Christmas will come and go in the blink of an eye. One minute you are putting up the Christmas tree, doing last minute shopping, getting a makeover in an attempt to look younger, decorating the house and planning your parties, and the next you are putting away the dirty dishes, throwing away the accumulated garbage, labelling the packed decoration boxes and wondering why you feel bloated and exhausted.
Then there is the X’ Mas post mortem – how so and so’s cake tasted, the ill-fitting dress worn by a friend , the boring party , the small talk (read gossip), the boring sermon by an ill prepared priest , the overcrowded malls – the list goes on .
Santa goes back to wherever he is supposed to have come from, the reindeers are put out to pasture and sanity is restored once again.
Oh yes you also have gifts which you will probably recycle!
OMG where did the year go – the months really flew by !
And then everyone starts contemplating the New Year – fingers and toes crossed – hoping for good tidings.
Yippee it’s New Year’s resolution time. Research has shown that about half of all adults make New Year’s resolutions. However, fewer than 10% manage to keep them for more than a few months and that too is stretching it a bit!
The origin of New Year’s resolutions is quite interesting. The ancient Babylonians made promises to their Gods at the start of each year that they would return borrowed objects and pay their debts on time. The Romans began each year by making promises to the God Janus, for whom the month of January is named. Thereafter bedlam has reigned with the whole world jumping on the bandwagon and continuing, what has now become a craze
New Year’s resolutions are quite a pain but “What’s your New year’s resolution”? is a question on so many minds in January every year so everyone starts thinking in advance so as not to feel out of sync during upcoming conversations?
We all know how easily people can fall into bad habits and why on trying to give up those habits it is easy to relapse.
New Year’s Resolutions usually come in the form of lifestyle changes and changing behaviour that has become routine and habitual can be hard to do.
Google the term ‘NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS’ and there are umpteen pages on the same.
The most common resolutions made every year around the world are: losing weight, doing more exercise, quitting smoking and saving money. All undoubtedly look good and meaningful.
Who doesn’t want to fit into clothes better , drop a size or two, be able to run a mile without panting , feel healthier and have some sort of a healthy bank balance .
The main reason that people don’t stick to their resolutions is that they set too many or they’re unrealistic to achieve. They may also be victims of the “false hope syndrome”. False hope syndrome characterized by a person’s unrealistic expectations about the likely speed, amount, ease and consequences of changing their behaviour.
So here is my new year’s resolution- to try and be a better person than I was in 2022 – for myself and those around me. Also to do some more reading, writing and speaking. I love all three.
And yes - my book !
Not exactly SMART targets, but ok for me I guess.