Of Malls, Hotels and Airports.
Random musings. No offence meant to anyone .
I have absolutely nothing to do right now as it's the weekend, the wife is in India, and the guy who is supposed to be on the way to fix my Internet router seems to have gone elsewhere as he was 5 minutes away about 45 minutes ago.
It is on mornings like this, that my mind wanders on to aimless topics .
Please don't read further if you have something better to do, or you are one of those super duper types, who multi task all day long. You know those people - cooking ,watching TV, helping the kid with homework, making a PPT while eating breakfast at the same time !
This post is for the lazy, for the aimless and for the old like me.
Malls first- this is India I am talking about. Now what's with the security at the entrance to Malls. Have often seen one over enthusiastic guy at the entrance ready to check your handbag and frisk you !. What exactly are they looking for?. And if by chance some sinister individual has something dangerous and they find it- what happens next? Will they blow their whistle? Start hammering the person with their lathi? Phone their head office ? Would this person remain standing and wait for the matter to run it's course ? And no one is so stupid to walk into a mall with something in a pocket or a shopping bag.
Hotels? Drive into any five star hotel and you are politely stopped at the gate. There are usually two guards, and one has a rather starved looking dog on a leash. While this guy gets the dog to sniff around the car, the other has a contraption on a metal pole . He then pushes it under the car on all 4 sides searching for you know what !. He also orders the driver to open the bonnet and peers in. The same for the boot of the car. He looks while the dog sniffs. Or at least it's supposed to . Once my wife packed mutton roast and put it in the hand luggage. The dog went into a frenzy. The guys got excited. Their first big find in a decade. I had to get out of the car. When they saw the roast they looked dejected. Much ado about nothing.The whole searching procedure is repeated for every vehicle that enters. They don't check the inside of the car , nor the luggage. This has gone on for years now. Do they seriously believe they will find whatever they are searching for in such obvious places?. They look bored and worn out and so does the poor dog and I pity them. I once asked one of these men if they had ever found anything,and his smile said it all. And once again. Have they got an inkling as to what to do IF they find something ?
Airports- I agree that thorough checking at the security counter is a must, but have you noticed how men are checked while standing on a sort of pedestal in the open while women are taken into a sort of curtain enclosed area to be checked. Often wondered about this. Looks like discrimination to me ? Just saying!
Ok got to go. Someone at the door.