
Saturday, 1 October 2022


 Me at the workplace 

past , present and future .

Not peals of wisdom- just simple things I believe, have helped me do fairly well, for over 40 years in education .

Understanding my  role and working diligently 

Sitting quietly and  observing 

the cacophony 

Saying no, politely yet firmly 

Ensuring no one attempts to push  me around

Refusing to compromise on principles

Speaking up when necessary

Feeling amused at silly behaviour 

Following rules, because that's what

rules are for

Getting the job done 

Working hard but not killing myself

Watching the work life balance 

Learning to prioritise 

Learning to delegate 

Listening attentively 

Avoiding unnecessary office conflict

Not believing in'Group think'

Keeping personal life personal

Skipping petty politics

Swimming upstream at times

Remembering it's not a popularity contest

Striving for excellence 

Being respectful but not subservient 

Not assigning blame

but holding myself and others


Collaborating and being a team player 

Attempting to motivate and inspire colleagues 

Avoiding stressing myself or others out

Prioritising trust , gratitude and reputation.

Being  focused on the job at hand

Sticking to schedules 

Being forgiving and understanding 

Not bending over backwards to please 

Staying  committed to the organisation. 


Wednesday, 28 September 2022

This is life

 I remember the first day 

The first time

The exact  place 

The precise moment 

The reason

I had to go, out wearing a mask.

I felt a trifle strange 

Rather embarrassed and odd

Believing all eyes would be on me.

In reality

No one bothered.

In fact

Most looked away

Or down at their feet

Believing everyone was looking at them!

A cough or a sneeze spelt danger

A sore throat or a cold spelt doom

Add in a body ache for good measure 

And you were avoided

Like the plague.

Days moved into weeks and

Weeks into  months- years

Masks and gloves were hot topics

And no one left the house 'uncovered'

The pandemic ruled

With a ferocity unparalleled 

In our lifetime.

It was hell and mayhem interwoven 

And humanity was at it's wits end.

Those afflicted

Were not sure if

They would live to see another sunrise 

Many didn't. 

Tears, lamenting, gnashing of teeth


And then today

I felt the joy of going maskless at last!


There is a sense of freedom

Of immense relief 

I hope it lasts.

But many are  still wary

Still on their guard

Still not sure 

And who can blame them?

We have had it bad

'He is on a ventilator'

'She is critical'

' He has been admitted to hospital'

'She is no more'

Sentences that left us reeling

Words that left us speechless.

It will take time

To come to terms with 

What we have been through 

It will take time and courage

To go maskless 

It will take time

But it will happen

We will heal 

This is how things work 

This is life.


Saturday, 10 September 2022

Certainly not rocket science


A few tips for success.

Wake early 

Either do some reading or writing within the first 15 minutes- it gets the mind alert and working - wordle too!

Spend some time 'thinking' and 'planning'. We are so busy that  we hardly spend any time thinking . It's one mad rush.

Slow down. Life is not a sprint  or a non stop competition.  

It's more like a marathon, so pace yourself.

You can't do everything so learn to delegate. Don't worry about someone else doing the job better than you . 

If they do it then they deserve your post. 

Hence keep learning and be ahead of the game. 

Stop micro managing all the time- give people space.

Give others time to learn ,improve and deliver. 

Don't be harsh on colleagues or subordinates or on yourself for that matter!

Set reasonable targets and give sufficient time 

Be kind - it costs nothing, and releases your endorphins ,as well giving you a feel good factor.

Try and help someone when you get the opportunity.  It can be a ' small help' but it could often 'make someone's day' a little brighter. 

You don't have to be the best looking , the best dressed or the most popular to do well in life.

Forget fate and destiny. Those are excuses to make for lazy slackers. Go ahead and plan your own life.

Luck has a part, but hard work never fails.

Be consistent. 

Wake up, dress up and show up for work regularly ,irrespective of your mood. Don't make excuses to miss a day's work. Bad bosses come and go.

Family first - slot the others in as you desire.

Save for the future. It's never too early to start. 

Your first job may pay you a paltry sum but it's better than nothing . It gives you valuable experience for the future.

My first job paid me about 500 rupees - I have that appointment letter stored somewhere. I must share it.

I worked hard and was not always satisfied.  Like so many other,  I too had a few bad experiences with superiors and bosses along the way, but I dug in for the long haul and came through with a few scars to prove it.

I  avoided taking leave, worked through innumerable summer vacations to earn more and kept taking on more responsibilities while learning on the job.

I observed others closely and gained valuable leadership experience.

I learnt what NOT to do as a leader.

There is one thing you must do- be THANKFUL .

Today I enjoy sharing those experiences and tips with others.

Thursday, 1 September 2022


 Can we actually feel

Another's pain , sorrow or suffering?

No one truly knows what it's like.

It could be anything 

But with our guess work 

And misplaced sense of importance 

We don't even come close.

It's so very easy to sympathise 

While throwing empathy aside

Haven't we all been the receipents of 

" It will get better soon"

" You will get over it "

" Don't worry - it's nothing "

" Cheer up "

" Good times are round the corner"

" Look on the bright side"

" It could have been worse"

" Don't stress"

Not to forget the clichéd 

" Every cloud has a silver lining"

Have also had a pseudo intellectual 

Come up and say to me some years ago

" When winter comes ,can spring 

be far behind" 

These words and phrases

Flow effortless off the tongue.

People may genuinely mean them

Or they may just be glib talk 

But the next time 

When an opportunity presents itself 

Think before you utter them

Because misplaced sympathy

Is as counter productive 

As negative empathy.

No one can truly feel another's pain.

Saturday, 23 July 2022



Is it an early morning coffee?

A meal with the family ?

A drive with your spouse?

A movie with friends?

Camping in the desert?

Driving over dunes?

Discussing politics ?

Sitting and meditating?

Climbing mountains?

Swimming in the sea?

Being recognised?

Playing second fiddle?

Reminiscing over lost love?

Walking in the rain?

A business meeting?

Clinching a deal?

Playing the share market?

Jumping in and taking the bull by the horns?

Relaxing and watching the world go by?

Discussing the future with your kids?

Writing, reading singing?

Or just doing nothing for a change?

Tell me ....

What feeds your drive ?

Is it physical,  spiritual ,mental or emotional?

You could be twenty  , fifty  or seventy

Just starting out - or even retired .

But have you ever given it a serious thought ?

What feeds your spirit, fires your soul 

And fills your life with meaning?

You could be a painter, dancer, musician,

Rich poor or in between 

Fat, thin, tall, short.

Atop the ladder

Or still climbing 

A mathematician or a science buff.

A magician, a teacher or a monk

It does not matter

Not in the least.

But ask yourself this ....

What fuels your imagination?

What makes your heart sing ?

What makes you tick?

Become your own Sherlock Homes 

And come up with some answers

They may surprise you !

You need not align

With what others find meaningful

Or force yourself to contribute

To social  causes 

that others swear by.

It's never too early

It's never too late

To delve into your soul.

Let the hunt begin

The answers will be rewarding.

Monday, 18 July 2022

Vacation mode

 I woke to gentle morning rays

And sprinkling rain.

Tiny black and white birds

Flitted about excitedly 

Whistling and warbling

Tunes so melodious 

While two inquisitive crows

On the ledge below me

Stared, hopped and cawed-

Raspy news broadcasters-

Attempting  to dominate the peaceful surroundings -

wake the world,

And spread misinformation!

A rather large verdant pasture

Yet unclaimed by

Multimillionaire builders 

Welcomed a few hundred, obedient sheep

Hearded by a wisp of a girl

While early morning walkers

 and sprightly joggers

Sprinted up the hill

Filling  me with guilt.

But who cares!

Kids frolicked in the park below

Not a worry in the world.

It's another day to do as I please 

To loll, scroll, stroll,

 plan and dream

Of what else to do

On a cool monsoon day.

Just doing nothing

Is oh so relaxing

I am on vacation!

Saturday, 16 July 2022

Catastrophic is the word

I sat dumbfounded 

Staring in utter disbelief.

How could this happen to me

And why? 

A death is a death is a death.

I felt the world closing

In around me.

Choked and speechless

I looked around for help 

But none was forthcoming.

To compound the calamity

It  was pouring

As if the heavens were mourning 

Along with me.

I held her gingerly 

And turned her over

 ever so slowly

Not wanting to cause

Any further pain.

I contemplated the next steps.

Acting fast was imperative

Time was of essence.

Disposal and burial was not an option 

Never crossed my mind.

An expert practitioner was consulted 

An examination done.

A quick postmortem followed

Furitive glances were exchanged.

There was a glimmer of hope

I was told.

It would cost me but that was secondary.

Four hours later

She was back to life 

I was over the moon.

When your phone dies on you 

It surely is catastrophic.