
Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Patience is a virtue

 A pensive mood 

A vintage Port

 The lamps aglow

 Sam 'lightnin' Hopkins for company. 

 Asking for more? 


 Desiring a change ?


Could be better 


But certainly not bad ! 

 The lazy boy 

 Cushions tucked in

 Legs stretched out


 A cat purring at my feet 

Begging for love?

 Probably not.

 She is a mean kitty 

And as elusive as they come! 

 And then Suddenly - a phone call

 Out of the blue 

 And It all changes. 

 The mood, the music, the wine too.

 And what an unexpected change 

 In seconds 

 I am glad. 


 No . 

Happy ?

 Oh yes 

 Life . 

Yes that's life. 

 Patience is a virtue

 And it pays .

 Dinner beckons.

Patience is a virtue

 A pensive mood 

A vintage Port

 The lamps aglow

 Sam 'lightnin' Hopkins for company. 

 Asking for more? 


 Desiring a change ?


Could be better 


But certainly not bad ! 

 The lazy boy 

 Cushions tucked in

 Legs stretched out


 A cat purring at my feet 

Begging for love?

 Probably not.

 She is a mean kitty 

And as elusive as they come! 

 And then Suddenly - a phone call

 Out of the blue 

 And It all changes. 

 The mood, the music, the wine too.

 And what an unexpected change 

 In seconds 

 I am glad. 


 No . 

Happy ?

 Oh yes 

 Life . 

Yes that's life. 

 Patience is a virtue

 And it pays .

 Dinner beckons.

Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Did you march or did you dodge ?


Just remembered something about BISHOPS which I thought I must share .

For the Sports day, PE display etc. there was always an impressive March past by the four houses- Arnould, Bishops, Harding & Mansfied. Bishops boys were known for their marching prowess.

During this time, House masters would get their boys together and there would be hours and hours of rigorous practice – usually commencing a month in advance.

As there was a great Inter House competition and intense pride and fierce rivalry, all houses were always determined to come out on top and hence House masters pushed their squad to the very maximum.

I was House Master of Bishops House and did likewise. As house masters, we marched alongside our houses and shouted out orders and commands – often getting hoarse in the bargain with all the dust we swallowed. I must say I enjoyed every bit of it. It built a great house spirit and was a lot of fun.

This was some serious competition indeed and no quarters were asked for or given.

The heads held high, the chest out, the stomach in, the swinging of the arms, the movement of the legs , the position of the shoe, the eyes right , the eyes front, the hair cut , the  uniform -  all had to be perfect, with no room for error – there was usually a Marching cake and a prestigious trophy to be won. Three judges marked the squads as they marched past – usually army/ air force / naval officers for obvious reasons. The marching trophy was usually a very close contest and no one was ever happy with the results as each house felt it was the best!

We needed 15 rows of three boys in each row which made a squad of 45, plus the captain in the front leading with the flag and usually the Vice-captain at the back, to give the eyes front command. Anyway, the point I am coming to are the dodgers.

 These were boys who were more than capable of marching, but for some reason or the other or just plain laziness, they did not want to do so. A few did not march well on purpose and had their own reasons and explanation for the same. Some feigned injury or sickness and some said they did not know how to march. A boy once had the impunity to inform me, that his parents did not permit him to march as it was a waste of time, and he did so with a straight face.

At times, although boys were plentiful, houses struggled to get the minimum number and that became quite an issue. House masters soon found a solution to the perennial problem.

If boys marched poorly, they were usually kicked out of the squad. They then went and sat down in the shade and were either seen chatting to friends and having a good time, playing slyly in some corner, or slipping off to class to complete some class or homework. Often, they would also  be seen making fun of those practicing.

So, this was the solution. If you were kicked out of the squad, sitting down, or slipping away was out of the question. This was just not permitted.

Instead, these boys were formed into what came to be known as an ‘awkward squad’ and they marched behind the main squad during all practice sessions. A senior boy was usually put in charge of training them. Some boys had two left feel and no sense of timing, and just could not march. Surprisingly, the number of dodgers dropped drastically and they joined the main squad once this system was put in place. Others just plodded on as members of the awkward squad.

For your information, the name ‘awkward squad’ was given by Mr Roberts and he also enjoyed calling them out on the microphone from where you could hear him shout - left, right left, right, left right ……..  

So, dear boys – gentlemen now – put your hand up if you ever dodged marching and tell me how and why - especially if you never got caught.




Did you march or did you dodge ?


Just remembered something about BISHOPS which I thought I must share .

For the Sports day, PE display etc. there was always an impressive March past by the four houses- Arnould, Bishops, Harding & Mansfied. Bishops boys were known for their marching prowess.

During this time, House masters would get their boys together and there would be hours and hours of rigorous practice – usually commencing a month in advance.

As there was a great Inter House competition and intense pride and fierce rivalry, all houses were always determined to come out on top and hence House masters pushed their squad to the very maximum.

I was House Master of Bishops House and did likewise. As house masters, we marched alongside our houses and shouted out orders and commands – often getting hoarse in the bargain with all the dust we swallowed. I must say I enjoyed every bit of it. It built a great house spirit and was a lot of fun.

This was some serious competition indeed and no quarters were asked for or given.

The heads held high, the chest out, the stomach in, the swinging of the arms, the movement of the legs , the position of the shoe, the eyes right , the eyes front, the hair cut , the  uniform -  all had to be perfect, with no room for error – there was usually a Marching cake and a prestigious trophy to be won. Three judges marked the squads as they marched past – usually army/ air force / naval officers for obvious reasons. The marching trophy was usually a very close contest and no one was ever happy with the results as each house felt it was the best!

We needed 15 rows of three boys in each row which made a squad of 45, plus the captain in the front leading with the flag and usually the Vice-captain at the back, to give the eyes front command. Anyway, the point I am coming to are the dodgers.

 These were boys who were more than capable of marching, but for some reason or the other or just plain laziness, they did not want to do so. A few did not march well on purpose and had their own reasons and explanation for the same. Some feigned injury or sickness and some said they did not know how to march. A boy once had the impunity to inform me, that his parents did not permit him to march as it was a waste of time, and he did so with a straight face.

At times, although boys were plentiful, houses struggled to get the minimum number and that became quite an issue. House masters soon found a solution to the perennial problem.

If boys marched poorly, they were usually kicked out of the squad. They then went and sat down in the shade and were either seen chatting to friends and having a good time, playing slyly in some corner, or slipping off to class to complete some class or homework. Often, they would also  be seen making fun of those practicing.

So, this was the solution. If you were kicked out of the squad, sitting down, or slipping away was out of the question. This was just not permitted.

Instead, these boys were formed into what came to be known as an ‘awkward squad’ and they marched behind the main squad during all practice sessions. A senior boy was usually put in charge of training them. Some boys had two left feel and no sense of timing, and just could not march. Surprisingly, the number of dodgers dropped drastically and they joined the main squad once this system was put in place. Others just plodded on as members of the awkward squad.

For your information, the name ‘awkward squad’ was given by Mr Roberts and he also enjoyed calling them out on the microphone from where you could hear him shout - left, right left, right, left right ……..  

So, dear boys – gentlemen now – put your hand up if you ever dodged marching and tell me how and why - especially if you never got caught.




Monday, 25 January 2021

Proud to be Indian

 Today - the 26th of January 2021 , India and Indians all over the world are celebrating the 72 nd Republic day of our beloved country – the day in 1950 when the Indian constitution came into effect .

Due to this pandemic, the celebrations all over the country, and especially in Delhi are on a much smaller scale this year but that did not dampen the enthusiasm in any way .
I was filled with a sense of pride watching the impressive republic day parade and I do so every year.
In reality, I am of the firm belief, that we should not wait for Republic day or Independence day to remember our roots .
We should always be extremely proud, every day, that we are Indian, because not everyone gets the honour and privilege of being born in a country as large as ours, with so much unity in diversity and such a rich cultural heritage.
Irrespective of what we read in the press and see on the television from time to time, and what our political affiliations are , it is the land of our birth and the land where our forefathers toiled and fought alongside the freedom fighters to throw off the yoke of 200 years of British rule.
I am apolitical, and so party politics is not something I am involved in . However I will call a spade a spade when moved to do so .
That some Indians let the country down from time to time, should in no way make us believe that we are less or inferior to any other country in the world.
Politics, religion, caste and creed will always cause a difference of opinion and at times these will be very strong causing distress and misery . There will also always be contentious issues like health, sanitation, poverty, unemployment, pollutions , women's safety and the like and while I do not condone any of the above -they are more visible in a country with a population as large as ours .
We all criticize our country from time to time - we question the right and the wrong, albeit from our perspective, but I always feel it is done with love and more out of concern than any malice whatsoever.
My message today to all fellow Indians is brief and very simple – BE PROUD TO BE INDIAN.
A little research throws up tons of interesting, and at times, astounding facts, but the essence of all that is this –
Indians are known to be highly intelligent, very persevering, very trusting , simple , adaptable ,self-sacrificing , kind, respectful to elders, inquisitive, and religious by nature .
Lastly, from an educational viewpoint, I still am convinced that Indian education is very good . There are definitely areas of concern , but our schools continue to turn out first rate, all round pupils . Indian parents will sacrifice any and everything, to give their children the best education available.
They will live in a small house, face all sorts of difficulties and hardships, make innumerable sacrifices and forego all pomp and splendour to see their children well educated - Isn’t that the biggest and wisest sacrifice of all ?.
An open house in any school will see hundreds of Indian parents trooping in, to enquire about how their wards are doing, because all parents want their children to do better than they did back in school .
It’s in their DNA and something worth thinking about.
Some of the largest companies in the world are led by Indians. Some of the highest government offices in various countries are led headed by Indian, and that itself speaks volumes, and should fill us all with a sense of pride.
So, wherever you go in this world, and whatever you do in life – always remember- YOU ARE INDIAN FIRST.
So, go out there- remember the values you were brought up with and do your parents and your country proud.
I wish you all a very happy 72nd Republic day.
Jai Hind

Proud to be Indian

 Today - the 26th of January 2021 , India and Indians all over the world are celebrating the 72 nd Republic day of our beloved country – the day in 1950 when the Indian constitution came into effect .

Due to this pandemic, the celebrations all over the country, and especially in Delhi are on a much smaller scale this year but that did not dampen the enthusiasm in any way .
I was filled with a sense of pride watching the impressive republic day parade and I do so every year.
In reality, I am of the firm belief, that we should not wait for Republic day or Independence day to remember our roots .
We should always be extremely proud, every day, that we are Indian, because not everyone gets the honour and privilege of being born in a country as large as ours, with so much unity in diversity and such a rich cultural heritage.
Irrespective of what we read in the press and see on the television from time to time, and what our political affiliations are , it is the land of our birth and the land where our forefathers toiled and fought alongside the freedom fighters to throw off the yoke of 200 years of British rule.
I am apolitical, and so party politics is not something I am involved in . However I will call a spade a spade when moved to do so .
That some Indians let the country down from time to time, should in no way make us believe that we are less or inferior to any other country in the world.
Politics, religion, caste and creed will always cause a difference of opinion and at times these will be very strong causing distress and misery . There will also always be contentious issues like health, sanitation, poverty, unemployment, pollutions , women's safety and the like and while I do not condone any of the above -they are more visible in a country with a population as large as ours .
We all criticize our country from time to time - we question the right and the wrong, albeit from our perspective, but I always feel it is done with love and more out of concern than any malice whatsoever.
My message today to all fellow Indians is brief and very simple – BE PROUD TO BE INDIAN.
A little research throws up tons of interesting, and at times, astounding facts, but the essence of all that is this –
Indians are known to be highly intelligent, very persevering, very trusting , simple , adaptable ,self-sacrificing , kind, respectful to elders, inquisitive, and religious by nature .
Lastly, from an educational viewpoint, I still am convinced that Indian education is very good . There are definitely areas of concern , but our schools continue to turn out first rate, all round pupils . Indian parents will sacrifice any and everything, to give their children the best education available.
They will live in a small house, face all sorts of difficulties and hardships, make innumerable sacrifices and forego all pomp and splendour to see their children well educated - Isn’t that the biggest and wisest sacrifice of all ?.
An open house in any school will see hundreds of Indian parents trooping in, to enquire about how their wards are doing, because all parents want their children to do better than they did back in school .
It’s in their DNA and something worth thinking about.
Some of the largest companies in the world are led by Indians. Some of the highest government offices in various countries are led headed by Indian, and that itself speaks volumes, and should fill us all with a sense of pride.
So, wherever you go in this world, and whatever you do in life – always remember- YOU ARE INDIAN FIRST.
So, go out there- remember the values you were brought up with and do your parents and your country proud.
I wish you all a very happy 72nd Republic day.
Jai Hind

Thursday, 21 January 2021

Gratitude or resentment - the choice is yours


·        “Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.” – Buddha


Why in Dickens’ name are people so negative now a days, especially when there is so much apprehension, fear, and sadness in the world – a time when we could all do with a whole lot of hope, dollops of love and tones of optimism?

Distressing isn’t it?

If it is not jumping on the pandemic bandwagon and going all out to prove that there is no Covid and the whole thing is a hoax, propagated by some one or the other, to criticizing the various vaccines and helping spread false information, or the very latest – attacking the new US President who has been in office for 2 days-   this is just so crazy. At times it is laughable and at others, exasperating.

 Relax- take a long walk, go for a jog, breathe deeply meditate, calm your nerves, pray, and just reflect on the great harm you are doing yourself and those around you – society at large, if I may.

Negativity in any form, is toxic, pessimistic, gloomy, and extremely cynical, to say the very least.  You are being sceptical, downbeat, and disagreeable, and no one is appreciative or amused- and there are so many of you out there.

Have you never heard that negative emotions cause plenty of harm and little good? They are self-destructive, will eat into you and make you ill and then you have families, friends and colleagues too. Introspection is key.

Always expecting the worst, making mountains out of molehills & willing bad outcomes is BAD and I am certainly not searching for a synonym to soften the impact.

Here is something which I read, which makes perfect sense.

 Negative attitudes are actually inherent feelings of helplessness and hopelessness which create chronic stress, upsets the body's hormone balance, depletes the brain chemicals required for happiness, and damages the immune system. Chronic stress can decrease our lifespan and ruin beautiful relationships’.

Our "negativity bias" translates into frustration and disgust for everything and everybody, and people end up spending valuable time, ruminating over minor everyday problems —traffic, career dissatisfaction, health and family issues or a disagreement with a loved one— and ignore the many chances that we are given to experience wonder, awe, gratitude, peace and love throughout the day.

If you go searching for what is wrong with the world, you are going to find something or the other which is not ideal or perfect, in your eyes. That will be your starting point, the igniting spark which ‘gets your goat’ - after which you will go off on a tangent, rave and rant and in the process, unnecessarily  ruin your own mental equilibrium, for no rhyme or reason whatsoever .  

I am certainly not advocating the fact that you must be upbeat and positive 24/7- that would be foolhardy and rather ignorant on my part. We cannot be positive all the time- after all, we are human.   

Now. there is a school of thought that debates vociferously, that negative thoughts are good for us and suppressing them is bad. Their arguments do make a certain amount of sense and I am not disputing that fact.

According to the study, attempts to suppress feelings such as anger or sadness can reduce our sense of contentment. Point noted, appreciated, agreed with, and understood.

However, spewing forth negativity into the world around you with frequent regularity, is something which needs serious consideration coupled with  a deep understanding and acknowledgement.

Ultimately, however difficult the situation, we must accept the rough and the tough periods in our lives to make the smooth and the future, that much better. To use a cliched phrase – every cloud does have a silver lining – being ready and willing to wait, search for and find it is key.

So, the choice is ours – Gratitude or resentment?

 Remember - gratitude is an extremely powerful catalyst for happiness. It brings joy to the soul, peace to our lives, makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.

·        Echoing the words of the Lutheran pastor & theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer “I’ve had a remarkable life. I seem to be in such good places at the right time. You know, if you were to ask me to sum my life up in one word, it would definitely be gratitude.’’