
Saturday, 13 March 2021

Not the ordinary flu

 Covid is not just an 'ordinary flu ' It's not only' others' who will get it - any of us can. It cares not for rich or poor, religion, caste, creed or nationality . By taking your vitamins and booster meals and exercising you do not become immune . You can be 20, 40 or 80 and still get infected. Your gender is of no consequence. By staying indoors you are a trifle safer but still not immune . Finally, by taking the vaccine you won't die, catch the disease, get crippled, become a vegetable or start talking another language . It's just another layer of protection till the so called herd immunity kicks in. Forget about efficacy, make and how strong you think you are . Covid mocks such silly stuff. Use common sense, a little intelligence and protect yourself and your loved ones. Do not fall prey to rumour mongering or conspiracy theorists. Lastly , if you are frightened or apprehensive for any reason , keep that within your four walls. That is your right and no one can take it from you. Spreading negativity however is wrong and utterly toxic. It does no good for anyone so refraining from doing so is good for society at large.

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