
Friday, 9 February 2024

The weekend is upon me

 The weekend is upon me .

What are my plans ?


Come Monday morning 

And social media is abuzz 

With how the trendy spent their weekend

With this glorious weather in abundance 

They are sunbathing on the beach

Running marathons

Cycling fifty kilometres 

Hiking in the mountains

Driving in the 'wadis'



Swimming and surfing 


Breaking the hundred meter barrier on the treadmill 

Doing squats, bench press and the like

Then there are the sand surfers 

Wind surfers and dune bathers

Who throw caution to the wind

And always tell you 

How they enjoy life to the fullest.

Must not forget the party people

Whose tag line is

Work hard and party harder!

Don't they all have such awesome lives? 

Now here's me

Woke up at a leisurely eight am

(I am usually up at the crack of dawn)

Sat in the morning sun with a 'cuppa'

And pondered on the joys of life

Played my guitar after quite a while

Did a spot of writing

Talked to the cat - she seemed to understand 

When I said ' stop biting me'

 And then fed our stray cat

That is attempting to adopt us.

Next on my 'to do list'

Is grocery shopping

Preferably alone

As the wife takes time to decide

Which potatoes and onions

Are better than the other!

(I am an impatient soul you see)

So I don't blame her.

Groceries over

And depending on my mood

I may rustle up a non veg dish

Quite enjoy cooking when in the mood.

Lunch and the compulsory 

Weekend snooze will follow.

The grandchildren often decend on us

And turn the house upside down!

I will wait for the evening to unfold 

And then there is the morrow.

I love my life 

And God is good.

And no

I don't wish I was twenty one again !

Sunday, 4 February 2024

On being Grapa

 Becoming a horse and then a donkey

Braying and all.

Singing songs 

Made up on the spot

About birds, babies, grandma's,  grandads, baby sisters& pretty flowers  and 

Then instructed to add in mama and

 dada too.

The cat is her favourite

So Chanel was included into the song 

as well

All to the tune of ' Are you sleeping brother John!

Having biscuits dipped into my tea

And dreading that they dissolve and fall in!

Something I don't like.

Seeing the hallroom  being upset and smiling 

Knowing fully well that it's become the norm.

Standing on one leg with eyes closed.

Hopping and catching and dreading falling !

Teaching her to be sly by giving her a piece of chocolate with the clear instructions 

" Let's not tell mama"

Cajoling her to drink water in vain

While filling myself with glass after glass

And feeling bloated.

Forcing myself to stay awake

And missing my weekend slumber.

Doing silly magic tricks  to amuse her.

Counting fingers and toes- hers and mine.

Pretending to be a blind man and scaring her in the bargain!

The fun of being ' Gra- pa' 

That's what she calls me

And I love it!

Afternoons like this are magical.

Friday, 15 December 2023

This is downright silly

 Do you ever get silly thoughts? 

Not just silly, but downright idiotic? And then do you smile and say to yourself- how stupid can I get?. And at my age!

And ever so often  we ponder over life and the years gone by ? And we  frown in utter disbelief and think again - where in Dickens' name did that absurdity pop into my brain from!.

Now you know the facts -

I am quite old and quite it being moderately modest. 

I am an educational professional -  a post graduate trained teacher, with over 40 years experience 

I have taught hundreds of boys

Almost all are well placed all over the world 

Many are married with kids

Many read my posts - I love writing 

So many have asked me when my book would be published.

Some get their teens to read what I write. The articles are often inspirational 

Some are just stories of days gone by - at times nostalgia creeps in.

I write about Allahabad, my home town, Pune my adopted home town, and now the UAE.

Plenty of articles about BISHOPS too.

Often people say my writing is motivational .....

I also give talks.... I tell myself that people listen even when they are fiddling with their mobile.

So in a nutshell - when I write- people read.

Hence the pressure is ALWAYS there to ensure that the piece of writing  makes sense .

When I speak- people listen - or at least that's what I believe.

However, last evening , from out of nowhere, I got the most unintelligent,obscure, brainless thought, which zoomed into my cranium and refused to budge.

It's embarrassing to share - so don't judge me.

YOU CAN STOP READING HERE if you have anything better to do, as this is senseless trivia and will benefit you zilch.


I was thinking of exotic pets and how people keep them. 

You know, the rare species of birds, animals, reptiles etc. 

The prohibited list - whereby, if you are caught, you could be fined or jailed.

Then there are people at the other end of the spectrum who keep rats ,  and cockroaches and are proud of doing so.

Now this is the embarrassing part , so take a deep breath and read on.

I was wondering- what if I had a centipede as a pet.

Not exotic but horribly strange !

Now you may not know, but all  centipedes don't have 100 legs. They could have anything over 10. Often they have an odd number - don't ask me why, but that's what Google said. Not sure why I researched this.

And they bite - by puncturing the skin. 

Well what if I had a pet centipede and I saw it limping ?

Would it be cruel to let it suffer ? Or should I console myself by saying ' what's one broken leg when it has so many ?

Food for thought ? 

Is there any deeper meaning to this ?

Why do these senseless thoughts plague me, when there are so many intelligent things I could be doing with my time right now?

After all, I am in a profession to educate the world ! This is far from anything remotely educational. 

Dear old boys - please don't let your kids read this.

 And if they do - and ask you who I am- just say it's Santa.

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

My type of morning

 My type of morning, my type of music and the first day of my vacation. 

Nothing special happening as such.

A slight back ache

A naughty cat that nipped me and ran upstairs.

A Gardener that completed watering and cleaning our little green patch in under five minutes. As salary day is approaching he gets a little more affable when he sees me.

Then there are two stray cats mewing for their morning snack outside the front door.

A newspaper man who threw one of my newspapers partially into a bowl of water.

A crow , a dove , a few mynahs and sparrows buzzing around also waiting for some tidbits, and me having a cup of self- made, steaming hot tea.

Very soon, I presume, there will be one of my granddaughters knocking on the door and arriving to spend the day .

That's another story.

 She takes over the house, the cat, the TV, the sofa,  and everything else at hand  and makes me feel out of place in my own home.

But grandkids are fun.

And when both are here, along with their mother , maid, and accompanying paraphernalia , it's chaos personified. 

Babies and kids need so many items these days, it's mind boggling. 

Then there is the wife factor to figure in. Thankfully I have just one. 

Am sure she is awake, and preparing a mental list of things for me to do. She will also have, stored away in the back of her memory, things she had asked me to do throughout the year, and which I haven't done as yet. She has a great memory for such stuff.

And with Christmas round the corner ......OMG  I am shuddering at the thought . 

That's why I am enjoying my ' me time' till it lasts.

Sunday, 10 December 2023

COP 28



I do not profess to be an expert on climate change or an authority on sustainability.


What I do know, however, is that the ongoing Cop 28, has already inspired the world to wake up and take note, before it’s too late. We are running out of time, and that is a scary proposition.


If I am not an authority, then what right have I got to write on the subject? Let me answer myself – I have as many rights as anybody else in the world.

Today, i entreat you to join me and believe in the power of 1, and the realization, that every little drop, contributes to making an ocean.


 We must stand up and speak out, and the more people who do this – the better.

We are amid Cop 28 in the UAE, where many delegates, activists, observers, and leaders of countries have come together to save the planet and get us back on track.


 There is a clear message – unity is the need of the hour.


I guess the question on the mind of any discerning individual today is- what significance will Cop 28 achieve? We have had a similar conference  27 times to date with little progress to sure for them.


 We all know the problem, our planet is moving towards a breaking point, and leaders, multinationals, countries, you, and I must all get to work - fixing it.


Policies, conferences, memorandums, & and time frames are all fine. However, everybody wants to see a tangible difference.


 Till now, while the wheels have been in motion, progress has been slow.


The fact of the matter is that we are crawling when we should be sprinting, knowing fully well, that the consequences of lethargy will be disastrous.


Developing countries that did the least to cause the problems are suffering the most, with the climate crisis hitting their economies, and causing widespread suffering.


The earth is warming, greenhouse gases are increasing, polar ice is melting, rainfall patterns are changing, and sea levels are rising. There has been an increase in heatwaves, floods, droughts, famines, and fires. Are these not ominous signs?


However, it has been most heartening to see, over the last few days, how countries have opened their purse strings and promised large sums of money for various causes – we do hope they follow through on their promises, for the betterment of our planet.

The cost of climate action is in trillions – however, the cost of climate inaction will be in the hundreds of trillions – the choice is ours.


The UAE has committed to launching several initiatives, to support the goals of Cop 28, and foremost among them is the ‘green education initiative’ - to prepare a platform for future generations, to lead a climate action path.

It aims to educate children and youth and help them adapt, and address, the repercussions of climate change.


It believes that our children should not have to pay the price for political bickering and inaction.


The gems road to the Cop 28 conference empowers our students with the knowledge and skills required to actively engage in the global decisions made on environmental issues. It provides a platform for our students, to explore the intersection of entrepreneurship and the environment, fostering leadership and creating valuable learning experiences.’


In Gems, we have started to rethink the approaches to curriculum, linking teaching and learning with awareness about the environment. Everybody knows that there are no simple solutions. But as a starting point, we are ensuring that students and school communities are made aware of the problems and possible solutions because education is the tool for creating sustainable solutions for the future of our planet.


For this, we are partnering with schools in different parts of the world.


It should be known that the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has explicitly affirmed children’s right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment.


This is the first cop where education is at the forefront, and that should fill us with optimism.


We must strive to get climate education right.

Countries are being asked to continue to promote child rights and climate actions. Very often, as individuals, we look at the lethargy of large world organizations, and say to ourselves “if they are so slow, what chance have we got - but I truly believe that we must not give up – we must help cop 28 succeed.


We hope and pray that as Cop 28 draws to a close there will be more deals and agreements at that will make a real difference.


That governments will stop taking baby steps when large, bold strides are needed.


That the rich countries will continue to put real money on the table and realize that scraps won't do any longer.


Finance is a great enabler, and money needs to flow in torrents, not trickles to developing countries, to boost climate resilience.

Education transformation is the catalyst for climate action. You get the education right, and things will begin to fall into place - it’s a mindset change.


Who knows- teaching may become the biggest green job of our time. 




Sunday, 3 December 2023

Throw away the key

 There is something I don't understand . Putting it simply - it drives me crazy.

Every other day you put on the TV or read about someone shooting a person,  shooting a group of people, knife attacks and the like.

Then if they are lucky, the cops get hold of them alive and take them into custody.

Following me ?

Ok- now begins the tomfoolery. 

They are kept in jail and deliberations begin IF they are guilty or not.

Where does this IF  come in.

Then if they can't afford a lawyer, the state provides then one. 

Now that's a sweet and generous gesture if ever there was one!

It now becomes the perogative of that lawyer to DEFEND the rascal and try and either get him out of prison or get his sentence reduced to the minimum. 

The same guy who has caused untold misery- has taken a life or lives of innocents and often of kids too, now hopes to be set free! He has ruined people's lives and livelihood.  He has scarred others for life.  Does he deserve any mercy ? 

If all goes as per plan , he is often out, either freed or on parole before one can say Jack Robinson or whatever!.

Reports tell you he was on a 'Watch list' of some agency or the other. Or else he had just come out of prison or mental asylum.  At times he was supposed to be undergoing therapy.

Am I missing something ?

Who was watching him ?

Why was he not being watched properly ?

Why was he out of prison?

If he had mental issues and people knew he did - pray what the hell was he doing with a deadly weapon? 

Out on parole? Who gave him parole in the first place. 

We surely live in a strange world. 

Please don't tell me he deserves to be defended .

That's a load of bunk and balderdash. 

These imbeciles need to be put away for good.  No parole whatsoever.  

100 life sentences. 

Better still , deposit them all on some vague uninhabited island and let them do whatever they please with themselves and each other.

He or she doesn't make a difference .

What's with our world ?


 Listening to Christmas carols

Somehow makes me sentimental.

But they are a staple in December. 

Jim Reeves, Daniel O'donnell

And the rest.

Today was very relaxing 

In the middle of an extended break

No suit and tie for once.

Sitting out in the morning sun 

Pottering around the little garden

While planning what to bake

How and when .

Ingredients to be sourced

And preparations to be made.

Nothing too fancy this year.


Will I bake or will she?

Doing it together is what often happens 

Followed by arguments 

As to the method to use

The weight of ingredients 

And what to mix first!

Was thinking back a few decades

When people sent and received

Innumerable Christmas cards 

And of the wizzened up postman 

who did a big 'Salam' on Christmas morning

When he delivered the last few cards

And got a 'baksheeh' 

And a plate of goodies.

He was followed by the 'dhobi' 

And a few faithful helpers.

We would string up the Christmas cards

Across the mantlepiece. 

And count them too

They added to the Christmasy feeling. 

When I was a young brat,

Helping mince the peels

And decorate the tree

Was my job- partly .

Fun times.

Some of you may not know what 

a mincer is or a mantlepiece either !

It doesn't matter .

Those are memories I always cherish.

Xmas and New years 

Makes  me nostalgic 

And I think of you !

And please don't let me start

On the 'Auld lang syne'

Not a big fan of it either.

I've seen people almost 'tear up' 

The holiday season

Is round the corner

Good cheer and good wishes.