On some days there is no poetry and no story, and despite good intentions, your mind is like a clean slate- or an empty vessel - whatever you prefer.
And you sit at your computer pondering the way forward and hoping to inspire the world.
You cannot fathom the ' empty mind syndrome' because it usually doesn't happen to you .
You make a beginning and a few words later, hit the delete button.
You start again, and go a little further, but once again the words don't flow, as they are apt too.
This is silly and a trifle preposterous.
Delete,delete,delete, till you are utterly frustrated .
You take a short break hoping against hopes that something will inspire you.
Nothing happens.
No inspirational ideas - no eureka moment and no insights whatsoever.
Panic begins to set it.
Should you write about a childhood experience? Should it be a teen escapade ?
A long lost love ? A dream ? What about working woes? Procrastination? Something futuristic maybe?.
You sift through one topic after another and manage to come up with zilch.
This is disgusting to say the very least .
What's with me ?
I am beginning to feel like a complete idiot - a failure and rather powerless to boot.
They say that one is often motivated when sitting near water.
Now that's an idea if there ever was one.
Well there is a lake close by, but wouldn't I look like an utter moron sitting in the burning sunshine near a large lake and staring at a laptop?
Even the cats who greet me in the vicinity every evening are probably asleep elsewhere.
The four white ducks are usually crouching under the overhanging shrubs near the edge of the lake at around this time.
It's not going to happen.
No Michael I say to myself - there has to be another way.
Wait- I am a dimwit to even imagine, I will be able to produce something constructive today.
Ok I have it.
I think I'll take a nap .
Let's take forty winks, drowse, a siesta , doze, snooze or just put my head on the pillow and sleep.
Keeping it simple !
They say sleep can be inspirational.
So here's the plan.
I've put the Ac on 18 degrees. The drapes are drawn. The room is dark. The bed looks welcoming .
I will live to write another day.
For now it's adieu.
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