made me a better person. I am sure so many of you have overcome challenges and adversary too – that is part of life isn’t it? There comes a time, in all our lives, when we realize who and what matters, and if there is just one takeaway from this pandemic, it is this. It has wiped away the cobwebs from our eyes, removed the blinkers and suddenly we are all seeing more clearly- or at least we are beginning to. That is a massive positive for me and I am sure for you as well? So, what have been the other plus points from this pandemic? Keeping it simple- our lives are slower for sure and we have become calmer and more tolerant. We are more open to learn and change. We have become more resilient, caring, confident, committed, courageous, passionate, and patient. Our determination & drive to succeed amidst the turmoil all around, has been sharpened. Simple pleasures and pastimes are more appreciated. Gardens, parks, and hikes have taken the place of malls, clubs, and restaurants. There has been an unprecedented mobilization of scholarly efforts, and we have all been contributors in one way or the other. On one hand we have become more self-reliant and self-contained in so many ways, yet there has, simultaneously been, so much collaboration and innumerable connections on various fronts- that is heart-warming and so good for the world around us. We have also witnessed an all-round change for the better in our personal and professional lives and we cannot deny the fact that despite work and family pressures, most things just feel better. I feel a sense of wellbeing. And oh yes – we have all realized that FAMILY COMES FIRST. In various industries there have been the inevitable salary cuts and job losses – BUT WE ARE ALIVE! For this reason and this reason alone, I feel we should celebrate because there is no denying the fact, that with the positive news of the various vaccines from around the world, we are turning the corner. We are not yet out of the woods, COVID is still lurking, but things are certainly looking up, the world is more upbeat, and we have every reason to smile, be optimistic and thank God. Hopefully, the worst is over. I have been an Educationist for forty years now, and hence I speak on behalf of all my friends in this field - we have proved to all and sundry that we are “Frontline workers too” who need to be congratulated & applauded. We stood up, said “count me in” and then without much fuss, got the job done while maintaining the highest standards of ethics & professionalism. Thankfully, this has been recognized by the world at large. Looking back, I now feel that all of us are braver than we ever imagined! As the year draws to a close, I intend to use this winter break to relax and spend time with family and friends- we must do what makes us happy – that is important and one of the best ways to rejuvenate. All festive occasions are times to celebrate and to spread good cheer, peace and love. I take this opportunity to wish you and your families all the very best for Christmas and the new year. We pray to God almighty to continue to bless us all and keep us healthy and safe, as we get set to enter 2021
Warm regards and all good wishes