
Friday, 21 June 2013

Friday musings- As you get older

As you get older you begin to ponder .........
1. Why can't there be three days to a weekend
2. Why do nights finish so fast and days drag on endlessly
3.Why is tasty food bad for health.
4.Must you get a backache from time to time ?
5.There is such a thing as a favourite chair in the house
6.Am I that old?? Really ?
7.Can't work start later and end earlier ?
8.Do I HAVE to sign all those papers ?
9.Has bank work always been so tedious.
10.At most airports my bag goes through the scanner and then they pull it back to look again - do I resemble a T .........T?
11.There IS such a thing as over eating and indigestion !
12. Pills Do work .
13. Afternoons were made for sleeping .
14 Alcohol was a useful invention
15. Your children think your childish
16. You start looking better than you did when you were younger
17. HAPPY / SAD/ DEPRESSED are relative terms
18.Little kids amuse you more
19. You're so happy you have  no exams to sit for because your so sure you would fail if you did .
20. Your not worried about your CV  being updated or where your certificates are at the moment.
21.When you look at old photographs 'you do look so comical and you say to yourself OMG !
22. When pupils are brought to you for getting into a tangle / problem- you say to yourself - I did the same when in school and let them off with a warning
23. You repeat the same story more than once - and after doing it' you realize that  you have done it
24. When you go round a sharp bend your stomach takes the corner before you !
25. Not many people want to read more than 25 points of your silly post .

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