At The Millennium School (TMS), Dubai, like all GEMS education schools, we are always looking at ways to provide our students with opportunities that develop their leadership skills. When I first heard the name ‘Round Square’, I was a trifle puzzled. For goodness sake, how could something be ‘round’ and ‘square’ at the same time? A few minutes of research led me to the International Round Square Organization. Round Square is based on the theories of experiential educational philosopher Kurt Hahn who believed that schools should have a greater purpose beyond preparing young people for college and university. Dr. Hahn believed that it was crucial for students to prepare for life by having them face it head on and experience it in the ways that would demand courage, generosity, imagination, and resolution.
Round Square schools are founded on a philosophy which embraces a series of six pillars, which can be summed up in the word IDEALS. They are Internationalism, Democracy, Environment, Adventure, Leadership and Service. Students at Round Square schools make a commitment to addressing each of these pillars through exchanges, work projects, community service and adventure. The overriding goal is to ensure the full and individual development of every student as a whole person through the simultaneous realization of academic, physical, cultural and spiritual aspirations.
Through the efforts of one determined teacher coupled with my enthusiasm, The Millennium School, Dubai became global members of Round Square in the year 2007. Thereafter there has been no looking back. Since then we have been attending one international conference every year. So far, students and teachers have visited Canada, Thailand, The United Kingdom and South Africa. This year they will be attending the conference in Florida, in the U.S. The annual conference is an ideal forum for students to demonstrate leadership skills, and where a high level of responsibility is passed on to students individually and collectively.
We have also been active participants at the Senior and Junior Regional Conferences where students have travelled with an escort teacher and participated in various Round Square activities at other member schools in the region. So far we have attended 10 such regional conferences.
We also have conducted two Junior Regional Conferences on home turf. Considering the fact that we are not a boarding school, we catered to almost 120 delegates from 12 schools, in the year 2009 and then 193 delegates from 17 participating schools in the year 2012. Both were mammoth logistical exercises which were executed to perfection by our team.
The most powerful force in advocating and promoting international understanding is exposure to different cultures. Through student exchange programmes, students are taught to appreciate value and respect all cultures, religions and languages. They learn to see themselves as global citizens and are asked to look beyond gender, class, race, nationality and culture to understand human nature.
As part of this, The Millennium School in 2011 hosted 8 girls from 4 boarding schools in India for a week’s time. These students stayed with the host families (parents of our school students) and attended classes with their buddies. Last week we again hosted 9 pupils from 5 schools in India where students got to interact with each other and learn from each other’s culture and backgrounds, thanks to our parent body which is extremely supportive.
As part of this, The Millennium School in 2011 hosted 8 girls from 4 boarding schools in India for a week’s time. These students stayed with the host families (parents of our school students) and attended classes with their buddies. Last week we again hosted 9 pupils from 5 schools in India where students got to interact with each other and learn from each other’s culture and backgrounds, thanks to our parent body which is extremely supportive.
We have also actively participated in Round Square International Service Projects and adventure trips. Our students have been to Panchgani in India, twice for adventure and community service. In collaboration with the Dhirubhai Ambani International School in Mumbai, students were able to build computer laboratories for children in a village outside of Mumbai, as well as teach them basic IT skills. A project with The Doon School also saw our students work closely with tribal children. TMS students have recently returned from a trip to Nepal also.
A key method used by Round Square to prepare students for life, is by showing them the importance of serving others in the community. Under the banner of Round Square, we at TMS have collected food grains, tea, sugar and toiletries to be distributed to the support staff at the GEMS Accommodation in Sonapur. All these activities have helped our students realize the need to give back to society and impact the less-fortunate amongst us in a positive way.
Our pupils realize that true leadership is found in those, whose convictions are rooted in personal responsibility, kindness and justice. The need was felt to be a part of a much larger dream ….a dream to share a commitment beyond academic excellence; a commitment to personal development and responsibility through service, international understanding, dynamic leadership, adventure, democracy and environmental stewardship and foresight. Round Square is where this dream finds its realization in the lives of young people at The Millennium School it and prepares them to take on the global arena. We are indeed, proud to be a Round Square School.