Woke at 4.45. Tea, papers etc done by 5.45 and out for a walk.
Was the first 'walker' and it felt nice- 'early bird catching the worm' and all that!
Took some quick photos for posterity and did three rounds of the lake,inside an hour.
Then sat down on a bench and surveyed the scene around me.
The cats, the ducks, the little duckling and its siblings, the pristine lawns , the fountains ,and the morning walkers, who had all now appeared- familiar sights.
There is one very tall man with a large dog who runs around the lake at a frantic pace- both morning and evening. Thankfully I was seated, because every time he passes me , I feel like a midget. He is probably six and a half feet tall and still growing !
Thought of getting home and having another cup of tea. However I felt like sitting for a while longer as the air was so lovely fresh air.
I decided to try and meditate as I had read how useful this was. However my mind began drifting, and hence I took out my mobile and began scrolling through the news.
Surprisingly the topic that popped up first was ' tea' .
Are these mobiles cleverer than we know? .
Have always had a sneaking suspicion about this.
There was an interesting article, on how tea as we drink it ,was discovered, which had me rather intrigued.
Apparently there was this Chinese emperor guy named Shen Nung, in 2737 BC.
Like many of you , he loved drinking hot water for good health! So his servant was boiling some for his majesty.
Some dead leaves from a tree fell into the boiling pot. No - his servant nor he took them out -"so they continued to boil.
He then drank that water and yippee- tea was discovered.
A bit of a strange story ,but who cares , we have a lovely beverage ,thanks to him.
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