
Friday, 26 March 2021

The naysayers say ' it's just the flu'


When I first heard about it – I was confused.

Just like everyone else

The questions were the obvious.

Was this for real? A virus? Dangerous?

Life threatening? Merciless?

No respect for gender, colour or economic status?

And the naysayers asked, ‘what virus’?


Then it was classified as a pandemic

And things started looking gloomy.

And appreciably, more serious than before  

Schools, businesses, colleges, shops, and malls

Mosques, churches, temples and gurudwaras

Downed shutters

This was going to be a long haul

 Entire countries went into lockdown too.

Masks, gloves and sanitisers ruled.

Economies shrunk, many starved.

And the media went berserk.

And the naysayers said, ‘how stupid can they be’!


As mankind huddled in fear

the disciples of Nostradamus

Scoffed as they always do,

Citing scripture

While predicting the end of the world.


Everyone had a question on their lips.

What next? Why our generation? How do we get over this?

How long will it last?

What of the job market?

Will we survive the onslaught of this tiny mite

Which had brought us to our knees?

And the naysayers said

 ‘Wear masks? No not me’!


Hospitals were overflowing.

And the dead were being hurriedly.

Disposed of, buried or cremated.


While some Governments, the world over. went into panic mode.

Others were systematic & action oriented.

Those slow to react bore the brunt of the onslaught

And Covid feasted on their entrails.

They showed high up on the infected tally.


The world over - tens of thousands got infected.

Plus, some more  

And people started dying like flies.

With no one there to bid them goodbye.

Then the naysayers

in their infinite wisdom

Said ‘You all are mad – you are overreacting.

This is so absurd.

This is just the common flu.

It is much ado about nothing’


Fast forward – the silver lining began to appear.

Vaccines were developed at speeds unbelievable.

Salvation was round the corner

And the neigh Sayers surfaced again.

They said it was impossible.

For a vaccine to be developed so soon

This was a conspiracy to control the world.

And eliminate half of the population.


Then people began getting vaccinated

And a semblance of sanity has returned.


The process continues today.

It is measured, it is staggering - but our tormented world

Is moving forward- slowly but surely.

One painfully moderate step at a time


Some semblances of normalcy has definitely returned

As we go about our daily business.


This pandemic has entered our bodies.

And toyed with our minds.

And yes, it’s scary, it’s depressing, it’s real

The intelligent are still nervous.

Masks and social distancing are going to be

Very much a part of our lives

At least for some time

There are mutants galore.

And the danger is not yet over.

Those vaccinated, are still being infected.

Albeit mildly.

But the terrifying thought still haunts us.

Will Covid rear its ugly head in another form yet again

Tearing families asunder?

It’s happening – it’s still out there- it’s no secret.

And the naysayers

Oh, those ignorant naysayers.

Still say,

‘’ You are crazy – it’s just the flu’



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