
Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Of Towels , sheets and curtains

 Good day friends

This is a short note on towels, sheets and curtains.
I know it is a rather mundane topic, which may not exactly interest you, so if you are a busy executive, or if you just have something more exciting to do – please stop reading at this juncture.
Would never want to take up your time. Good-bye to you for now

Hello again to those who are still with me.
So yes – this is about towels, sheets, curtains and women. I left out the word “women” on purpose at the start so as not to tempt the ‘busy bees’.
No seriously speaking, this is not interesting and not some erotic tale either – just stating some facts.
What is the correlation between towels, sheets, curtains and women of the house – wives to be more precise?
When I opened one of the cupboards at home this morning, I was dumbstruck at the number of towels, sheets and curtains within. In fact, there was no room for any other item and the cupboard was surely over- packed to the extent, one of the hinges had begun to come lose due to the door being forced shut.
If we were to do a little calculation – how many of each would a family require?
Now mark this – I am not only referring to the cupboard at home which is rather large – this is something I have heard from many people (read GENTS & HUSBANDS)
Every time we go to India, we come back with Towels, curtains and sheets of various hues and sizes because supposedly the ‘quality of the cotton’ is so much better there. Is it really?
If my wife spots a shop which says, Bombay Dyeing , Linen Club or something to that effect , we must enter and exit an hour or later with me attempting to carry more packages than I can actually manage.
The same goes for curtains in Dubai. Now, I must admit, that you get beautiful curtains here in the UAE, but the question is “how many sets does one need”?
These are questions, which perplex me, and hence this short note. I warned you it was nothing interesting!
Some of you are so worldly and wise so I will look forward to your inputs if any.

Of Towels , sheets and curtains

 Good day friends

This is a short note on towels, sheets and curtains.
I know it is a rather mundane topic, which may not exactly interest you, so if you are a busy executive, or if you just have something more exciting to do – please stop reading at this juncture.
Would never want to take up your time. Good-bye to you for now

Hello again to those who are still with me.
So yes – this is about towels, sheets, curtains and women. I left out the word “women” on purpose at the start so as not to tempt the ‘busy bees’.
No seriously speaking, this is not interesting and not some erotic tale either – just stating some facts.
What is the correlation between towels, sheets, curtains and women of the house – wives to be more precise?
When I opened one of the cupboards at home this morning, I was dumbstruck at the number of towels, sheets and curtains within. In fact, there was no room for any other item and the cupboard was surely over- packed to the extent, one of the hinges had begun to come lose due to the door being forced shut.
If we were to do a little calculation – how many of each would a family require?
Now mark this – I am not only referring to the cupboard at home which is rather large – this is something I have heard from many people (read GENTS & HUSBANDS)
Every time we go to India, we come back with Towels, curtains and sheets of various hues and sizes because supposedly the ‘quality of the cotton’ is so much better there. Is it really?
If my wife spots a shop which says, Bombay Dyeing , Linen Club or something to that effect , we must enter and exit an hour or later with me attempting to carry more packages than I can actually manage.
The same goes for curtains in Dubai. Now, I must admit, that you get beautiful curtains here in the UAE, but the question is “how many sets does one need”?
These are questions, which perplex me, and hence this short note. I warned you it was nothing interesting!
Some of you are so worldly and wise so I will look forward to your inputs if any.

Thursday, 8 April 2021


Some people accomplish so much
In the course of a single day
Moreover, I am truly surprised
If they ever get time to play
Imagine the output, at the end of the month!
It actually flabbergasts me
Are they honestly sane individuals?
Or is it, only evil they see?
There is backbiting, condemning and criticizing
And pulling others down to the ground
Plotting, planning and scheming
Their minds surely cannot be sound.
They denounce, censure and attack
Bad mouthing and picking holes
Sledging, maligning and besmirching
Could they actually be somebody’s moles?
I have watched and observed from afar
Can often spot them in a crowd
They are loud, critical and pedantic
To call them out – I have avowed
If you sit back
And let them run wild
Hoping better sense will prevail
Be prepared to suffer the consequences
It could be you, they next will assail
So stand up to tyrants and tormentors
Never back off when they dare speak
For in the blink of an eye
They will tell you a lie
And remember, they are anything but meek


Some people accomplish so much
In the course of a single day
Moreover, I am truly surprised
If they ever get time to play
Imagine the output, at the end of the month!
It actually flabbergasts me
Are they honestly sane individuals?
Or is it, only evil they see?
There is backbiting, condemning and criticizing
And pulling others down to the ground
Plotting, planning and scheming
Their minds surely cannot be sound.
They denounce, censure and attack
Bad mouthing and picking holes
Sledging, maligning and besmirching
Could they actually be somebody’s moles?
I have watched and observed from afar
Can often spot them in a crowd
They are loud, critical and pedantic
To call them out – I have avowed
If you sit back
And let them run wild
Hoping better sense will prevail
Be prepared to suffer the consequences
It could be you, they next will assail
So stand up to tyrants and tormentors
Never back off when they dare speak
For in the blink of an eye
They will tell you a lie
And remember, they are anything but meek

Saturday, 3 April 2021

The wonder years - memories are made of this

 Memories are made of this - the wonder years

I must have spent quite some time …….
Standing at the window and watching the rain patter down
And then form fast flowing rivulets, at the corner of the garden.
Staring up at the sky, at kites being flown with such dexterity by friends
A skill- which for some reason , I failed to master
At eagles soaring and then swooping down in a death-defying dive
As we threw scraps of food from a first-floor veranda in school.
Looking for chameleons in the bushes on hot summer afternoons
And then stringing them together on twine – Grose!
Eating meals at a snail’s pace, while attempting to dispose of the vegetables I detested
In the bushes nearby!
Waking to a shrill alarm & going for morning runs at the crack of dawn
Just to drink cold sweet water from a favourite well, on the way home.
Sitting in cycle rickshaws to and from school- while admiring the world in slow motion
Rather repetitive, but of so interesting.
Travelling by crowded trains, and thoroughly enjoying the hustle and bustle of the journey
Although I suffered quite badly with travel sickness- a paradox of sorts.
Once trying to copy from a brighter student in a Hindi exam
And failing miserably in the attempt – his promises to help, were fake
Playing seven tiles on tree lined avenues with friends
And striking the tiles with precision time and time again.
Making tea for the family – the boiling the brewing, the pouring and the serving
Strangely, it was something I quite enjoyed .
Drinking mugs full of Horlicks, Complan, and whatever else
In an attempt to put on weight, as I was unbelievably skinny.
Writing pages of ‘I will not talk in class’
As a punishment for distracting others – ‘unintentionally’!
Learning to ride the bicycle for some obscure reason on a slope
And scraping almost every part of my body till I was successful.
Playing Caroms, Ludo, Draughts, and Chinese checkers
I prided myself on being pretty good in all.
Serving mass in our parish church as often as possible
It had its distinct advantages as well!
I could tell you more
But secrets are not meant to be shared !
Simple pastimes - amazing memories
Time well spent

The wonder years - memories are made of this

 Memories are made of this - the wonder years

I must have spent quite some time …….
Standing at the window and watching the rain patter down
And then form fast flowing rivulets, at the corner of the garden.
Staring up at the sky, at kites being flown with such dexterity by friends
A skill- which for some reason , I failed to master
At eagles soaring and then swooping down in a death-defying dive
As we threw scraps of food from a first-floor veranda in school.
Looking for chameleons in the bushes on hot summer afternoons
And then stringing them together on twine – Grose!
Eating meals at a snail’s pace, while attempting to dispose of the vegetables I detested
In the bushes nearby!
Waking to a shrill alarm & going for morning runs at the crack of dawn
Just to drink cold sweet water from a favourite well, on the way home.
Sitting in cycle rickshaws to and from school- while admiring the world in slow motion
Rather repetitive, but of so interesting.
Travelling by crowded trains, and thoroughly enjoying the hustle and bustle of the journey
Although I suffered quite badly with travel sickness- a paradox of sorts.
Once trying to copy from a brighter student in a Hindi exam
And failing miserably in the attempt – his promises to help, were fake
Playing seven tiles on tree lined avenues with friends
And striking the tiles with precision time and time again.
Making tea for the family – the boiling the brewing, the pouring and the serving
Strangely, it was something I quite enjoyed .
Drinking mugs full of Horlicks, Complan, and whatever else
In an attempt to put on weight, as I was unbelievably skinny.
Writing pages of ‘I will not talk in class’
As a punishment for distracting others – ‘unintentionally’!
Learning to ride the bicycle for some obscure reason on a slope
And scraping almost every part of my body till I was successful.
Playing Caroms, Ludo, Draughts, and Chinese checkers
I prided myself on being pretty good in all.
Serving mass in our parish church as often as possible
It had its distinct advantages as well!
I could tell you more
But secrets are not meant to be shared !
Simple pastimes - amazing memories
Time well spent

Friday, 2 April 2021

Schools back then

 Early morning musings .... Do you remember playing on a jungle gym? High up, criss crossing , hanging . No one bothered about how safe it was or even thought about what would happen if you fell. Many did fall, dusted themselves off and got on again . No one sued the school if you fell off and broke an arm . There were no staff on lunch duty. No monitoring at all. Then there were the swings and slides. Often rusty. Some jagged edges too. No health and safety audits ! You got cut, washed it and if in school you went to the clinic. The wound was attended to. No entries in any register and no call to parents to inform them. You went home and were probably not even asked as to how you injured yourself . You got into an argument in school. One thing led to another. Someone egged both boys on and soon it was a scuffle. There were scratches, bruises and black eyes there too. No questions asked and no explanation given. You slipped on a wet floor during the rain or fell into a puddle . Never saw anyone mopping the floor or draining the water. No 'BEWARE of wet floor' signs were ever visible. I remember sitting at desks which were decades old and which had seen better days . Also of having the top bang down on my fingers and howling in pain. What about when you were about to sit down and someone pulled the chair away and you fell with a thud. I ate samosas from the school canteen and yes the flies had sat on them too . Municipality checks ? There were none. No one complained of smelly toilets, overflowing drains and leaking taps at school. And if by chance there was a sudden closure of school for any reason , you just found your way home the best way possible. I don't remember of anyone ever being kidnapped and held for ransom. Books and stationery often went missing . Once a text book was covered in ink . There was no complaining ever. We got on with life at school. And God forbid you went home and even attempted to complain about a strict teacher or getting less marks as the teacher ' did not like you '. More often than not , you were scolded, punished and told to behave and get your brains in order lest you became a loafer. How times have changed .