
Saturday, 15 October 2022

Not everybody

 Not everybody wants to see you win

Not everybody is happy at your success

But win, succeed and be proud.

Hold your head up high

Because you deserve the adulation

And the accolades

Even if its just you

Giving it to yourself.

Yes we need to pat ourselves

On the back from time to time

And say 'well done'

While smiling into the mirror

Without waiting for external validation.

To expect praise 

Just because you know you deserve it

Is like willing it to rain

When your fields are parched.

It should happen

It could happen

But usually it's wishfull thinking 

And it doesn't. 

What then?

Wither away and perish? 

No . 

You must learn to water your fields yourself. 

Or else die waiting.

Friday, 14 October 2022

Very early this morning

 Very early this morning

As half the world slept

And the other half

Went about their daily lives....

Very early this morning

As the early birds rose 

To catch the proverbial worm

And exhausted barn owls

Retreated to their dingy barns...

Very early this morning

As two legged predators

Returned home after a night

Of debauchery 

And the four legged ones 

Unwound after a lengthy chase...

Very early this morning 

Yes, extremely early this morning 

Without so much as a 'may I'

I swallowed a lizzard.

It could have been a slug

As it was slimy and tailless

But slugs don't climb

Into six foot high shelves

To nestle in porcelain mugs

Do they?

So a lizzard it was!

All of an inch long

Wet, slimy and tailless.

Don't cringe, make those faces

And say yuck yuck yuck

It was me - not you. 

I had seen it the night before

Had scrambled to find a newspaper

No not to kill

But to scoop it up

And set it free among the plants

But this little monster

Was having none of that 

Probably it had other ideas

So he or could be a she

darted off and vanished in seconds 

Apparently to live another day

And then this morning 

Very early this morning 

As I prepared to have my 'cuppa'

For no fault of mine

Nor of 'lizzie' either

It was all over.


Tuesday, 11 October 2022


 For the last few days, I have been alone at home – except for the cat, and I have enjoyed some intentional periods of silence. No TV, no music- nothing. It was almost a revelation – I enjoyed it and will attempt to indulge myself more often. 

We live in such a vociferous world, and it’s getting rowdier by the minute. If you think about it – walks in secluded areas- like woods, beaches, or just simple treks, fill us with a sense of tranquility. They help us clear our minds, think, strategize and focus.

   I vividly remember going for a rather long walk in a forest area in Wiesbaden, Germany some years ago, and it was serene to say the very least. I guess that’s why more and more people are going for mini breaks, to cabins in the mountains, resorts in the hills, or to secluded houses, surrounded by lush and dense forests.  The idea of investing in farmhouses in India was probably started with the need for ‘silence’ in mind,

“Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence” Leonardo da Vinci. 

Never a truer word was spoken.

Go to a meeting, and everyone is focused on being heard.  The silent ones are looked at with disdain. Isn’t that strange? Is listening considered a weakness in today’s noisy world?  Is it imperative to say your piece  before everyone else?

Innumerable experts and quite a few research studies have confirmed, that in our clamorous world, time spent in silence can bring numerous health benefits. Though an absence of sound may suggest emptiness, you may discover that dialing down the noise levels, offers surprising fullness for the body, mind, and spirit. Modern-day ailments and conditions like insomnia, distress, anxiety, deafness, blood pressure, ADHD, restlessness, and a feeling of general malaise, are all connected to excessive noise in some way or the other. It is for this reason that health professionals, ecologists, and even hobbyists, have gone to great lengths to seek out the quietest places on the earth.   Today, our daily routine, and our very existence are swamped with noise, and we are to blame because we love it.

Wake in the morning - switch on the music.

Nothing to do - put on the TV

Get in the car - the radio is there for company, or we are calling someone just to chat.

Television and the phone are certainly both culprits, and interestingly our best friends too! Phone conversations have become considerably longer, and the time spent staring at the idiot box does precious little for our health. In the present day and age, we often become rather uncomfortable in the disconcerting silence, and rush to join the cacophony at the slightest opportunity!

Watch people out for a walk – the majority either wear headphones or are engrossed while talking on the phone. Then there are the honkers and the hooters, in some countries, and they pride themselves on the tone and volume of the horn at their fingertips – a most annoying pastime, and something I detest. 

The external stimulus of noise follows us everywhere and lessens our power to concentrate, and we are to blame. We have become so accustomed to deafening noise that it fails to bother us. I looked at a video yesterday, where music was being blasted at full volume, rather late in the evening, in a residential society in Pune.  Something was being celebrated and that’s fine – but at those decibels? 

It’s about time we realized the value of silence.

Sunday, 9 October 2022

She loves me

 So I feed some cats in a particular location and quite enjoy the same.

Have come to realize that cats are definitely very smart cookies. Mark you, these are strays.

I carry nothing in my hand, I don't have a bell round my neck announcing my presence  nor do I carry a torch. I don't call out to them either. 

It's just a pouch in my pocket and not even a bag or a bowl.

However there are about 8 or 10  cats who seem to recognise me.

When I am about 25 mts away I see them scampering towards me. No, not all together. They hang around in strategic areas, but once they spot me, they  dart towards me.

 While some come mewing , purring and rub themselves against my legs , the more timid run along in the bushes beside me , literally imploring me to feed them .

Now it's not like I am the only one there . In fact there are dozens of walkers but these cats leave them alone and seem to know that ' I am the one'

Cats often get short shrift on the perception of loyalty and intelligence when compared to dogs. 

However they are pretty smart and loyal too.

We often comment about cats being aloof and  standoffish  but the truth is that they just show their love in a very different way to dogs. 

That being said ,  I caught hold of our cat this morning - held her firmly - looked deeply into her eyes and told her in no uncertain terms, that she better get her act in order, and show me some more respect and love.

She turned  rigid, growled,  hissed, tried to scratch me and charged off.

So much for my little pet. 

She loves me - she loves me  not.

Saturday, 8 October 2022

You are a winner

 Hang in there

And believe 

That the best is yet to happen.

Self belief is not easy

But once you master it

You ride the wave.

But like all rides

You will tend to go under 

Now and then.

At times,

 fearful - that you are drowning.

Then miraculously 

you surface- 

You breathe deeply- 

You wipe away the tears

That temporarily blinded you - 

And you smile 

Because you know

You have survived

And will continue to do so

Because you are a winner.

Friday, 7 October 2022

Stop procrastinating

 Stop procastinating 

And wasting  precious  time

Worrying about what may  be 

Or how things will finally pan out

Let it not become a fixation.


Work on your story.

On your characters,

On your plot

On the setting

On your plan

On yourself.

Are you ready to begin?

To take that  first step? 

To trust the process?

Put your apprehension, anxiety and doubts aside

And go for it.

Never wait to be fully prepared

For that perfect time or perfect moment

To arrive

Because the perfect state

Does not exist.

When will the time be right?

When will you be fully in control?

Maybe never !

So then what?

Stick in a rut?

That's for losers!

The time is now.

Make a start 

Step gingerly if you must

But make a start

And see how far you go.

More often than not

It will be further than you imagined 

And you may surprise yourself

With inner strengths

 You didn't realize you possessed.

Strengths which lay dormant 

For extended periods

As latent fears controlled you

Held you back

And not only told you 

What to do

But how and when to do it.

Far too often we are so busy

Encouraging, supporting and helping others

That we put our own lives 

On the back burner.

We are always waiting.....

For advice, for guidance, for support

For someone else to point the way

For someone else to permit an action

For the gun to be fired

The flag to be raised

The whistle to be blown

And soon that becomes the crutch.

An excuse to stay put.

For long periods of inertia 

When progress is nil.

Days go into weeks

Weeks into months

And months into years

Our life ebbs before our eyes

And thereby hangs a tale.

We are the makers of our 

Own destiny

And in order to forge ahead

We must first step forward

Take the reins

And start conditioning our minds 

To expect the best.

Saturday, 1 October 2022


 Me at the workplace 

past , present and future .

Not peals of wisdom- just simple things I believe, have helped me do fairly well, for over 40 years in education .

Understanding my  role and working diligently 

Sitting quietly and  observing 

the cacophony 

Saying no, politely yet firmly 

Ensuring no one attempts to push  me around

Refusing to compromise on principles

Speaking up when necessary

Feeling amused at silly behaviour 

Following rules, because that's what

rules are for

Getting the job done 

Working hard but not killing myself

Watching the work life balance 

Learning to prioritise 

Learning to delegate 

Listening attentively 

Avoiding unnecessary office conflict

Not believing in'Group think'

Keeping personal life personal

Skipping petty politics

Swimming upstream at times

Remembering it's not a popularity contest

Striving for excellence 

Being respectful but not subservient 

Not assigning blame

but holding myself and others


Collaborating and being a team player 

Attempting to motivate and inspire colleagues 

Avoiding stressing myself or others out

Prioritising trust , gratitude and reputation.

Being  focused on the job at hand

Sticking to schedules 

Being forgiving and understanding 

Not bending over backwards to please 

Staying  committed to the organisation.