A MESSAGE TO ALL TEACHERS Dear Teachers – wherever you are – GREETINGS and GOOD WISHES Am not going into the details of the state we are in – over the past few weeks , we have all been inundated with statistics, horror stories, pictures, cures, diets, health tips, videos, jokes, memes, cartoons etc. The virus seems to have taken over our lives. This period will go down in History for sure and so will we. The real news and the fake news have actually become a blur and at such times, the less we see and hear, the better. I for one have taken a vow today – No more forwarding any news about Covid 19 . What I would like to reiterate is that these are challenging times for all of us – the whole world is struggling to cope but I am quite confident that cope we will. To use a cliché – when the going gets tough, the tough get going. It is imperative that we remain POSITIVE and face this challenge head on- wisely and bravely- while adhering to the advice of the authorities. A few days ago I was watching a religious service on the television and something the priest said resonated with me – “when this is over, the world will never be the same again- we will all have changed for the better” . I believe this is true. This could be the wake up call we all needed . Covid – 19 has opened my eyes (and made me indulge in quite a bit of self- reflection) as I am sure it has yours. I do believe that we are all feeling a new awakening and are starting to have a newfound respect for the world around us. We are an insignificant speck in this universe – we knew this for a fact but never paid much attention to it! It did not seem to matter – it’s beginning to make a lot of sense now. Today we see how the world’s biggest super - powers have almost been brought to their knees and everyone is at a loss as to what needs to be done next. There is a certain amount of panic and fear as well but that is expected. Everyone who matters has been galvanized into action as the world races to find a cure for the virus. Let’s all pray and believe that this will happen soon. There are two things I am very thankful for. Firstly, that I live in the UAE. We feel safe, secure and cared for. The rulers are proactive and that fills us with plenty of confidence. A look at the precautions being taken and the arrangements in place is enough to boost anyone’s spirits. Secondly, that I work for a company called GEMS. At moments of uncertainty like the present, it is a strong organization like GEMS that you want to be part of. At GEMS we care in more ways than one can imagine. The support mechanisms in place are aplenty. So today as educationist we have a big part to play. Yes, I do believe that TEACHERS are in the spotlight for all the right reasons. Suddenly there is a new - found respect for the teaching fraternity and you are leading from the front – you are the trail blazers shaping the future in this uncertain world. As teachers you are expected to be guides, motivators, mentors, coaches, part time parents, counsellors, special educators, friends and so much more. At times like these a lot is expected of you as well and yes, the burden will be heavy and there will be stressful & tiring periods to go through. However, this is what you need to know and believe and I say this with all sincerity – thousands of parents are looking up to you to show the way. They are beginning to acknowledge the fact that their wards need you and trust you more than ever now. They have begun to agree even more, that their wards are in safe hands. A few days of online learning has shown everybody that teachers are very special people indeed. In some form or the other ,you are preparing content, delivering lessons, clearing doubts, clarifying concepts and attempting to make the lessons as easy and enjoyable as possible for your pupils – and all this without any lengthy formal training as to how it is to be done. You are also family members and so you have that responsibility as well . One day you were in the classroom surrounded by tens of pupils; the next you are forced to stay at home and deliver classes online – but the teaching and learning is happening and will continue till as long as needed. No one can do it better than you. Believe in yourself – be positive – I am sure as committed teachers, irrespective of country, school or curriculum, you will strive to make teaching and learning outstanding for your pupils. Education and teaching is not so much a profession as it is a calling . Not everyone can teach and if this virus has done anything , it has ruined that old joke :" those who can do nothing else become teachers " Today , more than ever teachers are supermen and superwomen who like doctors and nurses are ensuring that life does not come to a standstill . So all you brilliant individuals , take good care of yourselves and your families – watch your health as well. And if ever anyone wants to reach out to me – I am just a mail , a message or a call away . Remember – THIS TOO SHALL PASS
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