
Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Teach your kids

 Teach you kids.....

That earthworms don't bite

And butterflies don't sting.

That gekos are timid

And many birds sing.

That gardening

 is a great way to pass time 

And walking barefoot is fun

That staying indoors is unhealthy 

 And plenty can be gained

From playing in the sun.

That reading books

 is not outdated

And board games 

Teach us more than we imagine.

That music is a stress buster

And playing an instrument 

Is a great add on to a CV.

That cuts, bruises and scrapes 

Are part of growing up

And very normal 

And that arguments and disagreements

Are not wars

 and cause no permanent scars.

That it's okay to lose

And no disgrace to place second or third.

That winning is great

But being defeated is a learning experience too.

Teach them these and more

And teach them well.

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