
Friday, 14 July 2023

Are you feeling drained or burnt out


Are you feeling drained or burnt out?


When speaking to friends and colleagues, an oft discussed topic is ‘’work”– obviously!

The conversation often veers towards ‘how much work is too much’ and what to do when one feels like ‘’throwing in the towel’ due to burn out, or because of feeling unappreciated.

In the present day and age, feeling burnt out and unappreciated is quite a common experience for many individuals, in various stages and aspects of life, and this includes work and relationships too. There are several contributory factors leading up to this emotional state, which finally lead to a sense of exhaustion and disenchantment.

Not feeling sufficiently acknowledged can significantly impact one's motivation and satisfaction. When individuals invest all their time, energy, and skills into something, they naturally desire recognition for their efforts. Without due appreciation, acknowledgement, or gratitude, it's easy to feel undervalued, leading to a diminishing sense of self-worth and an increasing belief that their contributions are taken for granted. Even worse is when someone else takes credit for the work you do or doesn’t seem to realize your value. That must be the icing on the cake.

I must clarify- and this should not come as a surprise - this does not only happen in the workplace – it happens very frequently at home as well.

In addition to that, excessive workload, poor leadership, unjustified demands, and insufficient time to complete a task, leads to burnout. Unfortunately, modern society often glorifies busyness, and places extremely high expectations on output & productivity. This constant pressure to perform at 100% forces individuals to work long hours, neglect self-care, and sacrifice personal time. Over a period, this unsustainable lifestyle depletes energy reserves, erodes motivation, and results in a state of emotional and physical exhaustion. It is then that there is a tilt in the work life balance and that has a downward spiraling effect. When this happens, it is only natural that families and organizations suffer.

 In this respect, technology hasn’t helped, as it keeps us constantly connected, thus eroding the boundaries between personal and professional life. This blurring of lines leads to a perpetual cycle of work-related stress, leaving individuals feeling overwhelmed and drained, with little time or energy for family or personal pastimes.

There is no debating the fact that everyone is accountable, and everyone must deliver, but expectations must be realistic.

And if by chance the work environment is toxic, if there are negative interactions, conflicts, politics or one upmanship, emotional exhaustion sets in, and the thrill of working is lost.

Addressing these issues requires a holistic approach, including open communication, setting boundaries, practicing self-care, and cultivating a supportive network. Recognizing and valuing the efforts of individuals is crucial, in fostering a sense of appreciation and reducing burnout, ultimately leading to greater well-being and productivity.

It is here that effective leadership is key. Leaders who are genuinely concerned about the wellbeing of their team should play an active part in ensuring that all employees in their team are assisted in establishing clear boundaries between work and personal life. Leaders must do more asking, coaching, supporting, listening, clearing roadblocks, removing red tape and overall, helping make life easier. Employees must want to come to work and there are no two ways about this.

Here are things a few suggestions that could help.


Start with believing in yourself and all you have accomplished – positivity pays.

 Spend time with loved ones and realize that sometimes it’s fine to do nothing!

Talk matters over with someone you trust and seek advice on how to cope better.

 Indulge in hobbies or just practice mindfulness and meditation.

 Effectively manage your time by prioritizing tasks, delegating when possible, and avoiding overcommitment.

Learn to ask for help – it doesn’t reflect on your capabilities in any way.

Learn to say no and realize that it's important to recognize your limits.

 Overcommitting, and always saying ‘’ YES’ can lead to increased stress and exhaustion.

Be more selective about what task you take on.

Be realistic about goals and timelines and avoid setting unrealistic expectations for yourself. Break down your goals into achievable steps.

 Remember that you are only human, and it's okay to make mistakes or re-adjust your plans when needed.

Take regular time off- utilize your weekends, holidays, or long vacations to recharge.

Whenever possible, disconnect from work-related activities, and allow yourself to instead engage in projects or tasks that bring you joy and fulfillment.

Learn not to be too hard on yourself or your own worst critic!

Remember, preventing burnout is an ongoing effort. It's important to listen to your body and mind and prioritize your well-being to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

"Love yourself unconditionally, for you are a magnificent creation worthy of all the love and happiness in the world."


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