Stop procastinating
And wasting precious time
Worrying about what may be
Or how things will finally pan out
Let it not become a fixation.
Work on your story.
On your characters,
On your plot
On the setting
On your plan
On yourself.
Are you ready to begin?
To take that first step?
To trust the process?
Put your apprehension, anxiety and doubts aside
And go for it.
Never wait to be fully prepared
For that perfect time or perfect moment
To arrive
Because the perfect state
Does not exist.
When will the time be right?
When will you be fully in control?
Maybe never !
So then what?
Stick in a rut?
That's for losers!
The time is now.
Make a start
Step gingerly if you must
But make a start
And see how far you go.
More often than not
It will be further than you imagined
And you may surprise yourself
With inner strengths
You didn't realize you possessed.
Strengths which lay dormant
For extended periods
As latent fears controlled you
Held you back
And not only told you
What to do
But how and when to do it.
Far too often we are so busy
Encouraging, supporting and helping others
That we put our own lives
On the back burner.
We are always waiting.....
For advice, for guidance, for support
For someone else to point the way
For someone else to permit an action
For the gun to be fired
The flag to be raised
The whistle to be blown
And soon that becomes the crutch.
An excuse to stay put.
For long periods of inertia
When progress is nil.
Days go into weeks
Weeks into months
And months into years
Our life ebbs before our eyes
And thereby hangs a tale.
We are the makers of our
Own destiny
And in order to forge ahead
We must first step forward
Take the reins
And start conditioning our minds
To expect the best.