
Wednesday, 21 April 2021

We pray that good sense prevails

 It was not rocket science and in fact, a catastrophe just waiting to happen.

Considering the population, vaccines were always going to fall well short of the requirements. So also, vital mediations, oxygen cylinders and hospital beds where we all knew that demand would outstrip supply if not handled intelligently .
Then what was all the drama about exporting vaccines, being large hearted and helping others? Who advised who?
Shouldn’t we have helped ourselves first? If it was publicity stunt, it has backfired, and now there are many people left with the custard smeared all over their face. If it was a political gimmick to show India as the saviour of the world – it failed miserably.
If it was a genuine gesture of goodwill, which it could have been ,it was not the right time to be magnanimous or large hearted.
Someone has miscalculated or been overconfident.
If that were not enough, we had massive political rallies by different parties – all attempting to outnumber the other- another utterly ridiculous move, which anyone with an iota of common sense would have agreed, should never have been permitted in the first place. All parties are to blame here .
And then came the Maha Kumbh Mela- where hundreds of thousands of devotees gathered at Uttarakhand's Haridwar to offer prayers. It was one of the largest religious congregations in the world and that was the icing on the cake. Covid surged & raced mercilessly through the milling crowds, who wore no masks and cared little for social distancing. Priests, devotees, ministers, and the like were all infected in a matter of days.
There were also festivals, which were celebrated with gusto, with shoppers and party animals who lowered their guard and were out and about, mingling with their friends as if there was no tomorrow. Covid had not been eradicated, but somehow most people behaved as if was gone forever and there was a general erratic feeling of excitement, exhilaration & euphoria which was not surprising ! This was a blunder of epic proportions and people are now paying the price.
Where vaccinations are concerned, for various reasons, those eligible, including healthcare and frontline workers, were hesitant to get vaccinated due to rumours and stories which were circulating about how they would cause more harm than good. There were also the Whatsapp doctors who played their part as always .
Those above 60 also did not show enough eagerness even though cases had started going up by early March. The vaccine drive needed to be handled better.. More awareness was the need of the hour – building confidence in the masses was key.
As it stands today, India is topping the charts in almost all Covid statistics and this could have been predicted months ago by the way things were going.
Now there is panic, a total break down of systems and untold suffering which is so sad – a lot of this pain and sorrow could have been avoided. Not surprising that everything is in short supply and everyone is blaming everyone else- so very typical.
It is easy to point fingers but that is not the solution right now.
If the first wave was bad, the second is deadly. Are we waiting for the third to finally get the message?
Shouldn’t some high-power committee be formed immediately to handle the situation? Shouldn’t state & party politics be put aside, elections postponed, and priorities listed to save the country and its citizen from further suffering?
Will someone stand up and say enough is enough – this is what we are going to do to put an end to all this tomfoolery?
By what we read, see and hear, there is no concrete plan as yet, politicians are not cooperating, and people are dithering- that is a dangerous trend indeed.
I am not implying that the government is not concerned & worried – they probably are, but it is a trifle too late for just concern & worry now –what the country needs, is intelligent, concrete, military like precision, planning and action and ‘IMMEDIATE ’ is the word. There is no other way to reign in this pandemic and reign it in we must.
This is a humanitarian catastrophe of gigantic proportions and it must be treated as such, lest things get worse and totally spiral out of control.
And for the record, while this is primarily a post about India, I must go on record and say that I don’t think many countries of the world have yet got it right. The moment cases come down, everyone becomes slack, the number of cases skyrocket and things go back to square one. This is foolhardy.
We must continue to abide by rules, be patient, cooperate with the authorities and protect ourselves while protecting others – ALL OVER THE WORLD.
We pray that good sense prevails.

We pray that good sense prevails

 It was not rocket science and in fact, a catastrophe just waiting to happen.

Considering the population, vaccines were always going to fall well short of the requirements. So also, vital mediations, oxygen cylinders and hospital beds where we all knew that demand would outstrip supply if not handled intelligently .
Then what was all the drama about exporting vaccines, being large hearted and helping others? Who advised who?
Shouldn’t we have helped ourselves first? If it was publicity stunt, it has backfired, and now there are many people left with the custard smeared all over their face. If it was a political gimmick to show India as the saviour of the world – it failed miserably.
If it was a genuine gesture of goodwill, which it could have been ,it was not the right time to be magnanimous or large hearted.
Someone has miscalculated or been overconfident.
If that were not enough, we had massive political rallies by different parties – all attempting to outnumber the other- another utterly ridiculous move, which anyone with an iota of common sense would have agreed, should never have been permitted in the first place. All parties are to blame here .
And then came the Maha Kumbh Mela- where hundreds of thousands of devotees gathered at Uttarakhand's Haridwar to offer prayers. It was one of the largest religious congregations in the world and that was the icing on the cake. Covid surged & raced mercilessly through the milling crowds, who wore no masks and cared little for social distancing. Priests, devotees, ministers, and the like were all infected in a matter of days.
There were also festivals, which were celebrated with gusto, with shoppers and party animals who lowered their guard and were out and about, mingling with their friends as if there was no tomorrow. Covid had not been eradicated, but somehow most people behaved as if was gone forever and there was a general erratic feeling of excitement, exhilaration & euphoria which was not surprising ! This was a blunder of epic proportions and people are now paying the price.
Where vaccinations are concerned, for various reasons, those eligible, including healthcare and frontline workers, were hesitant to get vaccinated due to rumours and stories which were circulating about how they would cause more harm than good. There were also the Whatsapp doctors who played their part as always .
Those above 60 also did not show enough eagerness even though cases had started going up by early March. The vaccine drive needed to be handled better.. More awareness was the need of the hour – building confidence in the masses was key.
As it stands today, India is topping the charts in almost all Covid statistics and this could have been predicted months ago by the way things were going.
Now there is panic, a total break down of systems and untold suffering which is so sad – a lot of this pain and sorrow could have been avoided. Not surprising that everything is in short supply and everyone is blaming everyone else- so very typical.
It is easy to point fingers but that is not the solution right now.
If the first wave was bad, the second is deadly. Are we waiting for the third to finally get the message?
Shouldn’t some high-power committee be formed immediately to handle the situation? Shouldn’t state & party politics be put aside, elections postponed, and priorities listed to save the country and its citizen from further suffering?
Will someone stand up and say enough is enough – this is what we are going to do to put an end to all this tomfoolery?
By what we read, see and hear, there is no concrete plan as yet, politicians are not cooperating, and people are dithering- that is a dangerous trend indeed.
I am not implying that the government is not concerned & worried – they probably are, but it is a trifle too late for just concern & worry now –what the country needs, is intelligent, concrete, military like precision, planning and action and ‘IMMEDIATE ’ is the word. There is no other way to reign in this pandemic and reign it in we must.
This is a humanitarian catastrophe of gigantic proportions and it must be treated as such, lest things get worse and totally spiral out of control.
And for the record, while this is primarily a post about India, I must go on record and say that I don’t think many countries of the world have yet got it right. The moment cases come down, everyone becomes slack, the number of cases skyrocket and things go back to square one. This is foolhardy.
We must continue to abide by rules, be patient, cooperate with the authorities and protect ourselves while protecting others – ALL OVER THE WORLD.
We pray that good sense prevails.

Saturday, 17 April 2021

I am going to be rich

 Finally after working hard for so many years , I am suddenly going to become very rich. An old lady from a particular country has left me a few million in her will. I was overjoyed. Then her sister also died and no guessing what happened- she left her money to me too. For good measure she added in a bungalow. Have never encountered such kindness. Meanwhile a private bank in Europe have found me to be the sole beneficiary of a very large sum of money. They have been trying to trace me for years and finally succeeded If that was not enough I was left antique jewellery by a farmer who found it while digging. There was a note with it which probably had my email ID and hence they reached out to me. If any of you would like to share my good fortune do get in touch. What in Dickens name is the world coming to ? Have often been asked to send details to renew my passport which is not expiring. Also to check my credit card which supposedly was used without permission . These idiots are getting more brazen by the day .

I am going to be rich

 Finally after working hard for so many years , I am suddenly going to become very rich. An old lady from a particular country has left me a few million in her will. I was overjoyed. Then her sister also died and no guessing what happened- she left her money to me too. For good measure she added in a bungalow. Have never encountered such kindness. Meanwhile a private bank in Europe have found me to be the sole beneficiary of a very large sum of money. They have been trying to trace me for years and finally succeeded If that was not enough I was left antique jewellery by a farmer who found it while digging. There was a note with it which probably had my email ID and hence they reached out to me. If any of you would like to share my good fortune do get in touch. What in Dickens name is the world coming to ? Have often been asked to send details to renew my passport which is not expiring. Also to check my credit card which supposedly was used without permission . These idiots are getting more brazen by the day .

Thursday, 15 April 2021

There was no other way


                                                               There was no other way


We grew up – almost as siblings

We lived on the same street

Let me not state the obvious

But guess I must

We went to the same school – same class too

And then – no surprises for guessing

The same friends, toys, likes and dislikes

When he was taken to the circus – I was taken along too

And when I went to the fete – he had to be there

No this is no joke – we fell in love around the same time

Was it the same year?

Not exactly sure- so won’t lie

And then we proposed – to sisters

Marriages were followed by kids

No – not twins or anything so dramiatic

They had a girl and a boy

We had two boys – yes, they were friends

And then one day we went camping with friends

Just the men – fishing in the river, swimming

Shooting pigeons, barbecues, and a couple of drinks

The first two days were swell

Life was good – it couldn’t be better

Or so we thought

And then we argued – it was something trivial

Things escalated is all I remember and there was a scuffle

Forty years is a long time to remember what happened  

However , that night it remained unresolved

Our friends failed in their endeavour

To make us talk it over  

The second night was a repeat of the first

We tucked in without a word

I know we both felt rotten – but not a word was spoken

Pride and ego kept us at loggerheads  

I woke at dawn and saw that his bed was empty

I thought he had gone for a walk

He never returned

All fingers pointed at me – obviously

We had fought, hadn’t we?

I was hauled away unceremoniously

Our wives were beside themselves with grief

Our kids heartbroken

Our families torn asunder

The case dragged on

One agonisingly year after another

Handcuffs ceased to be embarrassing in the courtroom  

Court hearings became a nightmare

There were no tears anymore

No one believed me – I knew they never would

So, I resigned myself to my fate


It’s been thirty years – I had been given life

With my small packet of belongings, I exited the prison gates this morning  

And there he stood - with arms open wide- smiling

Waiting to take me home?

I did a second take and then extended my hand to shake his

I wrapped him in a warm embrace

Then did what I had planned to do if I ever met him again

It was calm and effortless – I am a big man

Then I turned and went back through those prison gates

I handed myself in - the confession was matter of fact

It all felt like a dream – but I was peaceful at last

There was no other way.





There was no other way


                                                               There was no other way


We grew up – almost as siblings

We lived on the same street

Let me not state the obvious

But guess I must

We went to the same school – same class too

And then – no surprises for guessing

The same friends, toys, likes and dislikes

When he was taken to the circus – I was taken along too

And when I went to the fete – he had to be there

No this is no joke – we fell in love around the same time

Was it the same year?

Not exactly sure- so won’t lie

And then we proposed – to sisters

Marriages were followed by kids

No – not twins or anything so dramiatic

They had a girl and a boy

We had two boys – yes, they were friends

And then one day we went camping with friends

Just the men – fishing in the river, swimming

Shooting pigeons, barbecues, and a couple of drinks

The first two days were swell

Life was good – it couldn’t be better

Or so we thought

And then we argued – it was something trivial

Things escalated is all I remember and there was a scuffle

Forty years is a long time to remember what happened  

However , that night it remained unresolved

Our friends failed in their endeavour

To make us talk it over  

The second night was a repeat of the first

We tucked in without a word

I know we both felt rotten – but not a word was spoken

Pride and ego kept us at loggerheads  

I woke at dawn and saw that his bed was empty

I thought he had gone for a walk

He never returned

All fingers pointed at me – obviously

We had fought, hadn’t we?

I was hauled away unceremoniously

Our wives were beside themselves with grief

Our kids heartbroken

Our families torn asunder

The case dragged on

One agonisingly year after another

Handcuffs ceased to be embarrassing in the courtroom  

Court hearings became a nightmare

There were no tears anymore

No one believed me – I knew they never would

So, I resigned myself to my fate


It’s been thirty years – I had been given life

With my small packet of belongings, I exited the prison gates this morning  

And there he stood - with arms open wide- smiling

Waiting to take me home?

I did a second take and then extended my hand to shake his

I wrapped him in a warm embrace

Then did what I had planned to do if I ever met him again

It was calm and effortless – I am a big man

Then I turned and went back through those prison gates

I handed myself in - the confession was matter of fact

It all felt like a dream – but I was peaceful at last

There was no other way.





Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Of Towels , sheets and curtains

 Good day friends

This is a short note on towels, sheets and curtains.
I know it is a rather mundane topic, which may not exactly interest you, so if you are a busy executive, or if you just have something more exciting to do – please stop reading at this juncture.
Would never want to take up your time. Good-bye to you for now

Hello again to those who are still with me.
So yes – this is about towels, sheets, curtains and women. I left out the word “women” on purpose at the start so as not to tempt the ‘busy bees’.
No seriously speaking, this is not interesting and not some erotic tale either – just stating some facts.
What is the correlation between towels, sheets, curtains and women of the house – wives to be more precise?
When I opened one of the cupboards at home this morning, I was dumbstruck at the number of towels, sheets and curtains within. In fact, there was no room for any other item and the cupboard was surely over- packed to the extent, one of the hinges had begun to come lose due to the door being forced shut.
If we were to do a little calculation – how many of each would a family require?
Now mark this – I am not only referring to the cupboard at home which is rather large – this is something I have heard from many people (read GENTS & HUSBANDS)
Every time we go to India, we come back with Towels, curtains and sheets of various hues and sizes because supposedly the ‘quality of the cotton’ is so much better there. Is it really?
If my wife spots a shop which says, Bombay Dyeing , Linen Club or something to that effect , we must enter and exit an hour or later with me attempting to carry more packages than I can actually manage.
The same goes for curtains in Dubai. Now, I must admit, that you get beautiful curtains here in the UAE, but the question is “how many sets does one need”?
These are questions, which perplex me, and hence this short note. I warned you it was nothing interesting!
Some of you are so worldly and wise so I will look forward to your inputs if any.