
Monday, 27 June 2022

A rectangular world

 Thought for  the day...

We seem to be living in a rectangular world!.

Except for the clock and flowerpot in my office , everything else is rectangular.  

It's the same at home. Except for crockery and cooking vessels, it's a rectangular world all  around me. 

I guess that's the easiest shape to mass produce .

Nature on the other hand hates the shape- probably detests it . 

That's why we don't have rectangular plants, flowers , trees, hills, mountains, rivers or seas. 

Cameras with round lens take rectangular photographs and no body part of ours is rectangular either!

Is it our unintentional fight with nature? 

I presume rectangles are just  omnipresent  creatures determined to box us in, and there is very little we can do about it .

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