
Thursday, 20 July 2023



We wait nine months to be born and for the rest of our lives, it’s all about waiting. We are forever ‘in line’ – waiting for opportunities to arise or something to happen.

We wait to finish school, complete our college education, and get a job. We then wait, while trying to find the right spouse and get married. It’s then a wait before we beget children and add to the world’s population- waiting seems to be an ever-present aspect of our lives. Not sure whether all this waiting teaches us patience, self-control, and resilience or makes us more impatient in the long run. They say waiting makes us understand the value of time, and when the waiting period is over, the rewards are more appreciated. This is debatable.  

In this fast-paced world in which we live, we have begun to expect instant gratification, and patience is a virtue long forgotten by most. All one must do is drive into a busy city and watch how many individuals behave, once behind the wheel, or just stand in a queue, and hear the peeved and at times, pretty nasty comments all around. Nowadays, even the nanoscopic wait suddenly becomes unbearable. The constant connectivity and easy and immediate access to information has heightened our impatience, leaving us unaccustomed to delayed appeasement.

Think of how you wait for a telephone call that doesn’t come, a mail you expected to see in your inbox, or just a simple message to say ‘hi’. We wait to go on vacation or for a loved one to return. You wait to be acknowledged for a job you think you did well. People wait for the ‘likes’ on their posts- external validation somehow boosts their self-esteem.  It's a dopamine effect and each to his / her own.

However, there is the flip side to compulsory waiting, and these are our own apprehensions, uncertainties, and fears, that make us wait, in what we force ourselves to believe, is ‘time to take stock of the situation and plan’. This tendency to ‘wait indefinitely’ which we inflict upon our unsuspecting minds, often leads to missed opportunities, as we postpone decisions and resultant actions, in the assumption or hope that something better or more rewarding, is around the corner.

 Fools rush in where angels fear to tread, but he who hesitates is lost! Thus, choose whichever suits you, but I believe that being decisive is key.

We don’t always realize it, but we are always waiting for the starter’s gun before we commence running; waiting for permission;  waiting for someone to say ‘yes’. ‘Take it easy’ and ‘Slow down’ are oft-heard phrases and they have their merit as well, but should we base our life on them?

 We are always told to embrace the journey, find solace in the present and make the most of every moment while striving towards our goal. Life for the day- smell the roses, take in the sights …... have heard it all.

I was recently asked what my Leadership style is where the waiting game is concerned.  

This is my take –

I am a trifle impatient, and I don’t shy away from saying it. Waiting around indefinitely for things to happen often causes my patience to wane, and restlessness to set in. Time seems to drag on eternally. I like to get out there, dirty my hands where necessary, and ensure the task is completed.

I believe that effective leaders should balance the need for thoughtful consideration with timely action. The waiting period depends on the situation's urgency, complexity, and potential consequences. Rapid decisions might be necessary in emergencies, while more complex issues will require more time for more detailed & in-depth analysis. Flexibility and adaptability are essential traits for leaders in navigating these decisions. And then there are always others one can seek advice from.  

Unfortunately, there’s no fail-safe way to know when to take decisive action, and when to prudently wait, until conditions are optimal. It’s a gut feeling that I rely on under these circumstances, and I have rarely been wrong.

All things being said, I have a deep longing for resolution, for progress, for change- hanging around is not my style.



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