Disadvantages of suddenly having to spend the night in someone else's house.
1. You wake up confused as to where you are .
2. You feel disoriented.
3. You can never find the light switches.
4. The air-conditioning was freezing
5. There is urgent need for an additional blanket but you can't wake them up at 2 am can you ?
6. You are not sure if the door leads to the toilet or their bedroom
7. A strange cat jumps on your bed at 5 am and makes strange gurgling sounds - you are not sure whether to pet it, back off or get under the covers and play dead.
8. You need a pair of slippers as the floor is freezing but you can't find them
9. Being a morning person you go downstairs to the kitchen to make a cup of tea.
10. There are umpteen cupboards so the search begins for the tea leaves and sugar. You finally find it in the last cupboard you open. It's not the tea you are used to, so you have to just make do.
11. The gas stove is not like the one at home, so causing an explosion is a distinct possibility
12. Then you wonder where the saucepan to boil the water is and when you find the draw with the vessels, one is not sure as to which one to use.
13. Tea in hand it's now a search for the front door key to pick up the morning newspapers.
14. By now the cat is wondering as to who you are, but is a trifle friendly, so it keeps brushing against you and almost tripping you up at every step. Breaking a bone is not my idea of a lovely morning so being extra careful is key to survival
15. There are a few bunches of keys. Murphy's law steps in and the 26th key finally gets the front door open.
16. There are no newspapers but instead you are staring at a very large grey Tom cat.
17. The house cat rushes out and there is snarling match which wakes the neighbours.
18. They open their balcony window and look down at the cats and me with unadulterated disgust written all over their faces. I step back into the house feeling rather sheepish
19. Meanwhile the others in the house wake up one by one and come down to check out the commotion . Their comments are unflattering and do nothing to soothe my jarred nerves.
20. The 2 cats have chased each other up and down the street and a third has joined them . They seem to be having a jolly good time.
21. My tea is cold by now and I am disgusted.
22. Everyone goes back to bed while muttering about why I got up so early.
23. I try to tell them I am a morning person
24. I need to make myself another cup of tea.
25 . The cat is back home and now he is snuggling up to me as I key this in .
26. I guess I am a cat person too.