
Friday, 28 January 2022

Husband Appreciation day

 Ok girls & guys- ladies and gentlemen reading this .

 Here is some unsolicited, yet important information. You can call it trivia if you wish, but you probably don't know this unless you have spare time like me who wakes at 5 am even on a weekend!


This year, on April 16th, there is something big coming up . Excited to read on ?

It's something that occurs on the 3rd Saturday of April every year. Any guesses?

So giddy up my friends ...


So all you wives or partners out there - stop smirking, sniggering, laughing, tittering, giggling or whatever else you are doing after reading about this very special day and plan as to what YOU are going to do to show your appreciation for your man.

Don't plan to shoot the messenger as this is good news.

Here is your chance to appreciate, pamper and show more than normal appreciation.

This is no joke.

Husbands - you can let me have details later .

Tuesday, 25 January 2022

Having my books bound


Something that came to mind when I saw a torn book a short while ago …...

I am sure many Millennials, and all Gen Z, have never heard of the term, ‘Have your book bound’.

For the uninitiated, having books bound was something quite common back in the day. When a text book binding came lose, and there was imminent danger of losing pages, we did not discard the books- instead we took them and had them bound afresh, and they came back as good as new – at least that’s what we felt. I didn’t cost much either.

We did the same with story books which were far too precious to throw away. At times five or ten  thin comics were bound into just one book, and many a lazy afternoon were spent reading.

I vividly remember buying text books, second hand, before the start of the academic year in school – then taking the torn ones to a shop, and getting them bound. At times, the binding was a trifle too tight and one or two words at the start of every line were stitched in, but the main thing was we had a book to use.

The book was usually bound with dark blue or dark maroon binding and looked rather smart.

Do any of you older ones, who follow my posts, remember the ‘book binding’ process and did you or your parents ever tell you to get a book bound?

My friends from Allahabad would definitely be very familiar with having books bound.

Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Haircut for Christmas

 Had a hair cut for Christmas. It's short and I am the only one who likes it in the family . What style ? No style , just short! 

Walked in. Told him to cut my hair. He did his job - that was followed by the customary showing me the back of my head in a mirror. 

Often wonder why they do that and with such aplomb too. 

I nodded,  he looked satisfied as I paid him and walked out a few grams lighter. 

I am a no fuss person where haircuts are concerned. 

Now with 2 daughters out of the house and only the wife with me, there are less jokes to contend with , and none that I can't parry with ease.

But it's the 'look' to which I am yet to find a suitable answer to. 

When I returned from a hair cut today I got 'the look' . No comment - just a look or a glance and then she looked away. 

I think I saw a smirk but then again I had just come in from the sun. 

Years ago I stopped asking the usual question' How does my hair look' because there would be a flurry of responses which all meant the same thing - ' it looks aweful ' 

Anyway , I think I look awesome!

Saturday, 11 December 2021

Tricky toothpicks

 A small mishap occurred while shifting house and home today  - very small.

It's 6 am. I am a nervous traveller and probably an equally nervous shifter . Just realized this today. 

I woke at 4.45  am and while making my tea I decided to multi task . I realized that multi tasking at work is something I do so well , and with extreme  regularity, but trying that at home, with the weight of the shift playing on my mind, was a very different experience. 

I saw one of those small containers which have about a few hundred toothpicks in them and decided to put   it into a plastic bag.

I know you're wondering as to why that caught my attention. Now I am wondering the same thing .

Needless to add the tea water came to a boil at exactly the same time.

Being extremely particular about my tea , there was a momentary lapse of concentration  and the wretched toothpicks spilled on to the counter top. 

Not wanting the wife to give me a morning lecture as she would be apt to do if she saw the mess , I attempted to put the toothpicks back into the container as quickly as possible. Easier said than done and this  is the point of this mini story.

There were definitely a few hundred tooth picks that fell out,  but only half could fit back in. My rather thick fingers and thumb didn't help ease the struggle . 

How the Dickens they pack them so tightly  beats me. Surely it is an art or maybe a science for all you know. 

Anyway,  after quite a struggle, I managed to put half the amount back and binned the rest .

My tea was cold by then and the packers would soon be  ringing the doorbell. 

My wife was none the wiser .

Here ends my story.

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Have the courage ....


Have the courage

To do the right thing

To stand up and say ‘No I don’t agree’

To speak up for the oppressed and the wronged

And hold firm to your belief.


Have the courage

To voice your opinion

When your heart tells you, you’re right

‘Group think’ if you know what it is

Can be a destructive force.


Have the courage

And quality of mind and spirit

To defy conventional beliefs

That have stood the test of time

Just because no one asked

That all pertinent ‘WHY’


Have the courage

To question those in authority

Who attempt to play God

 And punish others

When no punishment is due


Have the courage my friend

To be virtuous and upright.

It will not be easy

But if you’re just and fair

It will give you peace of mind

in the end

Saturday, 21 August 2021

Our family

 When we stop being defined by Religion, Nationality , Caste and Creed we will be better human beings. 

I am a half Parsi and half Anglo Indian married to a Goan. So there are tons of Goans in the family . My wife's sister married a North Indian Hindu while her brother married a German. My daughter is married to a Malayalee boy while two nephews married Filipino girls. One of my nieces is married to a boy with Portuguese nationality while we also have East Indians, Anglo Indians, Canadians, British Germans,  Chinese and Parsees in the  family as well . 

A very  large and happy mix indeed and still growing. Dozens of Muslim friends too !

Stop caring about the history of your birth and think more about your present and future life and how you're living it. 

Let not caste , creed, Religion and nationality divide you .

Monday, 19 July 2021

Scary toys anyone ......


Let me come to the point straight away. We had a doll in the house and eerie things began happening after we planned to get rid of it, and that’s what this is about.

So, let’s get to the beginning. Jerry was a vinyl, ‘boy doll’, and quite good looking! He was about a foot long, the size of a small baby, dressed in blue, and all cute and cuddly, with deep blue eyes, and a lovely expression on his face. The doll was a gift for my elder daughter on her third birthday, and she loved it. In fact, it was her first gift that year, and hence extra special. She spent hours playing and talking to it, as all young girls do. As young parents, we attended doll tea parties and doll birthdays, and it was fun and cute. The children’s’ friends came over with their dolls too and the kids spent many an enjoyable holiday in their make-believe world.

Then we had our second baby girl, a few years later, and the doll was passed on. In fact, both played with it for years. As and when necessary, it was washed in soap and water, dried in the sun, and dressed in a fresh set of baby clothes.

After being with us for about 8 years or so, Jerry was worn out, and was soon relegated to being ‘an old toy’, as both girls took to ‘Barbies’ in a big way. Jerry was never played with, began looking dusty, neglected, and dirty. However, whenever we went to throw it out, or give it away, we never did, due to sentimental reasons. The girls refused to part with it.

This is where this story takes an unmistakeably sinister turn.

One morning we found “Jerry boy” as he was affectionately called, with his neck off! Now mark you - we had no dog or cat in the house and the doll had been relegated to the corner of a  top shelf in a large wooden cupboard. Rather than keep it like that, my wife picked up a needle and thread, stitched the neck firmly back on and put the doll back in the cupboard. We forgot about the incident for a few months.   Lo and behold, when we decided to dispose of the cupboard and get a replacement, everything was taken out of the cupboard and put on the bed. Amidst all the clothes, we spotted Jerry- with his neck about to fall off once again. Something just did not seem right. This transpired on two more occasions – the last time it did, the clothes were all torn, and the face scratched. It could have been my imagination, but I felt that the lips seemed darker than normal, and the eyebrows slightly raised and pulled together. That was the icing on the cake. I immediately had the doll put in a large plastic bag and without telling the two girls, I threw it in the bin outside. Luckily, the garbage van was there at the very moment, and we never saw or heard of ‘Jerry boy’ again.

We then shifted to another house, and all was well for a few months. Then, surprise of surprises, we came home from school one afternoon & saw a doll in the house. It was a blond haired, light eyed, porcelain doll, had on a pink lace dress, and looked new.  We had a house maid, and when we asked her where it had come from, she was as confused as us. My elder daughter said that she had taken it out from a box in the   toy cupboard. However far- out the explanation, we had no reason to disbelieve her, and presumed that one of their friends had probably left it at our place after the last sleep over and would collect it on her next visit.

 It looked adorable.

As it was never claimed, we were left with no other alternative but to keep it, it assuming that it could   have been a birthday gift, that we had somehow overlooked. The girls played with it now and then and all was honky dory. It sat with the large collection of barbies on a low shelf and somehow fitted in, despite being the odd one out.   

Then we went for the summer vacation and by the time we returned, the doll seemed to have taken on a life of its own. Now first and foremost it was one of those old-fashioned talking dolls. The doll's talking mechanism was activated by a small button on its back. Pressing the button turned a grooved disc inside the doll's body, and a metal needle produced sound from the disc by traveling through the grooves. What was odd was the fact that although the doll spoke English, it was with a strange accent. There were two prerecorded sentences. the first was ‘Hello, my name is Mia’. The second was, “I want to play with you.” Those were followed by the doll laughing! If you ask me, the laughter was hideous and quite repulsive, but the girls laughed along and seemed to enjoy it so who was I to complain!

The first time this happened we woke with a start. It was well past midnight when the doll, which was lying at the corner of the bed, occupied by the kids, started talking and laughing! It spoke the same two sentences repeatedly - and as for the laugh itself- it scared me.

I have always imagined myself as some sort of a detective, so I worked it out, much to the chagrin of my wife, that one of the kids had woken from her sleep, played with the doll, activated the talk button, and then dozed off. Nevertheless, we did not put too much thought into the incident and dozed off again. We woke with a start at about five am with the doll on the ground and yes, it was talking again and oh that sinister laughter!

I managed to convince my wife using the same logic once again, that it was just a bizarre coincidence, that had happened twice in one night.

I am not going to draw this out, but this doll often began talking at abnormal times - at night, in the afternoon, when it was in the cupboard and even when we placed it in the showcase! At times we only heard the awful laughter. I would then jump and switch it off.

Our younger daughter found this quite amusing while the elder one felt that our fears were unfounded, although unable to come up with any fathomable or plausible explanation herself.   

As there was no sentimental attachment to this doll, and we were leaving for Dubai in a week, we left it in the house along with a few other toys, rather than throw it away.

The next tenant probably found it. Not sure if it is still talking and laughing or whether that show was only for our benefit.

Would love to know.