So it’s the 16th December 2018.
Nine days to go for Christmas and there is excitement in the air.
Thanks to Facebook , Messenger, WhatsApp and the like , many of us have been receiving our FIRST CHRISTMAS CARD , OUR FIRST CHRISTMAS TREE , OUR FIRST SANTA , OUR FIRST SNOWMAN over and over again from the 1st December onwards . Not to mention being HIT by the FIRST VIRTUAL SNOW BALL .
Nice – thank you - but a bit too much and over the top at times .
Cakes and cookies, wine and chocolates are being made , Turkeys ordered and then there is that wild clamour to purchase gifts in the malls . More often than not there are the usual end of year sales where everyone ends up buying stuff they do not need in the first place .
Christmas Trees went up during the first week of December and those who could not find last year’s decorations, as they had been put away safely and now can’t be found , went out and bought new ones – only to find the old ones in perfectly good condition a few days later !
Then there are the curtains and the cushions- the new crockery and the crystal glasses kept for those special occasions .
Not to forget the urgent requirement for new clothes and shoes which suddenly become a necessity despite the cupboard already being stocked with recent purchases .
If you are a lady , then this is a time consuming operation . Many shops are visited and bored, tired looking salesmen can be seen putting back dozens of pairs of shoes , folding meters of material and putting clothes back on hangers – obviously someone looked and walked on to the next shop where the same exercise was repeated .
Most gentlemen are adept at quick shopping and are less fussy than their female counterparts . They know what they want – go in and get it and the job is over and done with before you can say Ho Ho Ho !
Remember I said MOST . I know of many fusspots who spend ages and are somehow never satisfied with the goods on offer . These are the bespoke guys who take pride in giving measurements and going for umpteen trials- good for you .
Schools are closed now and the children are suddenly in everyone’s way – wanting to eat meals at odd times , itching to go out , asking for gifts , begging to be taken to the park .
All in all it’s a season of fun – friends to catch up with , time to travel if you so desire , great weather , plenty to eat and not to forget – WEIGHT TO GAIN !
And by the way for those Christians like me – let’s not forget to keep the CHRIST in Christmas.
Be kind to one another !