
Friday, 3 June 2016

I was Analysing reasons for the success of the 2 Prize days at our school in Dubai and here is what I have come up with . It is not rocket science by any stretch of imagination but a simple mantra for success
Think about what you want to do and formulate a concrete plan well in advance .
Get hold of the right people . This is of paramount importance .
Share your plan with them and see what they feel . Be open to new ideas .
Look at how much you want to spend and make that clear .
Put the tentative plan down in writing so everyone is clear and there are no unrealistic demands or expectations
Meet with the key people regularly and measure progress .
Delegate .Delegate - DELEGATE
TRUST your own judgement .
Learn to be a jack of all trades . In the present day and age it is a must .
Encourage people and give them confidence .
Be critical to a point .
Never praise too much till the final day but don't put anyone down either
Don't accept anything but the best . If you don't like something or the way it is shaping up say it openly . There is no point beating round the bush.
Have a number of premotems.
Very little sense of a big postmortem after the function has flopped .
Don't leave anything to chance .
Give the most important jobs to the best people at your disposal .
Get more people/  new employees / involved - to learn,  as part of a team .
Be well on time . Rushing in late is stressful if you have a key role to play .
Thank people for a job well done .
These are some of my key  principles and they have never failed me .
We were witness to two amazing prize days .
Super decor , great ambience ,  good foyer and quadrangle displays , appropriate PPT., no unnecessary announcements so no time wasted , a choir which was one of the biggest and the best , smart turn out by Prefects and pupils , a flag party which started things off on the right note , Super Admin arrangements , cleanliness and hygienic surroundings , a dance which once again was stupendous , good discipline , good snacks and dinner . The award ceremony also went off so smoothly .
All staff were on duty and carried it out to perfection before , during and after the function .
Great leadership displayed

I was Analysing reasons for the success of the 2 Prize days at our school in Dubai and here is what I have come up with . It is not rocket science by any stretch of imagination but a simple mantra for success
Think about what you want to do and formulate a concrete plan well in advance .
Get hold of the right people . This is of paramount importance .
Share your plan with them and see what they feel . Be open to new ideas .
Look at how much you want to spend and make that clear .
Put the tentative plan down in writing so everyone is clear and there are no unrealistic demands or expectations
Meet with the key people regularly and measure progress .
Delegate .Delegate - DELEGATE
TRUST your own judgement .
Learn to be a jack of all trades . In the present day and age it is a must .
Encourage people and give them confidence .
Be critical to a point .
Never praise too much till the final day but don't put anyone down either
Don't accept anything but the best . If you don't like something or the way it is shaping up say it openly . There is no point beating round the bush.
Have a number of premotems.
Very little sense of a big postmortem after the function has flopped .
Don't leave anything to chance .
Give the most important jobs to the best people at your disposal .
Get more people/  new employees / involved - to learn,  as part of a team .
Be well on time . Rushing in late is stressful if you have a key role to play .
Thank people for a job well done .
These are some of my key  principles and they have never failed me .
We were witness to two amazing prize days .
Super decor , great ambience ,  good foyer and quadrangle displays , appropriate PPT., no unnecessary announcements so no time wasted , a choir which was one of the biggest and the best , smart turn out by Prefects and pupils , a flag party which started things off on the right note , Super Admin arrangements , cleanliness and hygienic surroundings , a dance which once again was stupendous , good discipline , good snacks and dinner . The award ceremony also went off so smoothly .
All staff were on duty and carried it out to perfection before , during and after the function .
Great leadership displayed

Monday, 21 March 2016


This day will not come again – so make the best of it – every second- every minute – every hour .
Spread good will
Smile and be happy .
Learn something new
Read – a book- an article – anything that stimulates the thought process ...
Be helpful
Say a kind word
Do not talk ill of anyone
Try and make someone’s day special
Plan ahead but live in the present .
Try and learn from your mistakes but don’t dwell on them
Work on removing negativity from your life
Be thankful for what you have
Think of those of have much less than you and try and help them
Be generous in thought , word and deed
Say a silent prayer whenever you can – its calming .
Be determined to have a good day .
Send out positives vibes into the universe – they will come back to you threefold

Hope this makes some sense !!


This day will not come again – so make the best of it – every second- every minute – every hour .
Spread good will
Smile and be happy .
Learn something new
Read – a book- an article – anything that stimulates the thought process ...
Be helpful
Say a kind word
Do not talk ill of anyone
Try and make someone’s day special
Plan ahead but live in the present .
Try and learn from your mistakes but don’t dwell on them
Work on removing negativity from your life
Be thankful for what you have
Think of those of have much less than you and try and help them
Be generous in thought , word and deed
Say a silent prayer whenever you can – its calming .
Be determined to have a good day .
Send out positives vibes into the universe – they will come back to you threefold

Hope this makes some sense !!

Friday, 26 February 2016

An addition to the family

" Can you hear someone in the hallroom? "
" No I can't " , I replied - pulling the cover over my head and turning over . -
Wife " Sounds like there is a cat in the house - go and check "
Me'' Go chase it out yourself - your fault for leaving the window open "
And then the fight almost started - but then I am the peaceful sort of guy .......!!
For goodness sake it was 11 pm and I had work the next day. However I got up - the "HE MAN" - ready to kill the cat - or to put it in the correct perspective- chase it out !
I walk towards the hall, conjuring up images of a large fierce cat with large glowing eyes - tail waving in anger .
" Be careful you dont get scratched " says the voice from inside .
" Uff - let it be", I reply .
I look around ........
There- beaming- stands my daughter , pointing to the sofa .
I rub my eyes- I can't see a thing among the cream cushions . There is a pregnant silence .
Then I see it - a little ball of cream fluff - a kitten- it was snuggled up and staring at me - almost defiantly .
Do I chase it out , do I scream , do I kill it ?. I had promised to do all this and more every time the topic had been broached in the past .
Now here I was and it was a time of reckoning - We stared at each other ( the kitten and me )
Then I made a move - I went forward , picked it up and kissed it .
"Her name is Rachel " Says my daughter
" What ?? " say I
" No it's not - its Kittu - maybe lets call it baby or munchkins, or Little one " Say I
Why was I even discussing a name when we were not keeping it in the first place?
" There is the litter box- This is her living box - this is her food - her plate - her covering - she will sleep here " says my daughter .
The wife enters the room . She smiles at the kitten .
" Did I just see the ktten smile back ?"
All three exchange knowing glances and I am the odd one out .
Over and out - I am off to bed .
" Dont make any plans " I try and sound as aggressive as possible
There is a little whining then silence . All three were obviously happy I had left the scene
I wake early and go in search of the kittten .
She is awake and she looks imploringly at me almost willing me to pick her up and hug her .
My heart melts .
OMG - I am falling in love with her .
She comes running to me - mewing .
" Come to dada " , I say and pick her up .
"Dada" ?? What the hell is wrong wth me . I am supposed to be getting rid of this little creature . That was the plan . I put her down and give her some food and sit there while she first sniffs at it for a few moments and then begins eating .
Six days have gone by and it's still here .
I play with it daily- many times a day . It likes me and crouches every time I look and try and scare it . It seems to like rough play . It nibbles on my fingers and toes .
I say bye when leaving for work and she is the first thing I look for when I return .
Today I lay on the carpet and it was all over me and we played and we had fun. I certainly did .
I feel relaxed and very amused .
While I key in these memories she is on my lap- cuddled up and fast asleep.
I guess we have a pet and YES we are going to keep it .
Michael Guzder

An addition to the family

" Can you hear someone in the hallroom? "
" No I can't " , I replied - pulling the cover over my head and turning over . -
Wife " Sounds like there is a cat in the house - go and check "
Me'' Go chase it out yourself - your fault for leaving the window open "
And then the fight almost started - but then I am the peaceful sort of guy .......!!
For goodness sake it was 11 pm and I had work the next day. However I got up - the "HE MAN" - ready to kill the cat - or to put it in the correct perspective- chase it out !
I walk towards the hall, conjuring up images of a large fierce cat with large glowing eyes - tail waving in anger .
" Be careful you dont get scratched " says the voice from inside .
" Uff - let it be", I reply .
I look around ........
There- beaming- stands my daughter , pointing to the sofa .
I rub my eyes- I can't see a thing among the cream cushions . There is a pregnant silence .
Then I see it - a little ball of cream fluff - a kitten- it was snuggled up and staring at me - almost defiantly .
Do I chase it out , do I scream , do I kill it ?. I had promised to do all this and more every time the topic had been broached in the past .
Now here I was and it was a time of reckoning - We stared at each other ( the kitten and me )
Then I made a move - I went forward , picked it up and kissed it .
"Her name is Rachel " Says my daughter
" What ?? " say I
" No it's not - its Kittu - maybe lets call it baby or munchkins, or Little one " Say I
Why was I even discussing a name when we were not keeping it in the first place?
" There is the litter box- This is her living box - this is her food - her plate - her covering - she will sleep here " says my daughter .
The wife enters the room . She smiles at the kitten .
" Did I just see the ktten smile back ?"
All three exchange knowing glances and I am the odd one out .
Over and out - I am off to bed .
" Dont make any plans " I try and sound as aggressive as possible
There is a little whining then silence . All three were obviously happy I had left the scene
I wake early and go in search of the kittten .
She is awake and she looks imploringly at me almost willing me to pick her up and hug her .
My heart melts .
OMG - I am falling in love with her .
She comes running to me - mewing .
" Come to dada " , I say and pick her up .
"Dada" ?? What the hell is wrong wth me . I am supposed to be getting rid of this little creature . That was the plan . I put her down and give her some food and sit there while she first sniffs at it for a few moments and then begins eating .
Six days have gone by and it's still here .
I play with it daily- many times a day . It likes me and crouches every time I look and try and scare it . It seems to like rough play . It nibbles on my fingers and toes .
I say bye when leaving for work and she is the first thing I look for when I return .
Today I lay on the carpet and it was all over me and we played and we had fun. I certainly did .
I feel relaxed and very amused .
While I key in these memories she is on my lap- cuddled up and fast asleep.
I guess we have a pet and YES we are going to keep it .
Michael Guzder

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Dhobis in Allahabad - India

Where have the dhobis gone ? Are they still there in Allahabad? What about in the large cities ? Have dry cleaners and laundrys put them out of business . Have they joined the bandwagon and gone hi tech ? Am not too sure .

However I have memories of the 50's and the 60's in Allahabad - my home town .

As a young boy in Allahabd I have vivid memories of our dhobi and his family. They lived just about 25 meters away in a small little hut adjoining the railway colony . It was a large family in one small room . In the verandah was a large wooden ironing table with a large heavy iron on a pice of stone - always hot - always ready to be used . It was a coal iron mind you and it weighed a ton . The table often had one leg or part of it replaced with bricks . It was old - probably a throw away which he had repaired for use .

Every Saturday morning the dhobi would be at the door to take the 'Jugan'- for the uninitiated, that means - the soiled clothes .

He would first open the bundle of clothes he had taken the previous week and the clean , starched and ironed items were counted and ticked . It was procedurial I must say !

The soiled clothes were piled before him on the ground and he first made them into piles - all the sheets together , then the pllow cases, the counterpanes , trousers, shirts, dresses etc.

Then he lifted each garment up in the air in clear view and counted out loud while my mother or aunt noted details in the Dhobi Register !( It was believed that dhobis stole clothes while counting )

He then did a 'total' count while the ladies of the house did their check . At times he was made to recount as well ( embarassing I must say when I think of it now )

A large sheet was then taken - the dirty clothes put in and with one or two deft moves a knot was tied- there was a big salam and he was off to the next door neighbour's house to repeat the ritual.

Mid way through all this he was given a mug of tea .

Meanwhile the clean clothes he had brought were being put away after being checked for stains or tears . Dhobis were famous for tearing or destroying clothes and money was cut from his bill if that happened . He had no other option but to agree to the cut- there was no system and no fixed predecided amount - it was done on a whim of the Memsaheb . He haggled, he pleaded , he said that it was not his fault - it was an old garment . No - the ladies were judge , jury and hangman ( or hang women ) Their word was law .

Often I was instructed to put away the clothes while they kept an ey on him or vice versa . ( embarassing again ) . The poor guy was no thief but nevertheless he had to be watched and so watched he was .

A few things which I often mulled over .

The winters of Allahabad are horrible - the temperature goes down to absurd numbers and its biting cold in December and January . You have to be in Allahabad or from Allahabad to understand the wind chill factor . It may be 8 degress but it feels like zero !

You also have the Nahan ( bathing days) when its damp, cloudy and even more cold . People huddle around fires , schools are closed , the sun is never seen . Shops open at 11 am . It only get bright by about 8 am and then its dull and depressing all day - the night comes early- its often dark by 5 pm . Shops close early and everyone rushes home . Its bad weather - thats is the only topic .

Hot tea and snacks are the order of the day and the men spend more time tippling - it's a good excuse you see . Goverment officials like the winter . They spend a major portion of the day drinking tea or standing in the sun and rubbing their palms together .

A few fitness fanatics can be seen going for their morning walk at 6 am- its pitch black outside and they are all covered up - looking like mountineers about to set off to scale Everest - need I say more . Brave men and some brave women .

Amidst this mayhem the dhobi is instructed very matter of factly to bring the clothes ON TIME . He is warned - NOT TO BLAME THE WEATHER !

So come what may - while the city freezes, and everyone curses the weather Gods , the poor guy is on his cylce and off to the dhobi ghat about 5 km away ( from our house ). This is almost a daily ritual which begins well before the sun rises .

The clothes are banged and brushed and rinsed and spread out on endles lines of rope. When there is no more place on the rope the larger garments are spread on the dew covered grass . Many dhobis vie for a washing bin and for drying space .

Mind you - no washing machines in those days , no sun either !

Was that not some sort of a miracle ?- How in heaven's name did those clothes dry . Where did he summon the will power from to get the job done ? Dignity of labour indeed . It was a dirty job .

Wash clothes at home and your hands are frozen over before you can say the word DHOBI . Then put them out and they take 3 days to dry if your lucky . Leave them out after 4 pm and they are soaking wet again due to the dew .

The dhobi however , after spending hours washing and drying the clothes had to cycle back with the semi dried clothes . He then proceeded to iron them till late in the night . Each dhobi serviced almost a full colony comprising about 100 families .

However come Saturday and without fail , the dhobi would be at the door - smiling - with the Jugan .

You could also take clothes for ironing at any time during the day - whether he was awake or sleeping , eating or bathing , either he or someone in the family would come and iron your clothes for you - no arguement , no excuse, no delay .

I must add that the amounts charged even in those days and by those standards was minimal . Everytime he asked for an increase he was told that it was being looked into . Not sure when he got it !

The dhobi was like an intrinsic part time of the family - he came - he stayed for a while and he left . No one could do without him .

Dhobis of India - where ever you are - I SALUTE YOU