HAVE NEVER TOLD THIS STORY BEFORE........ Was just thinking - I am not very good at dates . I often forget birthdays , anniversaries & important milestones . At times I have been asked " do you know what today's date is" or " don't you remember this date " Unfortunately I don't and that has upset some very good friends ! ( Sorry ) Maybe that is why I was not good in History where memorising dates was mandatory. While at The Boy's High school, in Allahabad, I was taught History by a gentleman - let's call him Mr X . A great teacher though a trifle strict . Now History was not my pet subject and I had very little interest when a certain king was born , when he died , when he conquered a particular place , when the war started and when it ended . I saw no use to even try and remember the same. However these were all part and parcel of the subject and hence my marks hovered around 60 % or less - never more ! In our final year in school- Grade 11 ISC back then, the pattern was long answer questions in the examinations - and when I say long I mean really mean L O N G ! Mr X had a strange way of correcting the scripts . There were around 15 of us in the class . So this was the method . You did the exam - Mr X took in the scrips. The next day during the History period he returned with them . Now this is where the fun began - the scrips were then distributed at random by him . However if you received your own script you had to exchange with someone else . Then you read out the answer from the script you had and everyone in the class supposedly paid attention . The class was then asked to vote as to how much the answer deserved out of a maximum of ten . Depending on what he heard , that was the mark given- give or take a half mark here or there . Somehow, this worked well but it gave me an idea which I shared with a few others . I then decided to put my devious plan in place is an attempt to score high. This was the idea which seemed pretty straight forward at that time . On the day the scripts were being distributed for reading , I wrote out a fresh script at home and brought it along . I had managed to get hold of blank answer scripts earlier but that is a different story . I then kept an eye out as to who was given my script for reading. All I had to do thereafter was simply hand him the new script that I had written out and pocket the original one . The deed done I waited with bated breath . When my answer was read out by another pupil , it was perfect for obvious reasons . I looked as casual and composed as possible. A trifle smug as well . Although Mr X often dozed while the scripts were being read out he was apparently alert . At times he read the newspapers too but I guess this was a ploy . When the class was asked to rate my script , there was a unanimous 9/10 followed by a few guffaws. Boys will be boys. Mr X smelt a rat and was instantly awake . He looked around the class and his eyes met mine - he scowled - he smiled . It was an evil smile . I was caught for sure . I was asked as to how I had written such a brilliant answer - perfect to the Tee . I mumbled something about learning it well. This excuse didn't carry much weight The pupil who read it out was asked if he had read out the same script given to him by Mr X . To save his skin , he instantly denied it and spilt the beans. All hell then broke lose . Mr X came towards me in a threatening manner calling me naughty , bad mannered , a cheat and what have you . I had never seen him move so fast . I then received two or three tight smacks on my cheek followed by one or two on the back of my head when I turned . I was given zero and sent to the Principal . I received 2 strokes with the cane and that stung . Needless to add , I never cheated again - nor did I ever take to History ! However I bore no malice towards the teacher - those were different days and he was just doing his job while dealing with a naughty boy . All's well that end's well. So ends this morning's lesson !
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